
☎️The Lucid Dreaming Hotline?

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@MoreLove Hi there, 


Here's some questions to start :


Do you have vivid dreams on a regular basis? 


Have you had a lucid dream before? 


Why do you want to lucid dream? 


How much work are you willing to put into lucid dreaming more frequently, or even on demand? (very advanced) 

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1 hour ago, abrakamowse said:

You are right Shin, I am not meditating as often as before. I'm going to change that! I try to be in meditative state the whole day, but most of the time I keep forgetting. I have to go back to the regular meditation sessions, everyday.


But... tonight I remembered my dream!!!

I remember a lot of it, I took note again. And it was super detailed, not lucid but super detailed and there was a kind of plot in it, a story about some jewels that disappeared and they belonged to some people and I hear them talking about it, they spoke in a different language but I understood most of what they said. It was like polish their language. It's weird because my last name is of polish origin, but my grand grandparents came from spain. I don't know, maybe some kind of connection there?

It was really detailed this dream.

thanks Shin!

It was just a question ?

My dream I was a survivor in a zombie apocalypse, but the zombies were so passive that there was no stakes.

The stakes were to find solar panel and video games and boardgames to stop being bored so much.

Also there was a girl from another group trying to sneak in, but we don't believed her to be trustworthy.

We were searching for an island to build a mini city with crops, for reasons.

We killed a hooman with a silencer gun, so maybe that's why the other girl wanted to sneak into our group, to get revenge.

3/5 movie, wouldn't recommand !

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2 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

@abrakamowse my advice, if you keep having issues with dream recall... WBTB! 

Thanks @seeking_brilliance I think that's what I did tonight without knowing, now that you mention it I realized that I did that.


My daughter sometimes she gets up in the night and want to come to our bedroom to sleep and 3 in a bed is too much Lol..

So my wife told me that she was in our bed, and sometimes what I do is I go to sleep to her bed.  But normally that happens like at 5 am in the morning and I have to get up like 5:30 or 6:00 so, I go to bed and I don't have time to sleep too much and normally I don't dream in that short period of time.

But today it was like 1:30 am. I was surprised, because I thought that it was like 4 or 5 am... so I went back to bed and that's when I had the dream that I mentioned above.


So probably what I have to do is the WBTB method but at 1:30 or 2 am in the morning to make it work. The only problem is that if I put the alarm clock at that time my wife is going to kill me, because she has a hard time going back to sleep, it is always difficult for her to fall asleep, not like me that I put the head in the pillow and I am already asleep.


I was thinking that there's some applications where you put the phone close to your pillow and they vibrate very gentle to wake you up instead of having an alarm clock, maybe I will try that.


1 hour ago, Shin said:

It was just a question ?

My dream I was a survivor in a zombie apocalypse, but the zombies were so passive that there was no stakes.

The stakes were to find solar panel and video games and boardgames to stop being bored so much.

Also there was a girl from another group trying to sneak in, but we don't believed her to be trustworthy.

We were searching for an island to build a mini city with crops, for reasons.

We killed a hooman with a silencer gun, so maybe that's why the other girl wanted to sneak into our group, to get revenge.

3/5 movie, wouldn't recommand !

Awesome dream Shin hahaha...

But you were not lucid in it, right? Or was it lucid?

That's a great dream to become lucid hehehe...


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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1 hour ago, abrakamowse said:

Thanks @seeking_brilliance I think that's what I did tonight without knowing, now that you mention it I realized that I did that.


My daughter sometimes she gets up in the night and want to come to our bedroom to sleep and 3 in a bed is too much Lol..

So my wife told me that she was in our bed, and sometimes what I do is I go to sleep to her bed.  But normally that happens like at 5 am in the morning and I have to get up like 5:30 or 6:00 so, I go to bed and I don't have time to sleep too much and normally I don't dream in that short period of time.

But today it was like 1:30 am. I was surprised, because I thought that it was like 4 or 5 am... so I went back to bed and that's when I had the dream that I mentioned above.


So probably what I have to do is the WBTB method but at 1:30 or 2 am in the morning to make it work. The only problem is that if I put the alarm clock at that time my wife is going to kill me, because she has a hard time going back to sleep, it is always difficult for her to fall asleep, not like me that I put the head in the pillow and I am already asleep.


I was thinking that there's some applications where you put the phone close to your pillow and they vibrate very gentle to wake you up instead of having an alarm clock, maybe I will try that.


Awesome dream Shin hahaha...

But you were not lucid in it, right? Or was it lucid?

That's a great dream to become lucid hehehe...


Extremely vivid but not lucid.

We really should create a thread for vivid dream/astral projection/other stuff that aren't psychedelics/lucid dreams.

It's a 3/5 cause I already had a zombie apocalypse one, and it was better than the best episodes of walking dead and 28 days later combined, it was amazing.

@abrakamowse Not because 5/5 mean extra good and 3/5 means ok.

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

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19 minutes ago, Shin said:

Extremely vivid but not lucid.

We really should create a thread for vivid dream/astral projection/other stuff that aren't psychedelics/lucid dreams.

It's a 3/5 cause I already had a zombie apocalypse one, and it was better than the best episodes of walking dead and 28 days later combined, it was amazing.

Super cool, nice...

And it is 3/5 because the dream is in 5 parts or what?





Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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@MoreLove cool, I'm at work right now, will respond later. 


@Shin I love apocalypse dreams!! 

When I made a thread for dreams, it got moved over to the journal section. So feel free to use that one if you want



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3 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

@MoreLove cool, I'm at work right now, will respond later. 


@Shin I love apocalypse dreams!! 

When I made a thread for dreams, it got moved over to the journal section. So feel free to use that one if you want



Oh ok good to know, cause I was gonna start one :)

It's kind of racist though, psychedelics no problem, lucid dream no problem, what about vanilla dreams ?!

Is it because they aren't nondual enough ? >:(


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

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@Shin it's dreamism, can you believe it?? 

Lol no it makes more sense in the journal section, just gets less exposure ?

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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5 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

@abrakamowse get a fit bit with a silent alarm. 

Ok, thanks!!!


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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7 hours ago, MoreLove said:

Yes. I stopped my daily weed smoking habit a couple of months ago and since then dreams are pretty vivid and I am able to remember a lot of them. I also started supplementing L-Arginine (used it workout related ~10 years ago and I believe it influenced my dreams) a couple of weeks later just to 'improve dream intensity/quality'.

Interesting... I'll have to look into l-arginine.

I wonder how much you smoke now?  

7 hours ago, MoreLove said:

Tonight. I had a couple of dreams before, that seemed unreal while dreaming but not 'impossible' (gun fights but nobody knowing how to reload the weapon, laser gun fights, a turtle fortress, starting to climb ten story buildings, riding waves far beyond my capabilities). But tonight I was able to switch between human form and bouncy ball and did it like ten times in what should have been like five minutes.

Its amazing how deceptive memory is, especially in dreams. For example I remember one where I opened up a cabinet drawer and suddenly remembered that I had a baby and left it in a drawer for who knows how long ago.... Luckily it was alive, but all pasty and shrivelled up, and I nursed it back to health.  I was upset at a myself for forgetting about it and almost letting it die, but it never occurred to me that any of this was abnormal, or even that I could possibly be dreaming. 

Interesting that you have already transfigured, have you already done stuff like that in non lucid dreams? ... At what point did you realize that you were dreaming? 

7 hours ago, MoreLove said:

Entertainment. Training of movement. I like the idea of being the director of my sleeping time.


In my experience, you can control a little, but it's alot more like subtle or not so subtle influencing.  Sometimes the dream can completely deny your wishes or control, and almost laughs in your face at the puny attempt. In a way, it's part of the fun. Although I'm sure one can discover full dream control, I just haven't heard any good tales of it yet. One time I had my dream husband under mind control, and he would say exactly what I was telepathically telling him to say...  But the dream got real creepy and he became very puppet-like but was also starting to fight back. I think I threw him in a wardrobe or something.... 

7 hours ago, MoreLove said:

~2 hours a day for the next ~400 days. Or simply a lot.

Ok cool. You're really dedicated ? are there any particular practices you have been doing? 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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I've actually been having a lot of dreamless sleeps recently, and dreams are rarely occurring.

It could be because I'm just not remembering, but I'm doing journalling, recall when waking up, checks of whether Im dreaming, etc.

Also what I've noticed is my sleep when I don't dream/don't remember dreaming is a lot more refreshing. I wake up with a lot more peace and less bodily pain.

So I'm of the belief that I don't remember my dreams because I'm not actually dreaming, rather than remembering.

Does anyone have any practices for being conscious of dreamless sleep? I saw GreenWoods has some amazing stuff, to increase my vocabulary of what I can try, I'd love for anyone to share anything valuable about conscious dreamless sleep. Thanks guys!

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@electroBeam I can't help really but you reminded me of something... Sometimes I try and meditate instead of going to sleep. It's super hard, and I don't know if there's any benefits from it, but it's on the list of things to accomplish. Have you heard of anything like this? 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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26 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

@electroBeam I can't help really but you reminded me of something... Sometimes I try and meditate instead of going to sleep. It's super hard, and I don't know if there's any benefits from it, but it's on the list of things to accomplish. Have you heard of anything like this? 

yeah i did that a lot about 6 or so months ago, I started hallucinating wildly to the point where I actually thought I was changing the dream forever. Sort of like the simpsons episode where they go into different portals for different alternative dimensions. So I stopped it. But that is definitely a good idea. I just didn't want to do it again because its hard work and I get lazy, like you need to sleep sitting up, if you meditate lying down, you fall asleep too quickly and go out of the meditative state. So its sucky work, but I think definitely a good worst case scenario. 

The other thing with the technique is, you can't fall asleep. The body needs to fall asleep without you doing it. And that's really sucky work because there's a lot of effort that goes into doing hard core meditation when you're tired as fuck. But yeah its great work to do if you're super passionate about consciousness. So you need to have your posture very straight(spine super erect) and don't let your spine flop down. You should be 'unconscious' of your spine flopping down, by the time it flops down you're already in that weird deep dreamless sleep state so you don't notice it until you wake up. If you dream while doing this, you wont feel like you've fallen asleep, you'll just feel like you're hallucinating or teleported to a different dimension or taken psychedelics. 

You also need to watch the tendency to fall asleep like a hawk. Those tendencies are more sneaky then getting lost in thought. Every time your mind is about to fall asleep, you quickly slap your mind back to the present. Just keep self aware of the present the entire time as if you're trying to do a meditative all nighter. You need to feel like you're doing an all nighter, just a meditative one instead of a doing homework sort of one.

The other challenge with this technique is, as the body falls asleep, and as you change states, you'll start loosing ground, and start hallucinating. You get into a limbo where you're not dreaming, but you're awake either. Its like augmented reality. Your room will start to hallucinate the fuck out of itself as if you've taken LSD. I remember one time a helicopter flying over my house(was 12am) because I live near a military base, and I started actually hallucinating that the helicopter was shooting terrorists. And that freaked me out and I woke up, then was too tired and went to sleep. And you're not sane at this point as you're half asleep, so its not like you can use your level head. So you've got those crazy hallucinations to deal with once you've knocked out those sneaky tendencies to fall asleep. Its a battle.

Although back then I didn't take any psychedelics, and my meditation wasn't really happening. Since then I've been through shit loads of psychosis from psychedelics and meditation sessions so I wouldn't be worried about that stuff anymore.

Edited by electroBeam

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@electroBeam very cool, I'll try it again and now I know where to come for pointers ?

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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2 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

@electroBeam very cool, I'll try it again and now I know where to come for pointers ?

I'd rather it be in the waking state FYI

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9 minutes ago, MoreLove said:

Lis it okay skip an entry (I wake up a lot each night and I am usual back to sleep in 5 minutes or less) or should I focus on writing down everything instantly for a while?

What else can I do?

Write down everything instantly. You will forget the whole dream if you don't. And you want to remember as many dreams as possible every night for you to lucid dream.

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6 hours ago, MoreLove said:

I don't remember that happening before. My (random) teammate (I used to play a couple of thousand rounds of a battle royale game) and I were shooting people (I guess they were playing too, we didn't shoot everybody, nobody was screaming, there wasn't any blood) and I saw some cops. I jumped from one floor to the one above switching form when jumping and landing (my teammate did the same, not a part of that game). When I was landing I was sure that I was dreaming.

Ah, very cool.  So you also had a spontaneous dream awareness. Very nice. You could be a strong natural. 

6 hours ago, MoreLove said:

No. The last two days excessive sleeping. Like going to bed at 1900 and leaving the bed at 0700. But I'll get back to my usual 8 to 9 hours in bed tonight. Sleep quality definitely decreased in the second night.

I love a night of oversleeping! I don't do it often but it always leads to long vivid dreams or even lucid ones. 

6 hours ago, MoreLove said:

I started doing reality checks today. Plugging my nose (trying to breathe) every time I go through a door or drink something. First with my left hand, right after that with my right hand. Is one hand good enough? I don't remember drinking in my dreams but definitely going through doors. Would you recommend other or better or more reality checks?

You'll have to play with it. I use just one hand.

If you are more consciously drinking when awake, then you might start finding; yourself drinking in dreams. I say give it a try if you'd like, for science ? but if you don't notice it working, then you'll have that backup of doing it in doorways. I also like every time you see the sky, or hear the phone ring.  Just play around with it, it will all work intuitively based on your preferences. 

6 hours ago, MoreLove said:

I am going to start a dream journal tonight. If I am hoping to be able to get back to the last dream situation (because it is the 'best' this week) is it okay skip an entry (I wake up a lot each night and I am usual back to sleep in 5 minutes or less) or should I focus on writing down everything instantly for a while?

Honestly I'm a very lazy journal keeper, I only write the ones I really like, but please don't follow my example! I also tell my employees at work about my dreams, and lucky for me they get paid to listen ? like @Michal__ said, write every detail as soon as possible. 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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1 hour ago, MoreLove said:


Where does that number (six) come from? Is six a definite maximum? No matter if I sleep two or twenty hours? I sure like having a counter. Tonight was the second time (I read that post in October) that I thought enough sleep there won't be anymore dreams.

Thanks a lot!! :x

Six is said to be the average for 8 hours of sleep but i def think it could be more. Last year for two months I had to wake up every two hours to take medicine and it surprised me to have actual long vivid dreams even just sleeping from 8 to 10 pm and beyond.

Honestly we are always dreaming, even when we think we are awake, we just aren't tuned into it. But you can learn how to do that as well, it's called image streaming. So six dreams is just the average that people recall in one night

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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