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A question to Leo

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45 minutes ago, mandyjw said:


LOL that's funny....what...:D

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

I just don't know but I gravitate more towards that you are a real person in any case. 

Well that is still the case just in a far different way then someone who is still in the materialist paradigm


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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Solipsism is just a student misinterpreting the pointers offered by his guru.

The guru says: Stop thinking about the world and concerning yourself with it. There is nothing out there, or here, but you. You are imagining the whole world.

The students, unfortunately, was born with a triangular head, and you know the rest.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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1 hour ago, Gesundheit said:

Solipsism is just a student misinterpreting the pointers offered by his guru.

The guru says: Stop thinking about the world and concerning yourself with it. There is nothing out there, or here, but you. You are imagining the whole world.

The students, unfortunately, was born with a triangular head, and you know the rest.

You are imagining the whole world.  But not as@Gesundheit.  As God.   And God has partitioned itself.  When people think of solipsism they are talking mostly about they think their ego is all there is.  So traditional solipism isn't it.  But you stand alone as far as materialism if you are still clinging to thinking reality is dumb so be it..but thats just cuz you're still asleep.  And even a materialist can be a solipsist simply by thinking other people are robots and that they alone have consciousness.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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1 hour ago, Keyhole said:

How do you overcome this? 

Well ultimately it just comes down to humility and admiting, ya, I didn't know what I thought, or theres more to what I thought (this is most often the truth and the healthiest way to look at it, instead of I must be untrustworthy and all I know is shit then).

Also in my experience, true change from insight doesn't disappear even if you realize you were not seeing as cleary as possible or there was more.

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8 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

That's what I'm trying to do but apparently with you its not working as you continue to try and strawman me.   And we were having a discussion about the nature of reality and you seem to want to wander off in other directions.

As far as awakening - maybe it's time to meditate my boy!  I cannot help a devil realize he is God.  Only the devil can do that.


Excuse me for wandering off in other directions. Like. Saving. Planet. Earth and being aligned with Love instead of your own selfish, empty truth. You are deliberately leaving it out, you are IGNOR-ing the truth of the matter here. Can you connect to the heart of the planet Earth? 

You say that you know. But you don't. In the same breath you say that Planet Earth is a mere appearance and that you are trying to help it. Mother Earth is a LIVING BEING, you are so asleep to Love. I am helping you awaken to Love, because it is absolutely obvious you are IGNORING Love in the name of Truth.

How do I know that? Because if you truly grasped what I was saying, you would not be remaining in your place of lost meaning, but you will regain your humanity, you will return to being the human1, the not knowing one. The one who would actually say and be right: "I don't know whether what I dont see is there or not". The one who has the fingers. The one who has a heart. The one who can make a difference. The one who can connect, consciously to planet Earth's core and ask for forgiveness, ask for a returning to Love and see all the wickedness going on around you. Not just labeling it as appearance, there is actual wickedness going on. Actual wickedness which is out of allignment with Truth of Love. Love will allow you to be out of allignment and claim whatever other truth, thats the nature of Love.  

I dont know man, you seem to know a lot, but you are still too arrogant to be able to utter the words: I dont know. To see the truth in that. To see you dont know whether there is something behind the computer which makes it work, and you dont know whether there is something outside of your direct experience.

If you are not reflecting on my words and not actually grasping the direct experience of what Im talking about, and not actually making conscious contact with what I am talking about, dont even bother to reply, because your reply will be just the same, you will tell me "Earth is not important man its just an appearance" , but thats your subconscious assumption. You need to return to humanness and from there only you can hear the calling.  (BTW Im not putting words in your mouth, I know you wouldnt say that Earth is not important etc etc etc, but thats essentially what you are actually saying when you tell me that everything is just an appearance in consciousness and to go meditate, as if the meditation on Earth's reality beyond you is not something much more true and meaningful at this moment - the meditation done with your form is not true meditation, you can connect to the Heart of the planet and still be in your deepest meditation  - do not fool yourself you are deep, you are on the surface calling it deep if you tell me to go meditate)

And if so many on Earth are so far away from Love, true Love, then I know that the Truth of Dream is operating and not the Truth of Love. Can you actually put your ego aside and hear what Im saying, that's a different story. I know you are not trying to anchor me in Love, so do not lie  to me and to yourself that you are trying to awaken me. You are trying to awaken me out of Love, for you Love is also just an appearance. Because you assume you know. You are unconsciously telling me : Empty your cup from love.


You You You! The one I can point a finger at. Not the Absolute, the Human! Can you wake up to the human?? Wake up! Stop peeling the layers of your own pure heart. 

Like if you empty your cup , fill it with Love. But don't forget to fill it. An empty cup is the same mistake as a full cup of dirty water. Still can't drink. 

Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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11 hours ago, Someone here said:

Yes that's your view.   I'm not sure if I know that for certain as you Claim. So I remain skeptical. 

One day you will become concious of what he is saying, psychedelics is really good in that matter.

From Gods point of view you are alone, but here in this world everybody got conciousness, but it is coming from the same source. It is not that hard to grasp.


US: imaginary but "real" nevertheless, and I would also say that it can exist infinite layers to everything but it is imaginary and conciousness. 

Talking ONLY from my own direct experiences. 

When a insight like this hit you, you will be in a fetal position on the floor wishing you didn't get that insight lol ?

It becomes so OBVIOUS that you are just talking to yourself.

I hugged my girlfriend only to realize i hugged myself, she turned into me and I couldn't tell the difference. And I realized that Leo this forum and my parents is GOD's imagination. You will never ever explain it better than that srsly. When it hits you it hits you harder then anything in your entire fucking life and trust me dude i got hit REALLY hard in my life since birth and it aint nothing compared to that. You KNOW who you are and why this life is here, cause at GOD conciousness you got NO one to share it with or even the insights, my girlfriend was WAITING for me to wake up and she isn't that into this stuff , but at that moment SHE KNEW EVERYTHING I KNEW, and she acted exactly as I imagined she would, she moved when I moved and so forth. It is insane. No logic or explanation or a chemical WILL EVER explain it. The most insane and profound thing i have ever experienced. And you will never ever understand it if you dont have the experience yourself, it is like explaining colours to a blind person. Srsly. 

And btw im faaar away from woke and so on, but at that state you are so awoke that even enlightenment and spirituality is just a imagination. Do you understand? It is pure fucking BEING, And it is totally nothing! Absolutly and totally nothing. 

And it does not matter if you question what im saying here cause it will NEVER EVER be unseen and what this reality is GOD. End of discussion on my part. 

I hope that you one day get to have this kind of experience. But life as you know it will be GONE! Lucky thing that after a while the ego comes back and you can resume living your life but you are changed forever.

And anyone who questions this kind of thing have never had a experience like that TRUST ME.

Edited by Adamq8

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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11 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

Well that is still the case just in a far different way then someone who is still in the materialist paradigm

Screw the materialist paradigm.. It's a very simple and straightforward question.. Do you exist as a conscious being outside my own consciousness?  I can't see why would that be impossible. To say that just because I can't verify it then it's not real is just silly imo. I can't experience anything outside of my own experience by defintion but that has nothing to do with do you have an experience of your own. There is no link whatsoever. 

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@Someone here what exists "outside" of your consciousness is you, not the human ego. So of course you are a conscious being since everything is consciousness, you're just interacting with different aspects of yourself (similar to when you're dreaming about interacting with other people). But there's no "you" and "others", or "you" and "reality" such as two layers of reality. It's a singular mind split into infinite thought forms, so your existence is stretching to infinity (yes, you this finite questioning mind) to explore the manifested Self. Thinking that you're limited by something external (such as "me" and "other people") limits your absolute perspective. The inside/outside is one field of consciousness, not two layers, basically what nonduality is trying to teach.

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28 minutes ago, Member said:

@Someone here what exists "outside" of your consciousness is you, not the human ego. So of course you are a conscious being since everything is consciousness, you're just interacting with different aspects of yourself (similar to when you're dreaming about interacting with other people). But there's no "you" and "others", or "you" and "reality" such as two layers of reality. It's a singular mind split into infinite thought forms, so your existence is stretching to infinity (yes, you this finite questioning mind) to explore the manifested Self. Thinking that you're limited by something external (such as "me" and "other people") limits your absolute perspective. The inside/outside is one field of consciousness, not two layers, basically what nonduality is trying to teach.

Sorry can't understand clearly.  Lots of complex concepts. Explain to me as if I'm 8.

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@Someone here Care to take a look at what other philosophers have said about the topic of epistemology? Perhaps Kant in particular.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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45 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Sorry can't understand clearly.  Lots of complex concepts. Explain to me as if I'm 8.

I will translate what that big man is actually saying. He's saying he understands the mystery. 

? ♥ what?? ? There's only one God to prove anything to. And its neither Leo nor Member, nor me. Its love. If it aint love, it aint woke, no matter how woke it sounds. Love is beyond knowing. 

Btw this is a message for the big man, not for you, Someone here.


Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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4 hours ago, Adamq8 said:

When a insight like this hit you, you will be in a fetal position on the floor wishing you didn't get that insight lol ?

Ahaha, so true. I remember shouting: "Please, please, I want to forget, I want to forget.." with first encounters of such insights ?

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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19 minutes ago, Gesundheit said:

@Someone here Care to take a look at what other philosophers have said about the topic of epistemology? Perhaps Kant in particular.

Kant was a realist. He said there is two layers of reality. Phenomena and noumena.  Aka "the thing in itself". Which is supposed to be the true nature of reality independent from observation. He said there is a world beyond perception but it's impossible to access because perception always vails it. 

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@allislove hahah yeeaaah exactly!!? totally worth it .. after a while ?

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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2 hours ago, Someone here said:

Do you exist as a conscious being outside my own consciousness? 

I've had an insight about this, but it's extremely difficult to provide a comprehensible explaination.

From my POV, yours doesn't exist and visceversa. Who's right? Both. To God there's no contradiction.

From your POV, I don't exist exist as some other bubble of perception like yours that's happening out there beyond your perception "at the same moment", but as an ummanifested (fomeless potential) figment of your imaginatiom.

And from my POV, the same with you.

The ilusion of time is what tricks you to think these two are incompatible.

From the human linear POV, what's most close to it, is to think of others as future/past incarnations. From God's POV, it's all beyond time.

The Now is both one and infinite, the "particular moment" that you are experiencing, is simultaneously the only one that exists, and at the same time one of infinites possibilities that exits, and at the same time non of them exist at all.

Edited by Fran11

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@Adamq8 exactly! It's so good that sometimes it's hard to believe how good it is, a pure miracle ??

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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4 hours ago, Adamq8 said:

From Gods point of view you are alone, but here in this world everybody got conciousness, but it is coming from the same source. It is not that hard to grasp.

There is a difference.. The same consciousness looking through our eyes simultaneously is not the same as its only looking through my eyes.

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5 hours ago, Adamq8 said:

One day you will become concious of what he is saying, psychedelics is really good in that matter.

From Gods point of view you are alone, but here in this world everybody got conciousness, but it is coming from the same source. It is not that hard to grasp.


US: imaginary but "real" nevertheless, and I would also say that it can exist infinite layers to everything but it is imaginary and conciousness. 

Talking ONLY from my own direct experiences. 

When a insight like this hit you, you will be in a fetal position on the floor wishing you didn't get that insight lol ?

It becomes so OBVIOUS that you are just talking to yourself.

I hugged my girlfriend only to realize i hugged myself, she turned into me and I couldn't tell the difference. And I realized that Leo this forum and my parents is GOD's imagination. You will never ever explain it better than that srsly. When it hits you it hits you harder then anything in your entire fucking life and trust me dude i got hit REALLY hard in my life since birth and it aint nothing compared to that. You KNOW who you are and why this life is here, cause at GOD conciousness you got NO one to share it with or even the insights, my girlfriend was WAITING for me to wake up and she isn't that into this stuff , but at that moment SHE KNEW EVERYTHING I KNEW, and she acted exactly as I imagined she would, she moved when I moved and so forth. It is insane. No logic or explanation or a chemical WILL EVER explain it. The most insane and profound thing i have ever experienced. And you will never ever understand it if you dont have the experience yourself, it is like explaining colours to a blind person. Srsly. 

And btw im faaar away from woke and so on, but at that state you are so awoke that even enlightenment and spirituality is just a imagination. Do you understand? It is pure fucking BEING, And it is totally nothing! Absolutly and totally nothing. 

And it does not matter if you question what im saying here cause it will NEVER EVER be unseen and what this reality is GOD. End of discussion on my part. 

I hope that you one day get to have this kind of experience. But life as you know it will be GONE! Lucky thing that after a while the ego comes back and you can resume living your life but you are changed forever.

And anyone who questions this kind of thing have never had a experience like that TRUST ME.

Man i couldn't have said that any better :)

That's about as good as you can explain it in words.   Oh  wait - I'm you so i guess i did :)

Get these guys some 5-MeO!!



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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