
☎️The Lucid Dreaming Hotline?

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1 hour ago, seeking_brilliance said:

@Michal__ @Muhammad Jawad @SirVladimir

Successfully left my body last night. 

Had to get up to let dogs out, I was sooo groggy. But when I laid back down I was like fine-- I'll try the two methods I've been preaching. I started with counting up to fifty. At first I was just visualising the numbers but went to writing them down on my screen with astral hands. Somewhere in the forties I lost count so I switched to VELO. I'm not good at VELO really, I can only move the energy real slow and sluggish without some THC in my immediate system, but it's something I work on about once a day. 

Just like @Michal__ I was now finding it hard to go back to sleep. So now I switch it up and decide to just 'listen/pray with my heart' which was the advice my astral friend Sam told me to do. He said it's a 'loving letting' , not so much an action.  

Finally I find myself groggy again and have rolled onto my side. I get to that buzzing space where I know I could separate, and suddenly I see my husband get up out of bed to leave the bedroom (I have no idea if it's really happening, but I try this anyway) I ask him to come over and pull me out.  So he comes over to my side of the bed (definitely a dream, he would never do this) and is grabbing around my legs.  He pulls me out and I get up into the bay window and melt through and go out into the cul-de-sac just like I do in my bilocation adventures. 

I walk amongst the houses of my neighbourhood at night, and as usual I'm a weirdo and want to go in some of the houses and see what's going on. (don't ask) I completely forgot my goal of visiting my mind palace in a  vivid lucid dream, or of meeting Sam so I could get a visual of his appearance. 

I hear people talking loudly from one house so I go up to it, but I don't go inside. At this point I'm slipping more and more into a dream, I should have rubbed my hands together and kept reminding myself I was dreaming. 

I hear much louder on the street over, so I fly over there and find a room and board building for college kids. Now that seemed fun so I go investigate that place and once inside I've definitely slipped into a non lucid dream. 


1 hour ago, seeking_brilliance said:
15 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

Phone bug

Good job. 

Wait, you developed bilocation? Like with split vision and all? 

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@Michal__ I use the term loosely ? but in a way, yes I consider it split vision, being aware of the body environment and the astral dream at the same time - - 



This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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Tried counting to 100, didn't even get to 70.

I visualized every number. By the time I reached 60, my mind was too scrambled and warped and couldn't stay awake anymore. I couldn't even remember what number I was at. Quite fascinating, really. I sense a lot of potential in this technique.

Edited by SirVladimir

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3 hours ago, SirVladimir said:

Tried counting to 100, didn't even get to 70.

I visualized every number. By the time I reached 60, my mind was too scrambled and warped and couldn't stay awake anymore. I couldn't even remember what number I was at. Quite fascinating, really. I sense a lot of potential in this technique.

This is one of the best memory practices one can do, and so simple. If you can keep track of counting while getting groggier and sleepy, you could probably rule the universe. 


This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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This was shared by a friend on my Facebook page. It's a very intimate experience for him and he's seeking understanding of what this could be. I know it's long but it's very fascinating.  To me it sounds like a kundalini head'splosion, but would like to get other's ideas. 


@electroBeam @GreenWoods

@Spiral Wizard @Nahm @Keyhole 

Please tag in anyone else you think might have some insight

@Muhammad Jawad @ivankiss

I thought yall might be interested, at the very bottom he describes dying from this (or something) and slipping into an alternate reality. 


(from RH) 

My first personal experience with spontaneous astral projection and a description of the only 'real' method or secret (that I know from experience) for inducing the soul consciously out of the body:

The truth (for me) of leaving the body has less to do with psychology than it does physiology.

The key or real secret is in activating a dormant capability of the brain. 

What I call "surges"

I was young (7or8) when I first started getting "surges" 

Over time I was eventually forced to experience what they can do, and even later I discovered how they can be induced or willed.

This is something that only happens when completely awake.

You are not sleeping, going to sleep, waking up from sleep, or in a dream state of mind.

The sensation of a surge feels natural and unnatural at the same time; like a strange reflex, experienced as a dense concentration of energy suddenly splashing out of the center of your brain, washing over you like a bucket of lightning spilling down your body. 

A sudden jolt of intensity, a powerful pulse, a surge of sharp and strong "energy" (for lack of a better word) is sent out of what feels like the very center of your brain.

The location of where it emanates from is important and significant because a surge always comes from the same location.

Always from the exact spot of what feels like the very center of your brain.

The closest thing in comparison to the experience of what a surge feels like at the moment it comes out, is the 'push out' feeling of making your ears pop but incredibly more intense.

A harsh but not hurtful energy comes from a single point like a fountainhead spewing out from inside your brain down thru your whole body.

Concentrated and dense yet dynamic and wave-like.

It's overpowering feeling is strangely perceptible and various in how its experienced moving through you.

A surge sharpens your awareness as it flows through your entire body.

After coming out of your head like a tsunami pushed thru a  pinhole; it spreads out to the body's width rushing down with the same intensity, until being shot out like lightning from your toes.

I had no idea what was happening, their occurrence is so physical that it would be almost impossible to guess it to be a mechanism for transdimensional soul travel....

They (surges) seemingly have nothing whatsoever to do with anything.  

 I truly believed I had a brain malady. 

It was terrible for me at first,  growing up totally innocent of it around those totally ignorant of it. 

They didn't happen often but they wouldn't go away, they kept coming back.

Because of how physical the experience is you cannot convince yourself that it isn't real.

You are unable to deny that something major is going on. 

To actually feel the brain do something is an extremely unique sensation. 

(you learn to induce surges, which is how I project, but mainly their arrival depends upon the currency of the soul which facilitates the activation of this dormant capability of the brain)

And until you discover what they are used for, it is impossible not to think of them as something wrong with your brain.

Obviously, as a child I kept this to myself (maybe if I don't tell anyone it will just go away, kind of kid logic) fearing I had a brain tumor or something, I didn't know (and still don't) what they are.

Usually when they come without warning or intent, I get one or just a few, and the interval of time between them is slow (USUALLY).

And for awhile they went away. 

Long enough to be forgotten and buried with other childhood conundrums.

Until when I was a teenager, they came back with a vengeance on steroids.
It was like remembering you have a deadly inescapable disease.

Now worse and happening often, with greater ferocity, and shorter intervals between each occasion.

Also the total amount of surges experienced from every episode increased (going from 1-2 as a kid, to 10-15 as a teenager)

Over time I became aware that what I was doing or thinking had some effect over controlling them.

Inadvertently, I discovered that when I was clam, thoughtless, mindful, or had awareness focused on the present moment, made it worse! 

By ether inducing one to happen or shortening the amount of time between each surge.

This was starting to get old fast and being totally ignorant of something that I knew was real but could not control and was being forced to experience, just pissed the puberty in me off.

Until finally in the middle of one such instance,(important to remember I am always wide awake) I couldn't stand it anymore, had enough.

This anger reacted by no longer using fear as a shield, and for the 1st moment I stopped being afraid.

I stopped being terrified and resolved in my heart the courage to find out what this really was.

Almost immediately after I embraced the experience they began happening faster and faster until there was no pause between them and it became constant.

It felt like every atom in my body was being electrocuted to the vibration of the same frequency.


A feeling of being pushed thru a threshold or passing thru a barrier is felt.

The feeling of moving out of the body into another dimension of reality is a transference of condition. 

Like liquid water becoming steam--your condition changes, you do not.

The reality of leaving your body while awake is unbearably powerful and undeniably valid.

I found myself undergoing a sensation of incredible if someone pushed my back with tremendous force I was shot forward in a front flip motion.

Halfway thru the inertia suddenly subsided as my belly faced the floor, however, instead of falling to the ground I hovered in place.

The sensation of floating is strange because at first, it's experienced not as floating, but as not falling.

As an absence of gravity.

Everything appeared grey and there was a curious grid-like inlay of semi-transparent black dots, that seemed to be over my eyes, or on top of my vision, instead of out in the environment.

That first time, oddly enough, was the only time I ever saw those black dots. 

The absence of color changed after the second time.

My immediate reaction to this most unusual experience was not shock, bewilderment, or confusion, but fear...

The obviousness of the experience is such that the truth of its reality becomes immediately incontrovertible. 

There is no doubt to the fact of what is occurring, inexorably your awareness is made to realize the absence of any need for deliberation.

My "soul" was now literally floating outside of my body.

The only prior information I had about life beyond the body or the souls separation from it was Death.

Because the way in which the experience   takes place and the severity of its absolute validation, at that moment
(I had always assumed the surges could of been a brain aneurysm or tumor)I knew I was dying.

After all what I was experiencing as reality, unquestionably was similar to reports of death.

After living a life that rarely considered the soul beyond anything but a fable, suddenly the certainty of its existence filled me with apprehension for what came next.

This was BEYOND scary, and though I am a good person I never believed and was not ready to die or face the prospect of finding out that hell was also real.

So I went full on He-Man, mustering all the life I had and fighting with everything to force this (my soul) back into the safety of my body.

I discovered a type of reflex that snaps you back into your body.

But as soon as I would get back into my body, I would be immediately ripped out again.

Which seemed to only confirm that I was in fact dying.

This continued over and over, until my stubbornness subsided and the futility of my fight became apparent. 

This was not going to end in my favor. 

After giving everything I had to the effort of something that would not be denied.

I finally accepted my death, which is itself a monumental life-achievement

During the in-and-out battle for my body, I noticed the feeling of being pulled, like a river current directing me towards a wall.

When I project it is much like what astronauts describe floating in space to be like.
I have no control over direction and there is no gravity.

There is also always the presence of a "current" that directs and moves me along and commands where I travel.

This 'current' is always present when I project and whose control and infulence over where I travel is absolute.

I noticed I was being moved consistently in the same direction, right over into a wall.

As I got closer the current didn't subside, expecting to hit the wall I put my arms over my face and braced for impact but instead went straight through it into the living room, where i saw my brothers cat laying down on the couch.

As weird as this all sounds, I can honestly swear on everything holy, the cat looked up directly at me, seemed to see me, hissed and ran-away.

Right after as if by design I was snapped back and stayed in my body.

It is of fundamental importance to clarify once again...this is something that happens while you are awake and fully conscious!

It cannot be overstated how non-dreamlike both the experience and environment are, its reality is beyond apparent

You are Not asleep or in sleep paralysis!

It is a lucid experience with a normal awake state of mind that is as far from sleep as caffeine.

The fear and panic of the first time was the result of being a child and experiencing 1st hand a crash course in the reality of the soul beyond the body but from the perspective of dying and being unable to deny the reality of the experience.

Now seems like a prelude to how strange the truth would become.

The too strange to be said tendency of ending a projection using the back to the body reflex, coming back to the physical but finding  myself in the wrong reality... 
a alternate from slightly to vastly different physical world and I am stuck there, for various periods of time (from a moment to an entire year)

I call it "slipping" 

The astral is a doorway to all places and all times, a door that is itself a place unto itself.

To experience just how real these encounters are, coupled with the feeling of total isolation and knowing that if I project...
Whether it is random, accidental, or a product of my ignorance regarding the skill of this phenomenon there was a chance that I will come back to an alternate physical reality.

Stuck and stupefied, the most over-real experience of all!

To be a genuine exile from another universe and experience this truth...without being imaginative or psychologically delusional .

When it happens I am there day in day out, it puts you into a state of shock, being stuck in the experience, unable to believe or deny... and unable to get home for indefinite and arbitrary periods of time. 

I have searched for others like myself.
I am unable to NOT devote my life towards thses truths however, the solitude is tremendous, the rarefied recognition of higher rapture is to be in the isolation of Truth and thus I reach out to you.

"Any truth kept silent too long becomes poison"



Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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People say that you cannot do certain things in a dream like turning on the light or like reading a writing and so on, but I experienced some of them in my dreams pretty well. 

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29 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

This was shared by a friend on my Facebook page. It's a very intimate experience for him and he's seeking understanding of what this could be. I know it's long but it's very fascinating.  To me it sounds like a kundalini head'splosion, but would like to get other's ideas. 


@electroBeam @GreenWoods

@Spiral Wizard @Nahm @Keyhole 

Please tag in anyone else you think might have some insight



(from RH) 

My first personal experience with spontaneous astral projection and a description of the only 'real' method or secret (that I know from experience) for inducing the soul consciously out of the body:

The truth (for me) of leaving the body has less to do with psychology than it does physiology.

The key or real secret is in activating a dormant capability of the brain. 

What I call "surges"

I was young (7or8) when I first started getting "surges" 

Over time I was eventually forced to experience what they can do, and even later I discovered how they can be induced or willed.

This is something that only happens when completely awake.

You are not sleeping, going to sleep, waking up from sleep, or in a dream state of mind.

The sensation of a surge feels natural and unnatural at the same time; like a strange reflex, experienced as a dense concentration of energy suddenly splashing out of the center of your brain, washing over you like a bucket of lightning spilling down your body. 

A sudden jolt of intensity, a powerful pulse, a surge of sharp and strong "energy" (for lack of a better word) is sent out of what feels like the very center of your brain.

The location of where it emanates from is important and significant because a surge always comes from the same location.

Always from the exact spot of what feels like the very center of your brain.

The closest thing in comparison to the experience of what a surge feels like at the moment it comes out, is the 'push out' feeling of making your ears pop but incredibly more intense.

A harsh but not hurtful energy comes from a single point like a fountainhead spewing out from inside your brain down thru your whole body.

Concentrated and dense yet dynamic and wave-like.

It's overpowering feeling is strangely perceptible and various in how its experienced moving through you.

A surge sharpens your awareness as it flows through your entire body.

After coming out of your head like a tsunami pushed thru a  pinhole; it spreads out to the body's width rushing down with the same intensity, until being shot out like lightning from your toes.

I had no idea what was happening, their occurrence is so physical that it would be almost impossible to guess it to be a mechanism for transdimensional soul travel....

They (surges) seemingly have nothing whatsoever to do with anything.  

 I truly believed I had a brain malady. 

It was terrible for me at first,  growing up totally innocent of it around those totally ignorant of it. 

They didn't happen often but they wouldn't go away, they kept coming back.

Because of how physical the experience is you cannot convince yourself that it isn't real.

You are unable to deny that something major is going on. 

To actually feel the brain do something is an extremely unique sensation. 

(you learn to induce surges, which is how I project, but mainly their arrival depends upon the currency of the soul which facilitates the activation of this dormant capability of the brain)

And until you discover what they are used for, it is impossible not to think of them as something wrong with your brain.

Obviously, as a child I kept this to myself (maybe if I don't tell anyone it will just go away, kind of kid logic) fearing I had a brain tumor or something, I didn't know (and still don't) what they are.

Usually when they come without warning or intent, I get one or just a few, and the interval of time between them is slow (USUALLY).

And for awhile they went away. 

Long enough to be forgotten and buried with other childhood conundrums.

Until when I was a teenager, they came back with a vengeance on steroids.
It was like remembering you have a deadly inescapable disease.

Now worse and happening often, with greater ferocity, and shorter intervals between each occasion.

Also the total amount of surges experienced from every episode increased (going from 1-2 as a kid, to 10-15 as a teenager)

Over time I became aware that what I was doing or thinking had some effect over controlling them.

Inadvertently, I discovered that when I was clam, thoughtless, mindful, or had awareness focused on the present moment, made it worse! 

By ether inducing one to happen or shortening the amount of time between each surge.

This was starting to get old fast and being totally ignorant of something that I knew was real but could not control and was being forced to experience, just pissed the puberty in me off.

Until finally in the middle of one such instance,(important to remember I am always wide awake) I couldn't stand it anymore, had enough.

This anger reacted by no longer using fear as a shield, and for the 1st moment I stopped being afraid.

I stopped being terrified and resolved in my heart the courage to find out what this really was.

Almost immediately after I embraced the experience they began happening faster and faster until there was no pause between them and it became constant.

It felt like every atom in my body was being electrocuted to the vibration of the same frequency.


A feeling of being pushed thru a threshold or passing thru a barrier is felt.

The feeling of moving out of the body into another dimension of reality is a transference of condition. 

Like liquid water becoming steam--your condition changes, you do not.

The reality of leaving your body while awake is unbearably powerful and undeniably valid.

I found myself undergoing a sensation of incredible if someone pushed my back with tremendous force I was shot forward in a front flip motion.

Halfway thru the inertia suddenly subsided as my belly faced the floor, however, instead of falling to the ground I hovered in place.

The sensation of floating is strange because at first, it's experienced not as floating, but as not falling.

As an absence of gravity.

Everything appeared grey and there was a curious grid-like inlay of semi-transparent black dots, that seemed to be over my eyes, or on top of my vision, instead of out in the environment.

That first time, oddly enough, was the only time I ever saw those black dots. 

The absence of color changed after the second time.

My immediate reaction to this most unusual experience was not shock, bewilderment, or confusion, but fear...

The obviousness of the experience is such that the truth of its reality becomes immediately incontrovertible. 

There is no doubt to the fact of what is occurring, inexorably your awareness is made to realize the absence of any need for deliberation.

My "soul" was now literally floating outside of my body.

The only prior information I had about life beyond the body or the souls separation from it was Death.

Because the way in which the experience   takes place and the severity of its absolute validation, at that moment
(I had always assumed the surges could of been a brain aneurysm or tumor)I knew I was dying.

After all what I was experiencing as reality, unquestionably was similar to reports of death.

After living a life that rarely considered the soul beyond anything but a fable, suddenly the certainty of its existence filled me with apprehension for what came next.

This was BEYOND scary, and though I am a good person I never believed and was not ready to die or face the prospect of finding out that hell was also real.

So I went full on He-Man, mustering all the life I had and fighting with everything to force this (my soul) back into the safety of my body.

I discovered a type of reflex that snaps you back into your body.

But as soon as I would get back into my body, I would be immediately ripped out again.

Which seemed to only confirm that I was in fact dying.

This continued over and over, until my stubbornness subsided and the futility of my fight became apparent. 

This was not going to end in my favor. 

After giving everything I had to the effort of something that would not be denied.

I finally accepted my death, which is itself a monumental life-achievement

During the in-and-out battle for my body, I noticed the feeling of being pulled, like a river current directing me towards a wall.

When I project it is much like what astronauts describe floating in space to be like.
I have no control over direction and there is no gravity.

There is also always the presence of a "current" that directs and moves me along and commands where I travel.

This 'current' is always present when I project and whose control and infulence over where I travel is absolute.

I noticed I was being moved consistently in the same direction, right over into a wall.

As I got closer the current didn't subside, expecting to hit the wall I put my arms over my face and braced for impact but instead went straight through it into the living room, where i saw my brothers cat laying down on the couch.

As weird as this all sounds, I can honestly swear on everything holy, the cat looked up directly at me, seemed to see me, hissed and ran-away.

Right after as if by design I was snapped back and stayed in my body.

It is of fundamental importance to clarify once again...this is something that happens while you are awake and fully conscious!

It cannot be overstated how non-dreamlike both the experience and environment are, its reality is beyond apparent

You are Not asleep or in sleep paralysis!

It is a lucid experience with a normal awake state of mind that is as far from sleep as caffeine.

The fear and panic of the first time was the result of being a child and experiencing 1st hand a crash course in the reality of the soul beyond the body but from the perspective of dying and being unable to deny the reality of the experience.

Now seems like a prelude to how strange the truth would become.

The too strange to be said tendency of ending a projection using the back to the body reflex, coming back to the physical but finding  myself in the wrong reality... 
a alternate from slightly to vastly different physical world and I am stuck there, for various periods of time (from a moment to an entire year)

I call it "slipping" 

The astral is a doorway to all places and all times, a door that is itself a place unto itself.

To experience just how real these encounters are, coupled with the feeling of total isolation and knowing that if I project...
Whether it is random, accidental, or a product of my ignorance regarding the skill of this phenomenon there was a chance that I will come back to an alternate physical reality.

Stuck and stupefied, the most over-real experience of all!

To be a genuine exile from another universe and experience this truth...without being imaginative or psychologically delusional .

When it happens I am there day in day out, it puts you into a state of shock, being stuck in the experience, unable to believe or deny... and unable to get home for indefinite and arbitrary periods of time. 

I have searched for others like myself.
I am unable to NOT devote my life towards thses truths however, the solitude is tremendous, the rarefied recognition of higher rapture is to be in the isolation of Truth and thus I reach out to you.

"Any truth kept silent too long becomes poison"



That's insane lol.

Interesting how somehow his kundalini awakening began when he was still a child.

And yeah, it makes sense that awareness makes it more intense.

I hope he can learn to use it to his advantage.

Tbh I'm pretty sure if he went to a 10 day Vipassana retreat he would experience a cessation / first step of classical enlightenment, except with way more mystical phenomena than people normally experience. The catch is that it would obviously become even more intense than it's now.

I don't really know why he's experiencing way more of this kind of phenomena than even monks do, but there has to be a way to make it useful. 

And what he said about his cat doesn't sound strange at all, they truly do see this kind of stuff.

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On 23/01/2021 at 8:33 AM, Vibroverse said:

People say that you cannot do certain things in a dream like turning on the light or like reading a writing and so on, but I experienced some of them in my dreams pretty well. 

Yes, don't ever believe anything you hear. I bet this started countless years ago with one person not being able to switch on the lights and sharing that experience until it became ingrained in collective consciousness and now it's considered a 'truth' of dreaming. It's not, (except that ironically it also is) 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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57 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

I know it's long but it's very fascinating


(Subtly not adding to the rumination / thought attachment.)



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1 hour ago, Nahm said:


That's what she said? 



Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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13 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

@Michal__ so I talked to him a little bit... I also thought it screams kundalini, but he says he remembers very clearly there was no rising up through his spine. It only began right there in centre of head.  I'm curiously wondering if it's possible to be born with kundalini in top of head or if all that stuff is nonsense mumbo jumbo. 

The other thought I had was that he really had a brain tumor and died, but slipped into a reality where it was not a brain tumor but special ability. This would follow his and @ivankiss experiences of slipping into another reality. Of course, no way to verify. 

If chakras exist it might be just one chakra over active.

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On 23/01/2021 at 9:03 AM, Michal__ said:

If chakras exist it might be just one chakra over active.


Yeah, ultimately it's just a report of an experience and we can only make things up to explain /describe what happened.  But like I said to someone just a while ago, what we ruminate can start to manifest. (like the idea that you can't switch on the light switch in a dream.) Im willing to be a Guinea pig. If these surges were to manifest for me, they're welcome. 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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4 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:


Yeah, ultimately it's just a report of an experience and we can only make things up to explain /describe what happened.  But like I said to someone just a while ago, what we ruminate can start to manifest. (like the idea that you can't switch on the light switch in a dream.) Im willing to be a Guinea pig. 

You're probably talking about dream lights, but I've recently read someone changing stuff (light switch etc) in Astral Projection & affecting real life.

In Astral Projection Guidebook by Erin Pavlina.

And I agree that people should find out this kind of thing for themselves.

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Totally, totally hear you & can appreciate that very much. When all is said and done though, this believing of thoughts, the true nature, etc...rumination or not, I tell you once again in absolute truth, that indeed, that is what she said. 



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@Nahm agreed, I work hard (? hehe)  not to tell anyone what is ultimately, because I'll be the first to say I don't know shit. But if I know anything, it's that I enjoy astral projection.

Can't tell you what astral projection is , if anything,(is probably not) I just love it. Kinda like how I feel about you. 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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On 23/01/2021 at 11:09 PM, Nahm said:


It’s great, they described it in thorough detail already. It sounds like it was that. ?? 

Oh yeah, the report was genuinely authentic from the heart.  The wish for insights were all mine, just wanted to spark juicy conversation. (and yes I asked permission to share it)  

When I said there's alot of pretending here, it was a (not so) subtle confession to an addiction to pretending. I use it as an excuse for willed ignorance. ?‍♂️ Maybe I just like to get grounded by my imaginary peers from time to time. Maybe I like to ground myself. Maybe it just happens organically. 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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On 1/23/2021 at 5:58 PM, seeking_brilliance said:

I thought yall might be interested, at the very bottom he describes dying from this (or something) and slipping into an alternate reality. 

Wao. That was amazing. Thanks a lot for sharing. I wish that leaving the body at will was easy for us as well... :-)

Me & My World is the imagination of The Nothing. 

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