Someone here

A question to Leo

291 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, commie said:

Space isn't that empty (or unchanging). In the pop physics department, I'd go with the catchy it's-the-same-electron thing for commonality instead.

Wasn't that the name of that all-week, all-night KPFK show? Maybe I finally get what its name was supposed to mean.

will consider :) Cheers.

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13 hours ago, Dodo said:

Someone Here, I am with you all the way. I smell devilry from a mile away. It's all about confusion and absolute flashy statements that you would be a fool not to accept. 

Can take the milk from their responses and remove the poison they are trying, unconsciously, to administer. 

Its important to know they really believe they are correct. That's their identity now.

You're woke.

So hasty! 

14 hours ago, Someone here said:


No dude lol its just that I don't bother too much replying if the person didn't bother too much being clear as possible about what he is talking about ?

 That's a dead end answer. It can and it can't. Lol. Even the poor Al has no clue. 

Right. That is the point of the absurdity of the comment. It is obviously entirely outside of your psyche, frame of reference, subconscious, whatever. (Your op)



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13 hours ago, Mu_ said:

Sounds like you may be having similar hookups to Someonehere, so I thought I'd share with you what I shared with him.

"Ok to clarify again what I'm saying since you seem to boil down what I'm saying to the field of thought/perception/human consciousness, and as such those capacities are an inherently limiting and couldn't possibly see beyond into what possibly may be?  Is this kinda your contention?

Because ya, its sometimes good to have healthy skepticism and know your limitations and place so to say.  However, in relation to that train of thought, what I'm saying is the fact that thought/perception/human consciousness or just the acknowledgement that comprehension is going on this moment "exist or is taking place" is proof in of itself that "something" is going on no matter what its cosmology or ontology, what ever this mystery is, IS or IS taking place, and its taking place before you even write it down or put it into words, and its obvious because this interaction is going on now (although I am now since we are talking). 

Its so simple its almost stupid, forget what nonduality, god, consciousness means, thats not what I'm talking about.

Im basically saying, I don't know what anything is, but "something" is going on and what ever it is, is going on, like duh.

Then if you get the stupid simplicity of that, and are not longer trying to figure out what exactly that may be, simply ask and maybe recognize, could what ever the mystery of whats going on, not be going during the inquiry of doing so, and if no, then whats going on now..... the mystery of what is?

Pretty stupidly simple and may seem unimportant, almost like saying salty tastes salty right,...... right.....AMAZING.

I am not arguing against this. You are indeed aware that the mystery is taking place. What I am pointing to is that you are not fully honoring the mystery. By focusing so deeply on this knowing, you are ignoring the other aspect of what you're saying, even though you're acknowledging it.

The mystery, you are still have some assumptions of knowing it. How can it then be called a mystery?  

You are actualized in your knowing, but knowing has forgotten about its lover and immediate counterpart: not knowing.  

Do you perhaps have this assumption that nothing exists outside of consciousness or you are open to the possibility you will never know? 

You honor the god of knowing, but in focusing too much on that you are leaving out an aspect of rhe divine. Its not enough to label it as a mystery. Its also something that seems trivial and unimportant......

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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9 hours ago, r0ckyreed said:

There is no “my” consciousness because that implies a “your” consciousness. There is only Consciousness. “My” consciousness is Consciousness and there is nothing outside of it. With that refrigerator example, apply that to what you call “other” people and “other” minds. Then you’ll realize that this is a Dream, and everything in your Dream is dream-stuff.

OK if that's true can you answer the question that Leo didn't answer (for whatever reason).   If everyone is my Dream why should I talk to them?   You see the implications of this view is directly solipsism. That other people are just appearances. They are not sentient. Only me is sentient. Or you from your POV.  In other words there is no difference between people and rocks. So why should I talk to rocks? 

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@Someone here what else are you gonna do then? ? sit in a apartment for the rest of ur life??

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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@Adamq8 I'm not going to accept wishy washy handwavey cute answers.. This is a serious question that is a direct consequence of this view.   

There is nothing outside of consciousness = I have no reality of my own outside of an appearance in your mind.  I'm not a sentient being. I'm just a dead image on your screen. ===>why the fuck are you talking to me?   Do you go about your day talking to the trees? 


Edited by Someone here

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29 minutes ago, Someone here said:

OK if that's true can you answer the question that Leo didn't answer (for whatever reason).   If everyone is my Dream why should I talk to them?   You see the implications of this view is directly solipsism. That other people are just appearances. They are not sentient. Only me is sentient. Or you from your POV.  In other words there is no difference between people and rocks. So why should I talk to rocks? 


Ego survival.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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7 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Tell that to Leo. 

why would i tell that do a bunch of dead pixels on a screen ;)

Is this path about Leo waking up or you?

And btw, Leo never said you were a bunch of dead pixels on a screen.

You're neither dead, or a bunch of pixels, or on a screen. If Leo said anything he would of said you're consciousness. 

Edited by electroBeam

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@electroBeam look this isn't rocket science.. There is a communication between two persons right now (me and you).. From your pov and /or from my pov.. for this communication to make sense.. me and you are assuming that on the other side there is a sentient being receiving the message... And my sentience is independent from your sentience. 

What Leo is saying is that my sentient is literally dependent on your sentient.  In other words when you go to sleep tonight.. I and the rest of the universe will literally cease to exist. We were just projections of your own mind.... It must follow that there is no point talking with mere images in your mind. To a dream characters. Watch the video. This is only resolved if you accept the existence of a second layer of reality. If you don't it's straightforward solipsism. 

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5 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@electroBeam look this isn't rocket science.. There is a communication between two persons right now (me and you).. From your pov and /or from my pov.. for this communication to make sense.. me and you are assuming that on the other side there is a sentient being receiving the message... And my sentience is independent from your sentience. 

What Leo is saying is that my sentient is literally dependent on your sentient.  In other words when you go to sleep tonight.. I and the rest of the universe will literally cease to exist. We were just projections of your own mind.... It must follow that there is no point talking with mere images in your mind. To a dream characters. Watch the video. This is only resolved if you accept the existence of a second layer of reality. If you don't it's straightforward solipsism. 

From reading your recent threads you are just confusing the hell of yourself with all these "insights".  And well get ready to completely lose your mind if you don't wise up and become conscious of the infinite mindfuck that is this. 

Be sure the insights are infinte because we are dealing with an infinite reality here. You can let go of chasing that "one final insight" that is going to set you home for good. 

Unless you fully grasp that you don't know jack shit about Jack shit (Which you seemed to grasp slightly) .. There is no hope for you.  Because "knowing" is fundamentally an illusion of duality. There is nothing to know. And no one to know it. Knowing is a misperception of being. Knowing is made of being.  In the same way your entire thread is just a bunch of English letters on a screen. That's being. The meaning all meaning is secondary imaginary.  Aka bullshit.

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