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A question to Leo

291 posts in this topic

5 hours ago, VeganAwake said:

Nahm its a communication issue on your end. I have mentioned this to you before.(we can't read what's in your mind). 

Don't take your frustration of not understanding non-duality out on others. Mu as well.

? Just because you haven’t yet realized what is being said, doesn’t mean there is a miscommunication or frustration ‘somewhere else’. @Someone here explained it pretty well. Not sure if he realizes what ‘I’m’ ‘showing’ ‘him’ yet either. Love ya both. Enlighten up! Lol. Stop thinking and look at what is obvious. Simple. 



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2 hours ago, Mu_ said:

@Dodo I’d say part of the mystery and awe of it is recognizing you don’t know and may never know. If you don’t recognize, there’s no awe or mystery, you just know what you think you know. Meh, who knows. Lol. 

Yeah what I was pointing! 

But maybe a bit more radical. Is it possible to surrender to never knowing?  Like even if you know, even if you're the biggest being in the universe that knows it all, how complete is this being if it doesn't have the simplest truth, that it will never know what is beyond itself.

What if there are infinitely many all that isnesses? Infinitely many absolute infinities? We don't know, the Absolute knows it doesn't know, so lets allign with that true knowledge <3

This could all be one dot out of infinitely many dots and we are seeing the dot as complete and all that is, but don't see the motherboard beyond seeing.

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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@Nahm The enlightened master VeganAwake has spoken. You have a problem with your fingers and God is noticing. Get those fingers in line otherwise you'll be chucked in hell

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Dude I love you cuz you are woke af.. I respect you too.. Cuz you're mod ?... But what are you adding to this thread with just flirting with seeking_brilliance and throwing cold comments ?? 

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@Someone here

I love you too, and nobody’s ‘woke’ here, and I respect you too! Lol. To whatever extent you can or want to, and anyone else interested, let that projective perspective ‘Nahm’s frustrated / cold’ ‘Nahm’s thinks this or that’ go and notice only what is being said. This is literally ‘you’, saying something (refer back to Mr Snuff comment) that ‘you’ could not possibly have come up with, and that is the only point being demonstrated. I am with you on what you are saying (op). You’re right & I’m saying ‘here’s a literal example’.  ? Watch that ‘just dismiss the entity’ trap. Likewise, I am not a mod. Also...communicating in love isn’t quite the same as flirting. 


Oh I know. Lol. I’m dying over here. Also just housekeeping. Some people take a certain mix of crazy & funny yet existentially personal. 



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5 minutes ago, Nahm said:




Oh I know. Lol. I’m dying over here. Also just housekeeping. Some people take a certain mix of crazy & funny yet existentially personal. 

Yeah I know what you mean, well I know what Mr. Snuffleupagus means, not sure about you though.

Better head out incase this gets personal, see ya!

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8 minutes ago, Nahm said:

This is literally ‘you’, saying something (refer back to Mr Snuff comment) that ‘you’ could not possibly have come up with, and that is the only point being demonstrated. I am with you on what you are saying (op). You’re right & I’m saying ‘here’s a literal example

Got you.  You agree with me. 

But how can "God" be wrong? ?

Jk alrighty. Lol 

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@Someone here

I think this is a particularly beautiful thread, and it has aided in sort of ‘kicking up’ some surface level ‘feeling baggage’ (in general, not specific to you), and in a way that’s really what it’s all about. It might be ‘written off’, dismissed, idk & I love you and also idc to ‘be understood’ lol...but I will said it again, these couple marbles clankin in our brains are not intelligence. Feeling is ever present infinitude, intelligence, so to speak. Some sit with projection, frustration, claim after claim, non-claim after non-claim, parrot after parrot, while intuition is saying no & a mouth and ‘mind’ is saying yes and projecting... and some sit with siddhis and just look. Notice, likely even now this arises, and if one is willing to let go of all ‘layers’, much is seen. Personally speaking, mad props to you for pushing the inquiry limits like ya do as of late. It’s a new place in that way forum wise and I am really enjoying it. Hope ya have the best day ever brother! 



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9 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

If two or more of us stand in a field at night, and look up, are we seeing the same moon?

No. We are prior to moon, light or same. We are prior to unification. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@Nahm thanks All beautiful.. "understood" and appreciated. 

The reason I made this thread (and a lot about the same topic in the past). Because I really Believe Leo got something wrong with this "appearances" metaphysics.  It's confusing you can see a lot here preach this solipsism mentality.   

Leo thinks "where have you ever encountered anything underneath appearances"?  ...  And I'm like But Leo why do you need to encounter it to know it's real?  The whole point is that if there is something underneath appearances you can't find it as an appearance!!  ?‍♂️. 

Anyways screw this is just me lol.  Have a nice day too bro. 

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@Someone here

Freakin love ya and I hear you. All I can say it live & let live. Let everyone else ride their ride, and, if interested, plunge deeper and deeper into yourself & far less what anyone else says. You essentially have to pick your it debunking someone, or realizing the answer to your inquiry for yourself, even if every person on earth says you’re wrong and an arrogant prick. Lol. ‘Who’ cares.  Love will indeed wash it all out in any & every case. You might consider (not trying to stir a pot lol) in the physical regard, it’s not (presently) possible for you to ‘quantum entangle’ from point a to point b 100 miles away. Yet, in regard to metaphysical realizations, it is possible (with psychedelics) to be at point a and be at point b, but not experienced the 100 miles that were in between. This is nothing personal, on anyone’s behalf. Just some guy’s two cents. 



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@Nahm nah my intention is not to debunk someone for the sake of getting a "kick" out it . I only care about what's true. Nothing against Leo personally he is my role mode lol l. Also people have really different orientations. Just like how Sexual orientations are different. also what you care about in general. If you care about how you feel primarily . I care about existential understanding. Some people couldn't care less about it. To each his own I guess.  And this diversity is here to teach us humility and open-mindedness. No serious conflicts. Just discussing.. Sharing.. Expanding perspectives.. Growth. For everyone ?

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2 hours ago, Dodo said:

Yeah what I was pointing! 

But maybe a bit more radical. Is it possible to surrender to never knowing?  Like even if you know, even if you're the biggest being in the universe that knows it all, how complete is this being if it doesn't have the simplest truth, that it will never know what is beyond itself.

What if there are infinitely many all that isnesses? Infinitely many absolute infinities? We don't know, the Absolute knows it doesn't know, so lets allign with that true knowledge <3

This could all be one dot out of infinitely many dots and we are seeing the dot as complete and all that is, but don't see the motherboard beyond seeing.

Yah and this would also include not knowing that you can know what you don’t think could ever be known. 

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1 hour ago, Nahm said:

@Someone here

Freakin love ya and I hear you. All I can say it live & let live. Let everyone else ride their ride, and, if interested, plunge deeper and deeper into yourself & far less what anyone else says. You essentially have to pick your it debunking someone, or realizing the answer to your inquiry for yourself, even if every person on earth says you’re wrong and an arrogant prick. Lol. ‘Who’ cares.  Love will indeed wash it all out in any & every case. You might consider (not trying to stir a pot lol) in the physical regard, it’s not (presently) possible for you to ‘quantum entangle’ from point a to point b 100 miles away. Yet, in regard to metaphysical realizations, it is possible (with psychedelics) to be at point a and be at point b, but not experienced the 100 miles that were in between. This is nothing personal, on anyone’s behalf. Just some guy’s two cents. 

Love will wash it all away whether you're in allignment with love or not, love will accept if you're out if allignment, but then you wll need 5-MeO-DMT 

There is nothing that is missing as you are suggesting, what is missing is allignment with truth. 

Not 5meo.

You can say anything and repeat love, and send love etc but that is not true allignment., not true love. 

You're having a joke if you think that love sounds and feels like the vibes of your texts of holier than thou. 

Enter the godheart and repeat the mantra, see how you feel

"I DONT KNOW I don't know i don't know i don't know" 

Repeat it until you understand. Do it until tears start streaming down your face.

You don't have to prove anything to me. But prove to yourself and unearth the assumptions.

Divine masculine is nothing without the divine feminine. There are no parrots, there are alligned and not alligned.

Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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1 hour ago, Dodo said:

Love will wash it all away whether you're in allignment with love or not, love will accept if you're out if allignment, but then you wll need 5-MeO-DMT 

There is nothing that is missing as you are suggesting, what is missing is allignment with truth. 

Not 5meo.

You can say anything and repeat love, and send love etc but that is not true allignment., not true love. 

You're having a joke if you think that love sounds and feels like the vibes of your texts of holier than thou. 

Enter the godheart and repeat the mantra, see how you feel

"I DONT KNOW I don't know i don't know i don't know" 

Repeat it until you understand. Do it until tears start streaming down your face.

You don't have to prove anything to me. But prove to yourself and unearth the assumptions.

Divine masculine is nothing without the divine feminine. There are no parrots, there are alligned and not alligned.

It seems as if you have misunderstood and projected, in responding to a comment that was not even to you yet again. I am not suggesting anything is missing - you are saying that. I am not suggesting 5meo is needed - you are saying that. I am not suggesting there is that which is not true love - you are saying that. I’m not suggesting anyone is holier than thou - you are saying that. I am not suggesting anyone has anything to prove to anyone else, nor to themself - you are saying that. I’m not suggesting there is a divine masculine & feminine - you are saying that. I understand how you read what I wrote (to someone else) and interpreted as you did. I am merely pointing out, that you did this. You can see in a plain evident sense that you are doing this, because you are resorting to talking about ‘me’, in charector accusations, etc, rather than commenting to the topic at hand. It seems you have a whole ‘scene’ of ‘Nahm & his 5meo, him saying ‘something is missing’, him believing he’s ‘holier than thou’, etc, etc, etc. None of it is accurate, none of it is what was said. 

On 10/20/2020 at 10:22 AM, Dodo said:

 @Nahm No dude lol its just that I don't bother too much replying if the person didn't bother too much being clear as possible about what he is talking about ?

That's a dead end answer. It can and it can't. Lol. Even the poor Al has no clue. 


@Someone Here I am with you all the way. I smell devilry from a mile away. It's all about confusion and absolute flashy statements that you would be a fool not to accept. 

Can take the milk from their responses and remove the poison they are trying, unconsciously, to administer. 

Its important to know they really believe they are correct. That's their identity now.

You're woke.

Same thingy here. Notice, you’re not interested (in this comment like the other) in adding anything to the topic, but in attacking me, making accusations about me, etc. This is just advice, but dude, I am telling you you’ll be infinite being forever. Relationships are sensitive, most fleeting, and imo, most precious. You can continue making accusations of me all you like, and I hope it’s some sort of relief. 



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