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A question to Leo

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32 minutes ago, Nahm said:

How many points of view are there in that scenario, really?

Two ofcourse.    Don't tell me one because the two cameras are being perceived by me lol..... The experiment is on the two cameras not on me.  Just to show that it's completely possible experientially for two perceptual systems to coexist... Independently. 

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@from chaos into self it would when your whole living room changes into something else, or you look in the mirror and you take on 100 different faces, how could you live a life like that lol if it was like that all the time ?

Reality and its appearence is perfect as it is, it is stable. 

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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44 minutes ago, Member said:

This process happens inside the unconscious mind because reality is a projection of it, not something "out there". Get it?

As for the other minds dilemma, if you extend from "existence is infinite" to "existence or being are stories stretching to infinity", then you will understand that other minds are nothing but infinite boundless energy manifesting itself through infinite ways. Hope this makes sense now.

Yes I get you now.  Thanks for sharing your pov. 

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18 hours ago, commie said:


That "exist" is defined in a way that is compatible with Barack Obama life.

Not sure if i am following you here

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22 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Two ofcourse.    Don't tell me one because the two cameras are being perceived by me lol..... The experiment is on the two cameras not on me.  Just to show that it's completely possible experientially for two perceptual systems to coexist... Independently. 

Two apparent points of view / perceptual systems. They aren't real. Nor unreal, but only in the sense that it's emptiness/everything appearing as something -- there isn't a something.

I might've missed some context of what you wrote though idk.

Edited by The0Self

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1 hour ago, Member said:

The conclusion here is that existence or being is infinite, right? And since you exist, you are infinity, not this limited human form. Think of yourself as a boundless creative force that is able to manifest itself through infinite ways (one of the ways being @Someone here) and then explore itself via this projection (outside world and other POVs). When you're interacting with Member, you're actually interacting with this boundless energy that manifests itself through infinite ways. This energy is unconsciously creating when it isn't directed to some purpose. For the sake of examples, let's say that you can consciously create by taking some clay and start shaping whatever forms you want. Focus on how all the forms that you have in your mind starts to take shape as you're consciously creating. As you do this, understand that you're literally shaping reality with your mind... it isn't something that you're doing with your "hands" or "clay" or refrigerator when you're looking for food lol. This process happens inside the unconscious mind because reality is a projection of it, not something "out there". Get it?

As for the other minds dilemma, if you extend from "existence is infinite" to "existence or being are stories stretching to infinity", then you will understand that other minds are nothing but infinite boundless energy manifesting itself through infinite ways. Hope this makes sense now.

It seems that someone is a little frustrated here ? I said nothing about understanding mystery. If someone understands the mystery, it would be illogical to still call it mystery. Just walk your own path, I don't try to convince you of anything. You don't show a humble attitude with these passive aggressive replies so you'd better watch your attitude instead of projecting bs like "big man", "entity" unto others lol.

You are projecting emotions onto my reply which I have not meant. Ask yourself are your responses inline with love.  can you say "i don't know " sometimes. I don't know.even in my knowing, I don't know. That's the secret.

Soery if i was projecting bro, and don't think im telling you im perfect. And don't point out past stuff with the entity bit. Lol! Im not my past. We all have a chance to do our best. From here. That's all love wants, we to do our best and to notice the love. I don't want to present myself as someone who's teaching you.

I just projected that you were explaining some absolute truth.

Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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20 minutes ago, The0Self said:

Two apparent points of view / perceptual systems. They aren't real. Nor unreal, but only in the sense that it's emptiness/everything appearing as something -- there isn't a something.

Are you VeganAwake's twin? ?Jk lol. @VeganAwake

Edited by Someone here

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

The experiment is on the two cameras not on me. 

Say it is and it is so. 

? someone here?




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So, what's the conclusion? 

Does the universe exist only when I look or is it just another belief ?

Is realising I am everything the end or I should say to myself 'I don't know' or 'I would never know'. ?



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14 minutes ago, An young being said:

So, what's the conclusion? 

Does the universe exist only when I look or is it just another belief ?

Is realising I am everything the end or I should say to myself 'I don't know' or 'I would never know'. ?



It's real only to you, so it isn't real. What is is not a thing. Everything is not a thing, it's no-thing. No-thing appearing to be everything. The appearance is not real, it just appears. It is unknowable, unspeakable, and unfathomable. Everything is an appearance of what is, emptiness -- and nobody knows what that is. There is only everything. You can't know everything. So nothing can be known.

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10 minutes ago, The0Self said:

It's real only to you, so it isn't real. What is is not a thing. Everything is not a thing, it's no-thing. No-thing appearing to be everything. The appearance is not real, it just appears. It is unknowable, unspeakable, and unfathomable. Everything is an appearance of what is, emptiness -- and nobody knows what that is. There is only everything. You can't know everything. So nothing can be known.

Quite funny that using the words everything and nothing a couple of times is able to explain the whole universe.

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

Yes I get you now.  Thanks for sharing your pov. 

You're welcome, sorry I can't explain this better but I've never been good with words.

1 hour ago, Dodo said:

You are projecting emotions onto my reply which I have not meant. Ask yourself are your responses inline with love.  can you say "i don't know " sometimes. I don't know.even in my knowing, I don't know. That's the secret.

Soery if i was projecting bro, and don't think im telling you im perfect. And don't point out past stuff with the entity bit. Lol! Im not my past. We all have a chance to do our best. From here. That's all love wants, we to do our best and to notice the love. I don't want to present myself as someone who's teaching you.

I just projected that you were explaining some absolute truth.

You were displaying a passive aggressive attitude which is not cool. Like Someone here said, you make it sound like there is a battle between you and others since you mentioned repeatedly about Leo, me and Nahm like we belong to some group lol. I actually don't agree with everything they say and Leo would say that I'm not awakened and I'm a devil. We're here to discuss, not to agree or disagree.

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@Dodo, what do you think is the most probable explanation of reality if its not what the other guys say? 'I don't know' is a very good approach to  have an open mind or go deeper and deeper into the insights, but there should be something that is more probable to be a good explanation than nothing at all.

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29 minutes ago, An young being said:

@Dodo, what do you think is the most probable explanation of reality if its not what the other guys say? 'I don't know' is a very good approach to  have an open mind or go deeper and deeper into the insights, but there should be something that is more probable to be a good explanation than nothing at all

Enlightenment is transcending the ego. The physical world “exists” to some degree but what it is is mysterious inherently. Why would reality be simple to explain? Especially when measuring the smallest particles biases the experiment. Ultimately enlightenment is a trick of the mind but it’s ok because transcending the ego is healthy. But existence is not truly non-dual.

 Physics is good at describing reality’s behavior but bad at explaining what reality is. For all we know, reality is made of nothing and the laws of nature are accidents that force reality to behave consistently. But nonetheless, reality is not non-dual. Because I am not you. And I cannot become you. But nonetheless imagining consciousness as an ever-present thing aligns with what it really is. After all, all our experience lies in consciousness. Perhaps consciousness is an inherent trait of existence. Perhaps it arises from matter with intelligence. I think it is. After all human intelligence is just the ability to hold complex narratives in mind. If mind arises from matter, it is only natural that intelligence arises with it. And likewise natural that awareness is all we have to prove or disprove the world.

Edited by from chaos into self
Added a sentence

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50 minutes ago, An young being said:

@Dodo, what do you think is the most probable explanation of reality if its not what the other guys say? 'I don't know' is a very good approach to  have an open mind or go deeper and deeper into the insights, but there should be something that is more probable to be a good explanation than nothing at all.

Yes I know what reality is made of. And many others do, its not actually a secret. Reality is made of Love. On every level. There are many who want to confuse you, but it is simple. No mindfuck needed if you are sincere. Mindfuck is needed for those who fight love and want to do it all by themselves. 

Saying that all is love, does not mean that some are not in alignment with it. But if you just look you will notice it. You dont have to meditate, you dont need 2020 vision. Just look in your daily life and notice the love. But also notice those things which are out of alignment with love. They too are love, but have forgotten. Love in sleep, you can say.

Ask a simple question : "Is this love" and somehow you will see in situations  you know what is love and what is not, without anyone telling you. The nature of love is to allow even those not aligned with love to be. How can it be any other way. But those are not living in Truth. But they can always make it. You can always align to love and all your past mistakes will be forgiven. Love does not judge you as long as you do your best and that is always what we can do and what we do. Love knows that if you are asleep to it, it's not your fault.

But wake up to it, that's what I am doing, I am slowly opening my eyes and it's a learning process. 

Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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It is required to hold belief to describe reality. That’s the thing. You have to be able to step away from the non-dual. So reality necessarily is not non-dual. Even if it is actually non-dual there must be separation possible.

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4 minutes ago, from chaos into self said:

It is required to hold belief to describe reality. That’s the thing. You have to be able to step away from the non-dual. So reality necessarily is not non-dual. Even if it is actually non-dual there must be separation possible.

You can never get any closer to or farther away from all there is. Reality happens in the dream, but the dream (I am real and therefore what I experience is real) is just all there is appearing as the dream.

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5 minutes ago, The0Self said:

You can never get any closer to or farther away from all there is. Reality happens in the dream, but the dream (I am real and therefore what I experience is real) is just all there is appearing as the dream.

And it separates.

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