Kevin Dunlop

Enlightenment One-liners

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Taking steps is easy
Standing still is hard

-- From the lyrics of "You've Got Time" - the intro of "Orange is the new black". 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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I feel that I know that I Am, at this point. I can Be IT 'consciously' even, as IT is, empty and aware, for a fleeting moment, here and there. Permanently removing the many many, built up layers of what I am NOT however, appears to be a whole other thing. A much bigger beast. 


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Before enlightenment: chop wood, carry water.  After enlightenment: chop wood, carry water.

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Every experience is equally infinite when seen from the absolute zero, the present moment

-1/12 is Infinity 

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Everything that is scary is scary only if you think about it.

With meditation we learned how to stop thinking.

That means nothing should be scary. Even your own death.

-1/12 is Infinity 

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I have continuous samadhi experience with my entire environment, because I am part of the environment and not a character in it.

But at the same time, the character in it.


Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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3 hours ago, Dodoster said:

Everything that is scary is scary only if you think about it.

With meditation we learned how to stop thinking.

That means nothing should be scary. Even your own death.

Maybe that's why animals don't have fear of death - because they don't think/ conceptulize it. 

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Death is just sleep, and I love to sleep! Hahahahahaaha!!!!

-1/12 is Infinity 

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Death doesn't only take away your future, it also takes away every memory of a past. Do you want to face death? Dare to forget everything, even the fact that you exist. :) 

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36 minutes ago, Barna said:

Death doesn't only take away your future, it also takes away every memory of a past. Do you want to face death? Dare to forget everything, even the fact that you exist. :) 

When I forget that fact, I wouldn't care about it xD 


-1/12 is Infinity 

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1 hour ago, Dodoster said:

When I forget that fact, I wouldn't care about it xD 


That's right, that's why it's an absolutely perfect state of mind. That's where 5meo takes you. :) 

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Just now, Barna said:

That's right, that's why it's an absolutely perfect state of mind. That's where 5meo takes you. :) 

Hahahahahahhahaha! Nice one!

-1/12 is Infinity 

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Sometimes we want to prepare ourselves to be able to deal with Dragon problems. The thing is, we are dreaming being human. We will experience human problems, not dragon problems. Don't go too overboard! God has given you what you need to survive.

Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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The mind is the one who seeks liberation in the future.

You are free and complete now and always.

Drop mind and see. Let it babble,  you just turn the other way.

Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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36 minutes ago, Snick-The ThinkTank said:

Sadly though, a mind will always own you! If you drop your own mind, the mind of an other will own you! You better by owned by "your" own mind.. 

Thats what the mind want us to think!  But its not us who think, its the mind! 

We are in a relationship, my mind got the memo that it doesn't own me. I own it. And it loves my ownership

Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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On 06/05/2017 at 10:59 PM, Natasha said:

Maybe that's why animals don't have fear of death - because they don't think/ conceptulize it. 

They don't have any concepts, they can't live in past or future.
They are basically child all their life, which is why they are so awesome and loving !


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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I am not the enlightened, I am not the unenlightened,

I am not the stupid, I am not the smart,

I am not the good, I am not the evil,

I am not the pleasure, I am not the pain,

I am not human, I am not God,

I am not the ordinary, I am not the extraordinary,

I am not the one who writes this post, I am not the one who reads this post

Who am I?

I am the knowing of all those separate ones. I am the glue that sticks those together into oneness now. 

The observer

Infinitely fresh.

I am what even Gods bow to.

I am the eternal empty fire, now and always now.



Edited by Who_Am_I

-1/12 is Infinity 

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God isn't a being, God is being itself :)


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1 minute ago, pluto said:

God isn't a being, God is being itself :)

If words could be the Truth, this is it!

-1/12 is Infinity 

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