
What does this mean for you? Luke 17:33

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Luke 17:33

Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve it.



I understand this statement like if you try to keep your ego you will lose your real self, you will not know you are the universe or that you are "that"... And I think he is talking about what happens after you die.

So, you will lose all memories, everything about being an ego, you will not integrate that part and you will be one but what remains from the ego self will disappear, because it never existed in the first time.

But what is that you will preserve? Because the real self is always you, you can't lose it. So, even if you "lose" your false sense of self you will remain.

Does that has another meaning, does Jesus try to say that somehow the ego self can still be let's say "integrated" in the higher self?


I always wondered about that, what do you think? I would like to see/read other opinions.


Edited by abrakamowse

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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It makes me think of one of Leo's videos "The Theme of Things Going Full-Circle". If you try to rationalize this statement, of course it will make no sens as life is completely pointless. But my opinion is of course that the good way to go about life is "trying to lose it". I mean, now that you are that circle, what is left for you to do but to go full circle ?

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Hey! Non-awake dude here. I take it to mean... Whoever attaches to their ego will die but someone who has given up their ego will be identified with consciousness itself and therefore live forever/never die. 

Remember the babble has been changed many many times. I will try to find the original quote. 

Edited by Rilles

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I find it intuitively clear just the way it is. You understand it in a flash. Just by those words. They are enough.

" The more you try to explain the meaning you lose it". That's the nature of wisdom nuggets. 

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@abrakamowse it refers to clinging onto the temporary will result in failure because it is temporary. it began and will end.

and if you lose your life (identification with body+mind/ i-thought) then you will gain what's permanent - the watcher, beginningless and thus endless - true self attained, and eternal life gained - life has been preserved 

Love Is The Answer

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26 minutes ago, Rilles said:

Hey! Non-awake dude here



I think the guy was talking about the nature of attachment

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@Uglyroach  @Rilles @Someone here @seeking_brilliance @Mikael89 @SoonHei


Thanks guys! I will take a look more in details at your responses and if I have some more questions I will add them here. But your opinions are really valuable for me! Thanks!!!

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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40 minutes ago, Uglyroach said:

It makes me think of one of Leo's videos "The Theme of Things Going Full-Circle". If you try to rationalize this statement, of course it will make no sens as life is completely pointless. But my opinion is of course that the good way to go about life is "trying to lose it". I mean, now that you are that circle, what is left for you to do but to go full circle ?

I understand that... I know we have to lose everything to get "everything". But my question was, if maybe he was referring also to something more, like losing even anything that can be identified with something, like losing even consciousness that is supposed to be the origin of the universe.

That's what blows my mind. Lol...



Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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Luke 17:33

Whoever tries to keep their life ( survival) will lose it, and whoever loses their life( selflessely) will preserve it.


Edited by Harikrishnan

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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43 minutes ago, Rilles said:

Hey! Non-awake dude here. I take it to mean... Whoever attaches to their ego will die but someone who has given up their ego will be identified with consciousness itself and therefore live forever/never die. 

Remember the babble has been changed many many times. I will try to find the original quote. 

That's what I understood in the beginning but I was wondering if he was referring to something deeper. Like losing any kind of consciousness... IDK...

Maybe God loses all it's identification with any idea and it has to build itself and everything again, not sure if that's what Jesus meant.

Thanks for your response!



Just now, Harikrishnan said:

Luke 17:33

Whoever tries to keep their life (live only as survival of onself) will lose it, and whoever loses their life(live selflessely) will preserve it.


That makes a lot of sense... thanks!

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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46 minutes ago, Someone here said:

I find it intuitively clear just the way it is. You understand it in a flash. Just by those words. They are enough.

" The more you try to explain the meaning you lose it". That's the nature of wisdom nuggets. 


That's an interesting interpretation and "way of understand it", I never thought about it in that way. Thanks!

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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41 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:


What do you mean by that?



41 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

It's the impersonal formless attributeless Consciousness/Existence which gets preserved.


So, that's what Jesus realized he is...

and what Christianity calls it "The Son"...

my question was more because I was thinking that the ego can be integrated in that Consciousness, in that way "Existence/Reality/That" can assimilate all the experiences of everything what happens in reality. But if you preserve that ego, isn't that also ego? Isn't the idea to lose all ideas about yourself? So in a way you always will be losing your life.


Maybe I am overthinking it too much hehehe... thanks!

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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33 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

@abrakamowse it refers to clinging onto the temporary will result in failure because it is temporary. it began and will end.

and if you lose your life (identification with body+mind/ i-thought) then you will gain what's permanent - the watcher, beginningless and thus endless - true self attained, and eternal life gained - life has been preserved 

I got you SoonHei thanks for your comment!

I was thinking that because God knows everything (God or consciousness, whatever we want to call "IT") how can he lose anything? The only way is if you are too attached to the idea of a self... when you unite with everything that self will be lost. But, if you preserve it, does it means that the self will stay?

Isn't it necessary to lose all idea of a self/ego to become one with God? That's what confuses me...



Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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34 minutes ago, Hello from Russia said:



I think the guy was talking about the nature of attachment

I think that is one of the conclusions we can arrive from that statement. Because we are attached to the idea of an ego we can lose everything, because we won't identify with consciousness so the ego that is false will be gone, so what we think we are will be gone too.


But I think he is going deeper than that, he is also talking about the identification with the idea of a self. In a way it is also attachment.

We are attached to the idea of ourselves.




Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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28 minutes ago, abrakamowse said:

But, if you preserve it, does it means that the self will stay?

Isn't it necessary to lose all idea of a self/ego to become one with God?

indeed. ego cannot remain for there to be oneness with god.


so "preserve" is referring to be preserved AS the GOD SELF. when the ego self is let-go, the true self shines forth. it was only a mask. when you remove the mask, what was ALREADY BELOW IT, is revealed. 

the only way to be one with or know god is to BE God


this is SELF without a second, without an other. this is SELF, as One & Only. this SELF is ever preserved. this LIFE has no opposite. it is LIFE which just goes on and on and on... there's no death because life is beyond it. Birth leads to death. Life just lives . Life contains birth and death. life is the infinite sprial/fratcal which contains infinite circles of birth and death.

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@abrakamowse I mean more like attachment to life.

I think he could mean that when you get attached to life, you live in constant fear of not losing this ocertain way of being (life). If you let it go, the fear is gone and you get to love and appreciate everything you have now, even though it might go away later. You learn to accept and love "What is"

Edited by Hello from Russia

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1 hour ago, abrakamowse said:

What do you mean by that?


I dunno ?‍♂️

I did an intuitive interpretation and the word that came up was 'inevitable'.  Also, it's kind of like a strange loop. Inevitable perpetuation of something. Or nothing at all. ?

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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