
☎️The Lucid Dreaming Hotline?

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On 1/21/2021 at 6:50 PM, seeking_brilliance said:

Take a look at my now abandoned website for lucid dream goals. Every week we would vote on a dream goal to accomplish, and half the battle is remembering to do it once you're lucid.  I'd love to get it up and running again, but I will either switch to bi-monthly voting or just once a month. It became too much work to keep up the weekly voting, especially after returning to work from covid shut down where this website was born.

Nice Initiative. Keep it up. 

Me & My World is the imagination of The Nothing. 

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On 1/21/2021 at 6:00 PM, seeking_brilliance said:

but went to writing them down on my screen with astral hands.

Which Screen? Mobile Screen? Astral hands? What do you mean? How?

Did you not get up from the bed and went to another room and took your diary or phone and start writing down there?

On 1/21/2021 at 6:00 PM, seeking_brilliance said:


What does mean by VELO?

On 1/21/2021 at 6:00 PM, seeking_brilliance said:


What is THC?

On 1/21/2021 at 6:00 PM, seeking_brilliance said:

suddenly I see my husband get up out of bed to leave the bedroom

What? Are you a Female?

On 1/21/2021 at 6:00 PM, seeking_brilliance said:

bilocation adventures

Now, What is Bilocation?

On 1/21/2021 at 6:00 PM, seeking_brilliance said:

I could separate, and suddenly I see my husband get up out of bed to leave the bedroom (I have no idea if it's really happening, but I try this anyway) I ask him to come over and pull me out.  So he comes over to my side of the bed (definitely a dream, he would never do this) and is grabbing around my legs.  He pulls me out and I get up into the bay window and melt through and go out into the cul-de-sac just like I do in my bilocation adventures. 

I walk amongst the houses of my neighbourhood at night, and as usual I'm a weirdo and want to go in some of the houses and see what's going on. (don't ask) I completely forgot my goal of visiting my mind palace in a  vivid lucid dream, or of meeting Sam so I could get a visual of his appearance. 

I hear people talking loudly from one house so I go up to it, but I don't go inside. At this point I'm slipping more and more into a dream, I should have rubbed my hands together and kept reminding myself I was dreaming. 

I hear much louder on the street over, so I fly over there and find a room and board building for college kids. Now that seemed fun so I go investigate that place and once inside I've definitely slipped into a non lucid dream.

Congrats on the success.

Me & My World is the imagination of The Nothing. 

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5 hours ago, Muhammad Jawad said:

Which Screen? Mobile Screen? Astral hands? What do you mean? How?

Did you not get up from the bed and went to another room and took your diary or phone and start writing down there?

Ah, sorry, I just mean the 'screen' on my closed eyelids. Although! Your Intuition is correct and if you want to imagine grabbing your mobile phone or a notebook, you could write the numbers there with astral hands

5 hours ago, Muhammad Jawad said:

What does mean by VELO?

It's a technique of sending energy from crown to toes, up and down up and down in oscillating waves. 


5 hours ago, Muhammad Jawad said:

What is THC?


5 hours ago, Muhammad Jawad said:

What? Are you a Female?

Nope :) American. 


This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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