
feer of being broke

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I have more than enough money like 5+ years of savings and I am only 20 yers old. But my fear of not having money "keeps me up at night", i have this goal of having 1000/month pasively as this will be suficient in my coutry. Curently I have 200/month but I am so obsesed with having more that it keeps me miserable.

How have you dealth wih this problem in your life?; What are some good ways to deal with this issue?

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Psychedelics could help you explore this issue. I seem to have over come it myself to a pretty good degree using LSD. 

I have found some of the stuff by Benjamin hicks helpful for getting rid of that. Working on things like building an abundance mind set and positive thinking help a lot. 

Work resolving trauma that you may have surrounding money. I have been robbed, cheated, etc quite a bit and working through that stuff helped me remove a lot of that issue too. 


Edited by Average Investor

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Try working through it logically first.

Has there ever been a time where you've applied for a job for more than 5 years and not get hired?

Think of the worst possible scenario... I don't think there is even a worst-case scenario where I wouldn't be able to start making money after 5 years of trying.

If you already have $200/month passive income, then really you probably have more than 5 years of savings. If you need $1000/month to live and you're already at $200/month, that will stretch the amount of time until you run out of money. You need to spend $12,000 per year to live, but even if your income drops to $0 you won't be spending $12,000 per year. Because $2,400 of it is already covered by your passive income.

If logically you know that your fear is irrational but you still can't get rid of it, then you probably want to talk to a therapist about it.

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@angelove My mistake, Abraham hicks lol. 

Try this and search from here. I have not read any of her books, but I have one I was going to try soon too. 


Edited by Average Investor

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