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Was this a glimpse or what?

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Hello people, I would appreciate if some of you guys who are more experienced on the awakening process can help me understand what just happened...

So, I was following the guided meditation on this video 

And suddenly when Leo said something along the lines of "imagine your emotions are now erased". For like 2 seconds and out of the blue I could feel my entire body and even though my eyes were closed, my vision kind of illuminated x10 and this sent chills through my whole body. 

I had never ever felt this and I was shocked. My heart rate increased like crazy and when I watched this emotional response in my body I felt very afraid and my mind immediately started thinking and doubting what had just happened.

I've been meditating on and off for year or so, and the past 2 months I've done it consistently, without missing a single day.

I appreciate all your responses. Thanks.

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3 hours ago, Sleyker said:

and this sent chills through my whole body.

Very relatable, don't try to conceptualize this too much, just continue to meditate consistently ;) 

You are the everpresent light, if you don't block yourself you feel your true self.

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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2 hours ago, allislove said:

don't try to conceptualize this too much,

Right, that's a problem, because I was trying to understand what was happening.


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Sounds like you had some sort of glimpse. This is how it is, it can come and go so quick, then your mind will be like wait... what was that? The mind wants to "understand", I think Leo had a blog post about that. I would just let that play out and don't become to attached with trying to understand what happened.

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9 minutes ago, nightrider1435 said:

Sounds like you had some sort of glimpse. This is how it is, it can come and go so quick, then your mind will be like wait... what was that? The mind wants to "understand"

Exactly, that's what happened to me. Holy cow, I wasn't expecting it to happen so quickly.

I will keep chipping away at it without trying to understand it, thanks for your advice.

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