Kevin Dunlop

Enlightenment One-liners

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"You naturally begin to center more and more on the spiritual part of your being. You do this not by reaching for the spirit, but by letting go of the rest" - Michael Singer

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We're on the top of the infinite wave of consciousness.

Everything is a Hologram.

-1/12 is Infinity 

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Be yourself,  don't try to be who you're not. Play no roles.

-1/12 is Infinity 

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If you can go within you can go without

Edited by Zedi

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Live your life in such a way that death will be your friend. - Astrid Lindgren

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"Be selective with your battles. Sometimes peace is better than being right."

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-When you close your eyes what do you see?


-What do you hear, what do you imagine or think about? 


-This is your reality when you close your eyes, and only you hold the brush for that canvas. 

- You can choose to paint transparent and see the canvas itself, which was the surface.

-The surface was the one painting the entire time. And I am the surface, painting life, painting the Ego.

Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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Nothingness is transparency;

Nothingness is silence;

Nothingness is stillness;

Nothingness is no thing to do, other than what you're doing;

Nothingness is nowhere to be, other than where you are.

Nothingness is the screen of awareness;

Nothingness is no Ego.

Nothingness is enlightened and my Ego is the dance of that light.

Transparent Ego is enlightened Ego. Any image at 0% transparency disappears,  no matter what was on the canvas.

When you make something transparent,  you see what was hiding underneath the entire time. You, the empty canvas of awareness.

Transparent consciousness, ever present, eternal and infinite. 

Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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When you see that you're the canvas, the only possibility is to continue painting,  consciously.

Paint the Ego the way you, the transparent infinite Self want. Choose the colours of your Ego consciously. <3

Make the colours and thoughts that you dont want transparent by bearhugging ? them to death.

Nothingness is transparency is God is the motherboard. 

Nothingness is this moment. 

Nothingness is untying the knot of the Ego.

Transparency is Nothingness, nothing added, from the mind, so what is can be seen through a clean window, without fog.


Close your eyes and try to imagine transparency iin your inner eye.

But try doing it with open eyes too, ha, you see, you've always be doing it, just maybe not conscious of it.

Ego pretends to be everything, enlightenment is transparent nothing, breath, water, lightness, 0.

0 allows me to be. 

Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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I am enough, just the way I am right now!

I'm where I always wanted to be! I've arrived!

You can't "have" awareness, It cannot be possessed. Being better or worse at it. 

Meditation is the meditator. Krishnamurti

Allow yourself to be completely wrong. And let others be right.

Is there a brain perceiving reality? Is there a mind? Is reality brain-generated?
Even if it was I couldn't know.

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Transparency leads to total relaxation, smile, truth, light. Ego leads to stress and tension, identification with the body. 

Feel the body from within and untie the knots of tension and identification. Follow the following formula if you want:

Transparency (0) * Ego = Transparency  (0) + The Truth (the True Self).

This is done by seeing infinite transparency in your inner eye.

Especially pay attention to the feeling of I being within the skull. Multiply it to 0 asap and move to being the canvas, the heart.

The opposite of tension is awareness

Do not superimpose your Ego on reality, superimpose the infinite transparency, which is you, God.

Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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43 minutes ago, pluto said:

I Just Am.

I simply am too, but I noticed that this sentence can be used to justify the existence of an Ego that "simply is", which doesn't help us.

Im sure you know this already , but for the sake of conversation, we have to be sure what is that I that simply is.

-1/12 is Infinity 

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4 minutes ago, Anton Rogachevski said:

If you think that you have fooled ego, ego has fooled you.

Ahah, so true :P


A quote that might help:


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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1 hour ago, Dodoster said:

I simply am too, but I noticed that this sentence can be used to justify the existence of an Ego that "simply is", which doesn't help us.

Im sure you know this already , but for the sake of conversation, we have to be sure what is that I that simply is.


"The ego doesn't exist." Said the ego to the self.

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2 hours ago, Dodoster said:

I simply am too, but I noticed that this sentence can be used to justify the existence of an Ego that "simply is", which doesn't help us.

Im sure you know this already , but for the sake of conversation, we have to be sure what is that I that simply is.

I understand.


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