
Eating meat is sacred and spiritual

34 posts in this topic

Hey folks


I've been on the meat-based diet for around 2 months and have been experiencing the most elevated consciousness and clarity. Good mood, calmness and positivity is over the roof. Also, it completed killed my emotional eating and got me back into feeling and responding to hunger and satiation cues. 

I eat nose-to-tail mostly lamb and beef and occasionally chicken and pork. Occasionally seafood and loads of eggs. I also buy a piece of local seasonal organic fruit when I visit my local farmers market. 

Feeling tired and anxious? I've got a solution for you my friend: eat 100g of grass-fed beef liver. Thank me later. 

Those who say that eating meat is bad got it all wrong and should go do some research. Veganism is evolutionary inconsistent and bad for the environment. 
We need more ruminant animals grazing on on the grass to support the eco-system. 
Yes, I agree that factory farming is absolutely cruel and unethical but vegans who claim they are environmentally aware are not true to themselves. Years ago I was vegan for 8 months and as many others I was buying various fruits, nuts etc from thousand miles away and required thousands of unsustainable hours of transportation. Also, vegan foods require agricultural means that destroys soil and small animals and their habitats. I notice that vegans claim to be caring for animals but mostly for cows, pigs, dogs but what about hundreds of other small animals that are not so cute, being killed for growing crops to make your soy cheese? It's double standards. 

I'm not blaming here. I know we all try to do our best. But please let's be more open-minded to other possibilities. 

Meat is sacred food. It provides us with the optimal health both physical and mental, however, we forgot where we've been coming from. 




softly into the Abyss...

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35 minutes ago, Intraplanetary said:

I eat nose-to-tail mostly lamb and beef

Too much red meat is known to be unhealthy, is linked to bowel cancer and high cholesterol.

But a modest amount in a balanced diet is fine. I used to be vegetarian and vegan for a while, but got fed up with other people telling me what I was allowed to eat. 

I don't know much about farming effects on wildlife, but all types destroy habitats to some extent don't they? And use up water + other resources. 

Edited by silene

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5 minutes ago, silene said:

Too much red meat is known to be unhealthy, is linked to bowel cancer and high cholesterol.

But a modest amount in a balanced diet is fine. I used to be vegetarian and vegan for a while, but got fed up with other people telling me what I was allowed to eat. 

I don't know much about farming and wildlife, but all types destroy habitats to some extent don't they? Use up water, other resources. 

There are no interventional studies done to prove that red meat is unhealthy. All these claims about red meat are based on the epidemiological studies that are based on surveys. Majority of the population eat meat with bread, chips and soda on the side so it's not true to say that red meat is unhealthy. It's only correlation. 

As far as my research goes, regenerative farming is the most sustainable means of producing meat. It supports the entire ecosystem, ensures high-quality soil and ethics. There are already some farms who practice this, however, it'll take many years for us to awaken to this way of producing meat large scale and ensuring environmental sustainability. 

Personally, I can still contribute. I go to farmers markets as often as possible and eat mostly seasonal local organic produce. in this way, I support local farming and the environment. 


softly into the Abyss...

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2 minutes ago, datamonster said:

Are you aware that the food for the animals you eat is also transported around the world and that far more is required to produce the same amount of calories?

This is not true. Ruminant animals graze of the grass and live on hay during winter. they need nothing else, literally. Sustainable farms also raise free-range pigs and chickens. 


4 minutes ago, datamonster said:

I just wished more people in the carnivore community would be a little more respecting of people who don't share their ideology. Why do they keep hating on vegans so much? Your candle won't shine brighter by blowing out somebody else's, right? Just let them do their thing and you do yours.

I agree that there is a war between vegans and carnivore advocates. I don't claim to be myself a carnivore. I don't need labels. it closes the mind and prevents considering alternatives. From my experience, I feel the best eating meat. I feel spiritually and mentally elevated. I respect the life cycle I love animals I'm so thankful. I see hunting or raising animals as sacred acts. 

I remember when I was vegan, I believed that this is the best way of eating and I felt superior because I thought I'm caring for animals and nature. 
However, now eating meat and sourcing products locally, I'm more humble, more open-minded. I even feel more connected to the animal kingdom from a spiritual perspective than when I was a vegan. Because know I feel grateful for sustaining my life and giving me optimal health as before it was more about ego. 

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@datamonster it's a highly complex system.
There are so many stakeholders involved in factory farming and agriculture and it's highly monopolised. It's very deep stuff.

It'll take years and years to work out how to feed billions of people by holistic and ethical means.  And for now, I do my best and I respect others for doing their best.

My housemate is vegan and I have nothing but respect for her trying to lead a healthy lifestyle to what she thinks is the best. We agree on some things and don't on others and that's okay. All I care about is to have an intelligent kind conversation. 

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5 minutes ago, datamonster said:

This is something we can definitely agree upon! I'm always happy to learn about other people's perspectives, so if you could share just one article, video or whatever to give someone an idea of your perspective, what would that be? :)


From 27:40 to 29:50. These words speak to my soul. I feel that this is the optimal embodiment of values of health and how we relate to the animal kingdom in this day and age; from my perspective -_-. It's about celebrating the sacred life of the animal kingdom that sustains our lives and provides optimal health to thrive and pursue a good life.

What about you? Share yours.

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@datamonster thanks for sharing. I absolutely agree with the ethical issues concerning the animals. But I don't agree at all with those who say it's not right and unhealthy to eat animal-based products. Our ancestors thrived eating animals for hundreds of thousands of years. I don't think we're more intelligent just yet to know better. 

Exploding human population and greed led us to cruel farming but it doesn't mean that we have to forget where we're coming from from the evolutionary perspective. 

Most of the meat I source is from local farms where animals are treated fairly and kindly. They do what animals supposed to do - graze all day long outside, sleep and repeat. Your perspective encouraged me to embody my values of health further by trying to source ALL my animal-based products from local farms and completely avoid commercial supermarkets. 


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2 minutes ago, Tangerinedream said:

I don’t see how the more conscious and loving you become you would desire to eat meat.  Forget about if it’s healthy for you or not. I’m not saying if it is or isn’t.  It’s more about choosing not to eat the intelligent creatures that get scared and feel pain just like us. Free range or not.  It’s not about survival, our ancestors didn’t have millions of Supermarkts to choose from... survival would be you hunting it and killing it yourself because there was no other way to get food. 

From my experience, eating nose-to-tail I've felt the most elevated consciousness and clarity. I sleep well, motivated to meditate have so much energy to exercise and do what's important. It's crucial that is makes me healthy and energetic. That's fundamental because without physical and mental health I can't do anything. I can't help myself, be efficient let alone go there and contribute to society. 

Yes, we don't need to hunt as we're privileged in this day and age that someone else can raise and hunt animals for us so we can do something else with our time.  

Your health and wellbeing is the key. We just got to make sure we do it ethically and holistically. Which is a complex issue. I can only start by taking small local actions.

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2 hours ago, Intraplanetary said:

There are no interventional studies done to prove that red meat is unhealthy.

That's a BOLD statement!!!

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6 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

That's a BOLD statement!!!

No, it's not. Find and share at least one INTERVENTIONAL study exclusively on meat proving that meat is unhealthy. I guarantee you that what you will find is only epidemiological studies based on surveys that are correlational. Anyway, I'm open to the possibility you'll find one. 

Edited by Intraplanetary

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OFCOURSE you won't find an interventional study showing that meat causes disease. It is unethical and illegal. You would need to lock people in lab environments, restrict their diets, control everything they eat & do. You CAN'T design a study that will observe whether people do or do not develop a negative outcome. It is unethical. This is why studies on cancer can be so debatable. You can for example look at a population of 100 smokers who have been smoking for 20 years and see how many develop lung cancer, in retrospection. But you can't design a trial where half the people smoke and half won't observing who gets cancer and who doesn't. 




Personalised Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Support
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about a health problem you are currently struggling with

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5 minutes ago, Michael569 said:


OFCOURSE you won't find an interventional study showing that meat causes disease. It is unethical and illegal. You would need to lock people in lab environments, restrict their diets, control everything they eat & do. You CAN'T design a study that will observe whether people do or do not develop a negative outcome. It is unethical. This is why studies on cancer can be so debatable. You can for example look at a population of 100 smokers who have been smoking for 20 years and see how many develop lung cancer, in retrospection. But you can't design a trial where half the people smoke and half won't observing who gets cancer and who doesn't. 




You go this wrong. It's not done because it's extremely expensive and who on earth would want to do this? Who is interested in people's health??? 
These studies are not funded because no one would be able to profit. There are hundreds of people who know and believe that meat is healthy and would be more than happy to conduct and participate in these studies but it costs crazy lots of money. 

You saying it's unethical to do interventional studies, it's bonkers :D Don't worry, no one is locking and keeping people in the basement :D.

I give you one interventional study showing that eating meat is healthy. It was done on two people for 1 year! And what about Eskimos? they ate exclusively meat-only diet for hundreds of years and thrived. There are many other tribes. Tell me one tribe in the history of the world that lived on plant-diet?

The study is here 

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7 minutes ago, Intraplanetary said:

But you can't design a trial where half the people smoke and half won't observing who gets cancer and who doesn't. 

But do you see your bias that you already made conclusions that interventional study based on meat diet would be unhealthy? 

You can't make conclusions based on your opinion. Saying that meat is unhealthy is an opinion that you took for granted. Again, there are no actual studies proving that.

Edited by Intraplanetary

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3 minutes ago, datamonster said:

I agree, me neither. I don't think eating meat is "bad" for one's health. Although I wouldn't exactly say our ancestors "thrived" on it.

Right haha :D Sorry, I meant the only one for me is the documentary, but because it doesn't really have any commentary (it's just images) I shared the other for context.

ok ok... I let you slide this time :D

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Yes, eating feces can be sacred and spiritual.  Murder can turn beautiful in the eyes of the killer. 
But what about the victim? How sacred is it for that soul when they are forced to die half way through their life for another beings pleasure. In China we eat grass fed dog, it’s really beautiful too. The dogs are totally cool with it.

Fasting is more Sacred and Spiritual than any survival activity can ever be.

Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?

- Edgar Allen Poe 

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23 minutes ago, Chakra Lion said:

Yes, eating feces can be sacred and spiritual.  Murder can turn beautiful in the eyes of the killer. 
But what about the victim? How sacred is it for that soul when they are forced to die half way through their life for another beings pleasure. In China we eat grass fed dog, it’s really beautiful too. The dogs are totally cool with it.

Fasting is more Sacred and Spiritual than any survival activity can ever be.

you're not ready for a conversation. You're flying here giving some wacky comparisons about eating faces. Cool your jets.

Edited by Intraplanetary

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You could have just posted this in the "is eating meat bad or less evolved let's say" thread, seems even your thread title is an answer to that other topic

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14 minutes ago, Intraplanetary said:

you're not ready for a conversation. You're flying here giving some wacky comparisons about eating faces. Cool your jets.

I’m only replying to your statement, “Eating meat is Sacred and Spiritual”.

Reality is happening from more than one perspective. You see something beautiful and another being sees the same thing as complete hell. Like it or not, you are eating faces. And it’s not that it’s bad, but you are choosing to identify that eating activity as sacred and spiritual.

What is so sacred about you opening a package of meat and with no effort or wasted energy you eat it? I could see if you raise your own animals, then slit its throat when a special day arrives. But you are trying to justify a survival activity as a good reason to continue to do it.
Fasting is sacred.

Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?

- Edgar Allen Poe 

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