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Asthma Natural Remedy

7 posts in this topic

Please share here natural remedies you've found for asthmatic cough.

Share only if:

- It is a natural remedy ie. herbs, teas, routines, specific diet modifications, etc. (no drugs or medications)
- You are very certain of its effectivity because it either helped you personally or you witnessed someones improvement and are sure it was because of that
- The effectivity is significantly noticeable, it's not a simple makes-you-feel-better-temporarily type of remedy

Thanks in advance!

"Es gibt die Wahrheit, mein Lieber! Aber die ,Lehre', die du begehrst [...], die gibt es nicht. Du sollst dich auch gar nicht nach einer vollkommenen Lehre sehnen, Freund, sondern nach Vervollkommnung deiner selbst."

- Herman Hesse, Das Glasperlenspiel

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Tell us a bit more

  • What have you tried so far? 
  • What is your diet like? 
  • What is your lifestyle like? 
  • Smoking, Alcohol? 
  • Any other conditions? (allergies?) 
  • Anything else we should know? 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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Asthma is a inflammatory condition. Reduce systemic inflammation, cure asthma. (I did it that way)


<banned for jokes in the joke section>

Thought Art I am disappointed in your behavior ?

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@Michael569 I'm not asking for myself, but for someone I know... It seems to be a condition in the entire family

"Es gibt die Wahrheit, mein Lieber! Aber die ,Lehre', die du begehrst [...], die gibt es nicht. Du sollst dich auch gar nicht nach einer vollkommenen Lehre sehnen, Freund, sondern nach Vervollkommnung deiner selbst."

- Herman Hesse, Das Glasperlenspiel

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I have been in search of a natural remedy that would help alleviate my asthmatic symptoms.

I haven’t found one, yet. Moreover, those that I did find are of the ephemeral-emollient kind.


Michael, I hope you could provide certain solutions to me, too. 

Answers to your questions:

1) I have tried all that western medicine has to offer on this specific subject. Still no relief. 

2) I have just transitioned into vegetarianism. I eat eggs, though. My diet is healthy. I eat healthy, fresh foods, and seldom indulge in junk food. I wouldn’t say that I consume a lot of sugar, but it is, nevertheless, an important component of my diet — I’d say, about 7 teaspoons a day, in the maximum sense.

3) I workout, but in a sporadic manner. I tend to feel asthmatic, and this acts as a deterrent sometimes. I do HIIT nowadays. Have to start working out regularly, though. 

4) No, I do not smoke or drink.

5) Yes, I have chronic allergic rhinitis. Antihistamines are a regular — every alternate day. I spoke to my doctor and he told me that this is an ailment that would persist throughout my life, and can only be brought under control. He told me that this cannot be cured, ever. An important point here is that it is genetic — my grandfather, father and my brother (he has no asthma, though and is a fitness freak) all have it. 

5) I have had this from when I was 10 years old. I just turned 24. I have had this for 13 years. Sometimes I tend to think that I have had this for so long, that I begin to show symptoms if I do not have my medicines around — inhaler and antihistamines — it actually scares me, this psychological dependence. It feels psychosomatic at instances, too. I want to rid myself of this dependence to medicine. I do not like the process of steaming, like people usually advice, because it triggers bad allergy, where I begin to sneeze incessantly. 

If you could help me, I shall be very glad. Moreover, it might aid @Mondsee‘s friend, as well.


Edited by xxxx

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14 hours ago, Mondsee said:

@Michael569 I'm not asking for myself, but for someone I know... It seems to be a condition in the entire family

A good place to start is to explore housing. Molds for example are very pro allergenic and asthma (in many cases) is just a progressed untreated allergy. Same as dustmites and other allergens around the house. 

As @UDT said it is a systemic inflammatory condition meaning if the inflammation is treated properly and root cause identified, it can be healed. It is usually multifactorial which means one thing (like one supplement or herb) won't do anything and it needs to be addressed systematically and holistically by removing obstacles to healing before any healing is even attempted. 

Few things that make asthma worse or that can create it in the first place 

  • stress
  • obesity
  • systemic toxicity
  • having allergies & living in hyperallergenic environment
  • Excess Omega 6 over Omega 3 ratio (can override resolvin activity and create a sort of wildfire scenario where the body cannot switch off its own inflammation long after it has served its purpose) 
  • low fibre diet (especially low fruits & berries)
  • too much animal foods in diet 
  • Poor nutrition and deficiencies 
  • messed up gut microbiome and poor diversity from either having taken many antibiotics or not having fibre in the diet 
  • lack of exercise 
  • being born to a smoker or living with a smoker
  • being born by c-section or into water tub
  • having taken antibiotics before the age of 3
  • having been born to a sterile environment (hypercleaning)
  • Having taken corticosteroids for long time can actually make asthma worse
  • Certain medication can wreck your immunity 
  • Immune disruption (this is a bit too complex to explain)

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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