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Awakening experience during a nap.

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Hey guys! So I just wanted to share a really profound experience i just had 5 minutes ago!

So me and my girl was taking a nap and I started dreaming but I woke up and then I fall asleep again and went into a waking/dreaming state, I had my eyes open but I know they werent open cause I could change the scenery, but out of the blue a question popped up, WHAT AM I? And i was staring into nothingness and the response was GOD and then the insane energy/vibration came and I started to vibrate so I jolted out of my body and I thought I was awake and I tried first to get up but it was really hard lol then I looked at my arms and they were transparent and vibrating light almost.


It was an incredible fast and cool thing, but the What am I question just came and the response and effect it had was insane. Never felt that kind of energy/vibration before in my life, imagine when you been underwater for so long that you are desperate for breath and when you come up u take such a deep breath, that you make a sound,  imagine that sound + a vibration spreading through your entire being after the question was answered, thats the best way I can explain in words.

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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