
☎️The Lucid Dreaming Hotline?

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Lucid drealing in a nutshell


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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15 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

Can you remind me what is the noting session?  Does this work well for you? 

You label what you hear/feel/see(including what you imagine/thoughts).

Leo has an interesting take on it but you don't really need a tutorial for it. "Mindfulness Meditation - A Complete Guide With Techniques & Examples".

It serves a similar purpose as ADA, except you can just do it WBTB-style if you don't like trying to stay aware during the day.

Unless your WBTB techniques depend on not getting out of bed this will increase LDs & APs since they very much depend on you being as aware as possible.

Yeah, I used this successfully a few times.

I don't like WBTB but when I use it I always do a noting session because it dramatically increases success.

The only problem with Leo's take on noting is that it can make you a bit too concentrated to fall asleep again.

Edited by Michal__

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@Michal__ thank you, I'll try doing this on a wbtb session. Don't you think it would also pair well with the 'don't move a muscle when you wake up' method?  I could label all the experiences and discomfort that's arising, not to mention all the hypnopompia. And the feeling of lying in a bed and the fan on skin. I've also heard of a method where you oscillate through the senses, like 20 seconds at a time deep focus on each one. Don't remember what that's good for, but might make a good addition.  

That being said, it's been hard to remember not to open eyes or move when waking up. Need to wake up more consciously. 


Ok yall, I saw an eye last night. I was practising for image streaming, and I always get the blue electric blob in the middle of vision (which I also call the tunnel), anytime my eyes are closed long enough. 

I noticed that I prefer to watch images with no light on my eyes, so instead of turning the lights off I just cupped my hands over them. But then during the session I decided to try without my hands over my eyes for like a minute or two, mainly because my hands were getting tired. The first time I did this I got a swastika shaped flower, brightelectric blue in colour, and it was kind of spinning very slowly. It faded quickly but I wondered if letting the light in for a minute somehow caused this. I did it again a little bit later and this time I saw the outline of a snowflake in the same thin electric blue lines, but it was only the right side of a geometric snowflake. The other side was not appearing. 

So then I did this again and when I put my hands back over my eyes there was the blue blob (the tunnel) but it was outlined by thin whitish lines. The more I took all that in, I noticed I was looking at a big eye. Almond shaped lids around the pupil, a brow line above that, and I could almost even make out some lashes.  It didn't move or anything, but I looked at it for at least ten seconds. I have this all recorded and thought about doing a image streaming diary but I'm already at half my attachment limit with all my paintings pictures. ?

Now I don't think it's anything important, just cool. It was like I had walked up to a gigantic painting and just got real up close to the eye.  It wasn't in full color besides the blue pupil, but the intuitive impression accompanying had some tonality to it, if any of that makes sense. 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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@seeking_brilliance hey expert,

I feel like recognising you're in a dream is a bit hard m8 because the sleeping state is not the waking state. You aint yourself when you're sleeping. Care to elaborate?

Edited by electroBeam

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15 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

@Michal__ thank you, I'll try doing this on a wbtb session. Don't you think it would also pair well with the 'don't move a muscle when you wake up' method?  I could label all the experiences and discomfort that's arising, not to mention all the hypnopompia. And the feeling of lying in a bed and the fan on skin. I've also heard of a method where you oscillate through the senses, like 20 seconds at a time deep focus on each one. Don't remember what that's good for, but might make a good addition.  

That being said, it's been hard to remember not to open eyes or move when waking up. Need to wake up more consciously. 


Ok yall, I saw an eye last night. I was practising for image streaming, and I always get the blue electric blob in the middle of vision (which I also call the tunnel), anytime my eyes are closed long enough. 

I noticed that I prefer to watch images with no light on my eyes, so instead of turning the lights off I just cupped my hands over them. But then during the session I decided to try without my hands over my eyes for like a minute or two, mainly because my hands were getting tired. The first time I did this I got a swastika shaped flower, brightelectric blue in colour, and it was kind of spinning very slowly. It faded quickly but I wondered if letting the light in for a minute somehow caused this. I did it again a little bit later and this time I saw the outline of a snowflake in the same thin electric blue lines, but it was only the right side of a geometric snowflake. The other side was not appearing. 

So then I did this again and when I put my hands back over my eyes there was the blue blob (the tunnel) but it was outlined by thin whitish lines. The more I took all that in, I noticed I was looking at a big eye. Almond shaped lids around the pupil, a brow line above that, and I could almost even make out some lashes.  It didn't move or anything, but I looked at it for at least ten seconds. I have this all recorded and thought about doing a image streaming diary but I'm already at half my attachment limit with all my paintings pictures. ?

Now I don't think it's anything important, just cool. It was like I had walked up to a gigantic painting and just got real up close to the eye.  It wasn't in full color besides the blue pupil, but the intuitive impression accompanying had some tonality to it, if any of that makes sense. 

Lol, that's interesting.

Idk - try it.

Today I woke up at ~5 am with no intention to LD. But because I couldn't get back to sleep I tried a few minutes of noting and then 45m counting breaths because I thought I would go about my day normally and not go back to sleep.

I decided I am too tired to go on after meditating and went back to sleep.

I woke up again in sleep paralysis. Separated myself pretty fast using the rope technique & while flying from by body I was spinning, my astral eyes weren't fully open so I opened them but I got back to my physical body - probably because I worried too much. 

Then I was stuck in a very long & uncomfortable loop of false awakenings - I was aware the whole time that those were false awakenings - they were "lucid" but I couldn't do anything to stop them.

(Well the false awakenings were actually lucid only just before another false awakening)

I tried separating from my body again, although I wasn't successful I saw very vivid psychadelic patterns. 

Then finally after a few more uncontrollable (+ lucid) false awakenings I was able to wake up for real.

Edited by Michal__

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6 hours ago, electroBeam said:

@seeking_brilliance hey expert,

I feel like recognising you're in a dream is a bit hard m8 because the sleeping state is not the waking state. You aint yourself when you're sleeping. Care to elaborate?

.... Wake up then ?  ?~~in the dream ~~?.... 

Nah I don't really know. When you go to sleep consciously this is not really an issue, but I know what you mean being amidst a dream, it's so hard to even notice you are dreaming, much less realize it fully. And sometimes you can be literally slapped in the face with 'it's a dream!!' but a low awareness dreamer just goes... "that was weird... Oh look a butterfly!"  

And even funnier when you do wake up from the dream and all intellect returns and you can only kick yourself for not realizing.  

So, build awareness. Not just for 'this world' but for the dreamland  as well. Find a way to bridge it, which is the ADA with reality checks. And host of other practices. 

9 hours ago, Nahm said:







@Michal__ so cool! So just a few minutes of noting and then counting meditation with intention of probably staying awake? (which you didn't).   Sounds like a winning combo. I also find that if I think I can't go back to sleep and then do, it also leads to more dreams about OBE's

One time in a FA loop, I kept getting out of bed so often and failing a reality check, that eventually I just knew I was dreaming on the last several resets as I was crawling out of bed.  I would attempt to do a few things and then back in bed.  

I did learn in another loop that if you can manage to fly away (or if you can't fly, grab hold of a rope attached to a train or something similar) you can escape the loop without fully awakening.  

I posted a thread a couple months ago because I get confused about during those FA loops, I eventually just come to know I'm dreaming without any need to check. But then I 'actually' awaken and it's a different feeling. It's the feeling that I'm awake and not dreaming. Which is supposedly funny to sages for some reason ?

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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Random thought :  so many times the ancient Hebrews begged God for a sign.   "Send us a sign!!"  perhaps they were asking for dream signs. 


This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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@seeking_brilliance yeah ive found that the most effective thing for me so far is to just question "am I in a dream" 24/7 and then to give very thorough answers as to why the answer is the way it is. Makes me feel very dissociated though. Some times I can't give a good answer as to why I'm not in a sleeping dream right now.

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@electroBeam I've been doing this too. I feel ya. This does throw a wrench in reality checks when the answer is always 'yes, im dreaming, but am I sleep dreaming' (or whatever). Unless sleep dreaming doesn't exist and we only dream that we wake into a continuous physical universe. 

Why don't we explore what we perceive the differences to be? Between what we call waking or sleep dreaming?  What is your list of similarities and differences?

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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29 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

@electroBeam I've been doing this too. I feel ya. This does throw a wrench in reality checks when the answer is always 'yes, im dreaming, but am I sleep dreaming' (or whatever). Unless sleep dreaming doesn't exist and we only dream that we wake into a continuous physical universe. 

Why don't we explore what we perceive the differences to be? Between what we call waking or sleep dreaming?  What is your list of similarities and differences?

haha, that's right, the waking dream feels as flimsy as the sleep dream, almost identical.

my list is quite small. Waking dream is different to sleeping dream because:

- higher resolution(for me, I believe others have better imagination skills then me)

- goes much slower, and lasts much longer.

- in sleep dreams, I always feel a bit of a spooky atmosphere haha lol. Like there's something not quite right going on, like a bit of an alice in wonderland sort of thing. What happens in sleep dreams is always a bit spooky and twisted, like the dream I had last night was I was at a trump ralley. And trump was winning. Why would I be at a trump ralley? And why would trump be winning when he lost? Lol. And the people were saying stuff that was a bit off, like the progressives were saying that they liked Trump's nose even though he's an idiot. Why would they say that lol? The waking dream feels much more sober, grounded, Infinitely Loving, deep significance to how its structured (like its structured for deepening the love), etc.

I think the above is a huge point TBH. The universe IS love, and its got a very significant agenda to increase that love as much as possible through structuring the ignorance so that you build up on it in the most loving way possible. This is totally omitted (or I'm unaware of it) through sleep dreams. I am not going "oh this trump ralley is all love" I'm going "oh this is spooky as fuck".

- the waking dream is much more consistent. It changes much more consistently and gradually. The waking dream is a playstation 4 while the sleep dream is a glitchy 1980s gameboy.

- the waking dream is much bigger and therefore there's a lot more inertia that's required to change it. The sleeping dream is like a piece of paper.

- im not myself during sleep dreams. I have severe brain damage during them. I'm not thinking straight, making very silly decisions, not thinking things through properly, not understanding what's going on, my agenda is different during sleep dreams. My agenda in the waking dream is to understand reality as deeply as possible. My agenda during sleep dreams don't exist. I'm going with the spooky flow. Just going through the motions of weird occurrences. I'm not obsessed with how the dream is working, its literally nonexistent. I'm not obsessed with worldly things like plans for the future. I'm just going through the flow completely with 0 agenda.

Edited by electroBeam

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24 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

higher resolution(for me, I believe others have better imagination skills then me)

You may have to take this on faith, but in my experience the resolution is the same. For me it's the consistency of things that makes it feel different. But who's to say I'm not also having a dream of consistency? (One that isn't even that isn't very consistent ?) 

24 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

goes much slower, and lasts much longer.

Or dreaming of seconds and days

24 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

This is totally omitted (or I'm unaware of it) through sleep dreams. I am not going "oh this trump ralley is all love" I'm going "oh this is spooky as fuck".

Yeah I understand. What's so cool is that everyone is unique in dreaming patterns. I have come to love all my dreams, even the spooky ones. Actually, I haven't had a good haunted house dream lately.  ?  Anyway, I don't know why you dreamed trump has won, but what is causing you to believe that dream wasn't about love? 

24 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

the waking dream is much bigger and therefore there's a lot more inertia that's required to change it. The sleeping dream is like a piece of paper.

In a lucid dream, I can go to infinite locations, all I need is a trusty teleportation technique.  In this dream of consistency, my car is consistently going 80 or under. 

Oh oops allow me to read your whole statement ?... 

I wonder if bigger is the right reason to attribute the inertia needed for change. Not to mention I can change many things when 'awake', just in different ways and there does seem to be limits. 


Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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1 minute ago, seeking_brilliance said:


You may have to take this on faith, but in my experience the resolution is the same. For me it's the consistency of things that makes it feel different. But who's to say I'm not also having a dream of consistency? (One that isn't even that isn't very consistent ?) 

Or dreaming of seconds and days

Yeah I understand. What's so cool is that everyone is unique in dreaming patterns. I have come to love all my dreams, even the spooky ones. Actually, I haven't had a good haunted house dream lately.  ?  Anyway, I don't know why you dreamed trump has won, but what is causing you to believe that dream wasn't about love?


excellent points thanks!

1 minute ago, seeking_brilliance said:



In a lucid dream, I can go to infinite locations, all I need is a trusty teleportation technique.  In this dream of consistency, my car is consistently going 80 or under. 


oh well then you're not using the highway well enough.

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4 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:



I wonder if bigger is the right reason to attribute the inertia needed for change. Not to mention I can change many things when 'awake', just in different ways and there does seem to be limits. 


not sure but, the waking dream feels like there's much more shit there. Many more beliefs that are highly solidified. In sleep dreams its very light, and there's much less shit there because the dream is what an hour long? And this dream is 20 odd years long

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12 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

hey sorry did you see my post ;)

Nope ? but I do now... Ok I'll contemplate this

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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Beeep, beeeep.

Good evening host. I carry a question :)

A question about the direct approach if you are familiar with it.

How do you deal with the chaos around the vibrational stage. Especially with the excitement-fear cocktail and unconscious tensing of the body. It seems to break the state for me almost every time. Can you describe your mind/being space there ?

Or what do you do to achieve a better and more guaranteed transition from the void state to the vibrational state ?

Atm I am mostly interested in the direct method and the phasing method.
I found passive methods to be very easy and effective but taxing on the mind, so that is why I am avoiding those.
I want to just lie down and do it. I am also practicing it quite diligently. The vibrational state/Focus 21 being the furthest point I got with it.

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@Yog well.... I've actually never made it past focus 12 in wave dynamics... Mostly because I'm not that dedicated and I couldn't ever tell a difference between 10 and 12 so I keep replaying them before moving on.  (I'm assuming you are talking about wave dynamics)

So as of yet I can not just lie down on demand and put myself in vibrations. ( although I've heard tale that if you lie down and remember the vibrational stage it comes on quicker) 

But I have awoken in vibrations and also have dipped into vibrations with WBTB, so I'll try to answer from that experience. 

For me you have to stay focused on that body exit. You are pretty much guaranteed one if you don't break out of the vibrations, which you may likely do if you focus more on the feelings of the vibrations.( Unless you want to use it as a surrender method.)  if you can't think about after and can't surrender to the vibrations, then perhaps do something to distract yourself a bit while your astral body energizes. 

Have you tried the VELO technique?   You run your energy from crown to toes and back in occilation.  This technique is said to be enough to put you into vibrations and charge your subtle bodies, but I wonder if it's also helpful while in vibrations to help energize your astral body and also distract you from the uncomfortableness of it all.  You might even shoot out of your toes ??


This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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15 hours ago, electroBeam said:

Many more beliefs that are highly solidified.

Or its a dream of solidity. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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