
What is the ultimate way to beat laziness?

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7 minutes ago, Shunyata said:


there is a judgement in the end, and no excuses will be accepted. and if you think there is no such judgement, you may have a rude shock ahead. we can choose to be lower than beasts or higher than angels. the truth is that God, or the self, or the supreme father or mother is calling all of us to change our direction.

Keep on at this work, take it slow, focus on University primarily and your path in the next 4 or 6 years. Try to be open minded, certainty without doubt makes fools.   

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@RichnNL i would take that advice. thank you! let me ask you: have you ever achieved true, real consciousness>?>???

Stay cool & dry.

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Maybe its lazyness which needs beating you,for that, seeing the nature of indolence, may take a while.

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twice, but the irony is if I didn't go through the shit I did at 17 I would have never "achieved" it. It sounds like your on the "right" path in that you are not filling your life with too much distractions etc. Keep on going watch out for tricks of the mind because your mind will trick you. 

You will need all this experience all this bullshit you are going through all the pain, mistakes, achievements, doubt, believes, hopes and dreams and of course love to achieve true consciousness and one day realise the irony in that statement. 

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1 hour ago, Shunyata said:

@Vittorio tysm for your great advice!:x

@RichnNL i'm not sure whether or not i want to pursue my studies, my dad thinks it is a great degree. I also think it is kind of prestigious but I don't like the law enforcement part of it. My first years in uni are introductory, having lessons such as history, physics and some prefatory coursses in infosec. My university is not that prestigious and that's why I'm worried about landing my future job. I could pass exams again and try to apply to other universities but i i'm too scared because I'm struggling here already haha. Learning calculus is hard. I'm worried about my finals coming up in December.

What your dad thinks does not matter.

It's what YOU think that matters :)

It's YOUR life and you have to find what makes you passionate.

Do you really want to do a job you don't like for the rest of your life only because your dad wants that?

You'll tell him that you don't like that way and what makes you passionate is something else. You're young, don't worry. You'll find your way.

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@Shunyata David Goggins has this thing called "the cookie jar" [just research it], mine is "the universal jar" [self explanatory but feel free to ask]. 

For the latter its sort of tricky and requires some realigning of the minds automatic tendencies regarding its perspectives of memory of the outer world and the outer world itself in the context of motivation which seems like such an individual rather than universal thing but its doable and worth it, for me its a nuanced aspect to raising consciousness and will overlap with many other paths there. 

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In this sense, once you master the imagination in the context of:

(1) ability
(2) attitude (as it concerns using it as motivational fuel)
(3) perspective

You're on your way. But you're talking about hours and hours of consciousness work.

If you're starting off though there's no better person I could imagine than David, I'm naturally a person that's always going to try and individualise it because that's just where my mind goes, I like to synthesise everything in the context of the whole as much as possible. 

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Some creative thought experiments that may help you on your way if you're at all interested in the universal jar (equals everything) is simply things like:

- How can I gather motivation from this simple box sitting on the ground? How about this dust particle floating around in the air?

- How about an ideological convention like a certain religion, government institution, extremist movement?

- How about a fly you may be seeing buzzing around the room? 

- How about this pain in my back? Many people use pain as a source of demotivation, so how can you creatively practice doing the exact opposite of what most people do there?

- How about a social pain you may be experiencing? Not just obvious things like bullying but maybe you just had a simple argument with a friend, instead of being a source of demotivation how can it be a source of positive motivation (so not things fuelled by things that harm your actualisation and overall psychological integration of the universe)?

- How about Earth as an entire planet? How about Mars? How about any planet? How about any planet we've never discovered? Because after all that's still technically a planet in the universe, it just solely for all we know only so far can be discovered inside your imagination for the amount of time you're able to hold it and remember it.

I'm sure you get it now :D , it trains creativity and overall mental flexibility insanely, like I mentioned well worth it.

Edited by Origins

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I think that this video can be helpful. 

I remember seeing a quote a few times around in this forum that is along the lines of "motivation needs a motive while inspiration needs spirit." Find something that you genuinely like and that feels aligned with your spirit rather than something that you feel that you are obligated to do. 

Also I also came across this idea that there is no such thing as a lack of motivation rather it is misplaced motivation. For instance, if instead of doing your work you want to sleep all day someone may say that shows a lack of motivation towards work. However, you could flip it around and say that you have a ton of motivation towards sleep. I guess you could see this and apply it to your life to view situations. Instead of asking yourself why you lack motivation to do a thing, ask yourself why you are motivated to do something else. The later will help you identify your blockages and address them so you can flow into whatever you want to do instead of applying brute force to your situation and forcing yourself to do what you want to do. Going solely on brute force and grit can get exhausting. Flowing into what you truly want to do can help you move more towards inspiration and authenticity. 

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@Shunyata  The first question I'd ask you is, how are you taking care of yourself? Do you meditate, exercise, eat healthy? Do you have addictions? If your health practices aren't good, you aren't going to have much motivation.


Second, if you don't know which way to go, you aren't going to be motivated to go anywhere.  It's really normal to be confused about where you want to go. Especially at the college level. I was super depressed in college for that very reason. My advice here would be to talk to college counselors. Get all the help you can get. That said, you are young, shit will come to you as you get more life experience. So make sure you aren't wasting all of your time alone and avoiding life. You need to get out there and have some experiences.

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@soos_mite_ah it's like to watch this video about following your bliss 

idk but if I did what I wanted I would do nothing. So that's a no from me.

@ivory yeah I'm thinking about switching majors 


Stay cool & dry.

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To beat laziness, you just have to take note of your ego and ignore it.

Edited by hyruga

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Another thing I'm doing is using the method of loci for the construction of days, weeks, months, etc.

It's normally used just for memorising knowledge but I find its got really great applications for planning as well.

Life is a dream and your brain is a dream machine, have fund spending time constructing the movie in your mind that you'll re-inact in real life.

Practice with small timelines, the next 5 minutes say, and then slowly build from there to 30 minutes, then to 1 hour and so on and so fourth to get practice in.

You'll acclimatise to it, learning about what you can and can't do, are good at there versus what you need to improve on, so on and so fourth.

And. Almost no one does this except for me. I've never heard of anyone using method of loci for dream creation and implementation.

I'm always coming up with the most original ideas though haha :P . Best

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Most people are like popcorn machines with their movements, ideas popup in their mind and that dictates their movements, thus they're without any kind of real agency beyond illusion.






The best way to sustain happiness however is to use the brain to synthesise all of those ideas into one popping session and spread them out overtime in your mind that you'll carry out chronologically. This will give you a sense of control, heightened internal locus of control and thus increase the sense of agency as well as improving learning. Keep synthesising all of the ideas until you've filled your bucket of popcorn and you're ready to go to the movie theatre and watch your film play out. Sometimes there will be plot twists you were never prepared for, but they're learning experiences for your dream machine to learn from and plan for in the next popcorn making session followed by you playing out the film again!









Edited by Origins

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14 hours ago, Shunyata said:

@ivory what do you mean by having some experiences?

Travel more, make new friends, go on dates, explore your city, try new hobbies, read, listen to podcasts, watch documentaries, etc. You will have no direction in life until get clear on what you want. You won't know what you want until you see what's out there.

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