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Andrea Maffioletti

State Of Consciousness

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This question comes from the last video of Leo "Guided Exercises For Understanding Infinite Consciousness", where Leo says that all it exists is Consciousness and that the division some teachers do like Waking state, Sleeping state, Deep sleep and Turya does not make sense. 

Some others ancient teachers or modern ones (like Bentinho Massaro) talks about  5 stages: the Gross Body, Subtle Body, Causal Body, Great Causal Body and the Absolute. They say that God/Consciousness, that in this classification is the Great Causal Body, is actually not the final stage of awakening. They say that God/Consciousness is a feature, a quality, a state of something prior to it, that is, the Absolute. The Absolute in its pure state has not made itself conscious yet to experience its own creation and the quality of being conscious comes later, together with other feature of the Absolute like Love and Intelligence.

I would like to ask you Leo whether you could actually discard the state of the Absolute where there is no Consciousness. I am aware that everything in existence must be Consciousness and nothing else in existence can be other that That. But could not indeed God/Consciousness be seen as a quality of something more prior that God/Consciousness itself? To use Peter Ralston words: "Is it not God/Consciousness just another distinction and so a relative "thing"?

Thank you,


Edited by Andrea Maffioletti

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