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Isomorphic phenomena

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Whether the universe exists on the one hand of materialism and realism or on the other of subjectivism or non-dualism, even solipsism and idealism the creation of the material world is a necessary phenomenological process. Now why is it that the materialist AND the enlightened guru will conclude the one or the other as THE TRUTH when to the degree we can understand anything is to the degree we understand both isomorphic to each other? (you can ofcourse disagree on the last inference but that would itself be a proof contrary to the disagreement).

The brain as well as the universe is ones construction, necessarily true and here I agree. But the construction is also the only thing there is (only thing which can be know to exist), that does not mean what is constructed is less real, that materialism is less real. Nor does the potential of metaphysical deconstruction follow *‘deducably’, but I assume this is already granted by most mystics as logic is them accidental.

Or do you find me wrong, i'd like to be challanged on it.

*deducably as in deduction, I don't think it is a word but it sure should be.

Edited by Reciprocality

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