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Bloodwork & Heavy Metal Test, tips

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I'm going to invest in doing bloodwork and checking myself for Heavy Metal Toxicity.

What should I look for when choosing the tests? What values are important to check in bloodwork, etc.


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Not sorted list: (note that you might need to pick, and that there is no 1 test including everything i mention here)

- Fasted Blood Glucose 

- Triglycerides 

- Cholesterol (I´d say only harmful when both, glucose and cholesterol are high)

- Iron

- Thyroid Hormone levels T3 T4

- Testosterone / Estrogen Levels 

- Then you can check for Vitamins like D, A, and the Bs (so you can supplement a little )

- Heavy Metals: Note that heavy metals are not really floating around in your blood 24/7, your body stores poison like this in your fat tissue! 
But you still can do a heavy metal panel, whose reliability is sort of questionable. 

I think the most important think to understand about a blood test is that its a picture of a movie, a momental analysis of your day.
So dont do anything special before and dont eat some time before (doc will tell you that hopefully) 

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The problem with most heavy metal tests is that they are largely inaccurate. The common ones including hair or nail ones can be really tricky to get right as the sensitivity ratio is really unreliable. DMSA as a form of test appears to have the greatest validity but I wouldn't do that on my own. Maybe you can find a medical institution that would be willing to help you with this for a fee. 

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Blood work will not reveal heavy metals. So that is pointless.

Heavy metals require a provoked urine test using DMSA.

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Damn, this thread pop-uped just as I was ordering the blood work on heavy metals and other stuff, what a synchronicity

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@Value I had full body detox done several years ago under a holistic doc supervision. They used Nutritional Response Testing and heavy metal testing was part of it. It's a non invasive test that reveal underlying causes of health issues, but they would also refer to blood or urine test if needed. It was surprising for me to find out I still had toxins from having been exposed to second hand smoking from growing up around my smoker dad. They also found aluminum and other heavy metals in my system that came from childhood vaccines, etc. Even decades later all those toxins were still lingering in my body. The detox itself took a few months, it has to be done gradually to be safe. So if you have an alternative doc in your area who practices Nutritional Response, would be good to check with them. The testing is quite affordable, around $40.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Blood work will not reveal heavy metals. So that is pointless.

Heavy metals require a provoked urine test using DMSA.

I am doing two different tests...

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@Natasha Thank you so much. Then I wonder, what would be a good way to make sure I am dealing with a trust worthy holistic medicine practitioner, if you have any experience or tips regarding that?

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34 minutes ago, Value said:

@Natasha Thank you so much. Then I wonder, what would be a good way to make sure I am dealing with a trust worthy holistic medicine practitioner, if you have any experience or tips regarding that?

The doc was referred by a friend of mine who had been their patient and had successful healing. It took me awhile to agree to go too, and I had to pretty much just trust the process and see what happens. And I'm glad I did, because conventional health care didn't seem like a good prospect either, they don't address the root issue, they just mask it with temporary solutions through drugs. 

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@Leo Gura Can you tell us, what the best method is to test how much heavy metals someone has in their body? Can I buy a basic urine test on amazon or should I test that with a doctor?

thanks Leo:)

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9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Blood work will not reveal heavy metals. So that is pointless.

Heavy metals require a provoked urine test using DMSA.

I PM'ed you a really insightful message on Ayurveda  sometime ago because I'm studying it right now and I clearly see something that could be helpful to you there. Did you see it? Cheers! :)

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6 hours ago, actualizing25 said:

@Leo Gura Can you tell us, what the best method is to test how much heavy metals someone has in their body? Can I buy a basic urine test on amazon or should I test that with a doctor?

thanks Leo:)

You need this:

And you must buy DMSA on your own for the test. The test kit will not include DMSA nor will it tell you how much to dose. You have to figure that out yourself.

DMSA is not sold in the USA. You have to order it from overseas.

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@Leo Gura Unfortunately Im from Germany, so I cant buy this kit.

Are these amazon test kits legit? or other test kits you can buy online?

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On 20. 10. 2020 at 0:45 AM, actualizing25 said:

@Leo Gura Unfortunately Im from Germany, so I cant buy this kit.

Are these amazon test kits legit? or other test kits you can buy online?

I briefly looked at and the top medivere brand heavy metal urine test looks legit, you send a sample to an acredited laboratory and receive analysis. A bit costy though.

I did not find many alternatives there. Maybe google some more or ask your GP.

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@actualizing25 what makes you assume you have heavy metal toxicity? Don't jump on the fear-bandwagon straight away. Do you have history of occupational exposure? (mechanic, welder, miner etc...) 

Personalised Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Support
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about a health problem you are currently struggling with

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