
Is Jeffery Martin's Finder's Course legit

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Today I listened to Jeffery Martin's talk on Buddha at the Gas Pump podcast :

In the podcast he talk about the course he made up following his research on enlightenment, called the Finder's Course. Apparently at least 90% of people that took the course reached some form of stream entry or whatever his location 1 maps onto.

See the course here :

Has anyone has heard or tried this course and would like to share his or her experience?

Here's a review from /r/streamentry :

Here's seemingly what the course looked like 3 years ago :

Here's another review from /r/streamentry's moderator :

Here's another testimonial (although suspicious...) :

@Leo Gura you wrote a blog post about the course 3 years ago : Do you have anything more to say about it?

It seems to good to be true, the marketing is off-putting as well...

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I can't speak to the Course's material, all I can say is that I don't consider Jeffery Martin awake, nor does he understand what awakening truly is, from my POV.

You will get more awakening in one dose of psychedelic than any such course.

Whatever awakening this course offers, it will be very, very weak.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura I've tried some psychedelics in the past and they're clearly something else for sure. I agree they're probably the best tools we have for this kind of work.

But I've also had a pretty traumatic experience last time I used, about a year ago, that left me prone to anxiety attacks for about 4-5 months. Nasty stuff... I feel better now, but not yet ready to plunge back in. I think I'd rather cultivate some of that abiding peace before doing some more exploration with such substances.

So right now I'm looking for alternatives haha

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