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Spiritual insight from quantum mechanics

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Insights from quantum mechanics based on reading about Sean Caroll;

When looking at individual situations, wave functions imply “parallel universes” or “parallel timelines”; the schrodingers cat argument.

However Sean Caroll states that individual wave functions actually do not exist when looking at the actuality of the universe. Everything is intertwined so there is only one wave function, the function describing the entire universe, which is likely to be of infinite size.

We can use the same logic when talking about individual perspectives and death.

Any individual perspective is purely imaginary and  just like an individual wave function. However in the relative sense they are true, we all have our own perspective on life.

In the same as parallel universes don’t exist in actuality when looking at the hypothetical wave function of the universe, death doesn’t exist when looking at the actuality of the entire universe. Only in our individual stories death exists.

This also made me realise a potential answer to the problem of other minds;

the entire problem is questioning whether other POV are imaginary. With the underlying assumption that your own POV is not imaginary. How could it be? But it turns out all POV are equally imaginary without there being an imaginer. I see a lot of talk about solipsism on this forum. All solipsism says is that every character is imaginary except “yourself”. Its just the ego thinking it has a special metaphysical position, when there is absolutely no proof for this.

All characters are equally imaginary and real. Even though I am imaginary I still have a conscious experience which is the universe.


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Yup, death is something you're imagining. But other POVs are also something that you're imagining. Because each universe is different than your own - there's only the illusion that reality is some space shared temporally. The question is why you're identifying with this Ego' story as there actually are no rules to keep you trapped in this Universe and then die. That's just a story the ego likes to tell.

As for characters being imaginary, yes, they are. But you are the one imagining the characters. You are not a character inside some temporal story. Because you (the "Universe") are infinite.

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