
Je Suis - The I in Jesus

27 posts in this topic

9 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

Any specific recommendations?

I'll give you some, they are in my wish list, I haven't bought them yet.

"Interior Castle" by St. Teresa of Avila

"Experiencing God Directly: The Way of Christian Nonduality"

"The Spiritual Guide" By Michael Molinos

-1/12 is Infinity 

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5 minutes ago, Dodo said:

I'll give you some, they are in my wish list, I haven't bought them yet.

"Interior Castle" by St. Teresa of Avila

"Experiencing God Directly: The Way of Christian Nonduality"

"The Spiritual Guide" By Michael Molinos

thanks man, i hope i get to check some of the stuff out soon-ish

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@Dodo  I'm simply pointing your finger to another direction. Don't take my criticism as arrogance. I'm simply trying to help you. 

Don't engage in these thoughts like "I'm this" "I am" "I am all." so on and on. You don't understand that this is a distraction. Your ego is playing tricks on you and I'm showing you the trickery. What you're looking for is a finite answer to the universe through interpretation of casual relationships.. The problem is that consciousness is infinite and not limited by expressions like "I am". You should focus on expanding your consciousness and not in these truth or dare mind games. The I that you're talking about just doesn't exist. You are in a sea of consciousness and everything is only that. In looking at the moon, you are missing the sky. There was a deeper reason why I was criticizing you, to show you the mask of such thoughts that arise from the ego's needs to fulfill a doctrine, an assumption, a thought or an interconnection. Just wanted to leave your thread with this 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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7 hours ago, Preety_India said:

@Dodo  I'm simply pointing your finger to another direction. Don't take my criticism as arrogance. I'm simply trying to help you. 

Don't engage in these thoughts like "I'm this" "I am" "I am all." so on and on. You don't understand that this is a distraction. Your ego is playing tricks on you and I'm showing you the trickery. What you're looking for is a finite answer to the universe through interpretation of casual relationships.. The problem is that consciousness is infinite and not limited by expressions like "I am". You should focus on expanding your consciousness and not in these truth or dare mind games. The I that you're talking about just doesn't exist. You are in a sea of consciousness and everything is only that. In looking at the moon, you are missing the sky. There was a deeper reason why I was criticizing you, to show you the mask of such thoughts that arise from the ego's needs to fulfill a doctrine, an assumption, a thought or an interconnection. Just wanted to leave your thread with this 


Thanks, I appreciate the guidance. It's a great pointer, i think the same as what I was trying to suggest. 

The moon is ametaphor here tho, so this Iam im talking about is not the Iam localized in mind /body and nor ourside of mind/body. 

It does not have a shape and a size, its a quality. It's beingness, cannot be pointed to directly and perfectly, because it "doesnt exist" as you say. It is not a form. But you are it. I am not trying to intellectualise here too much. I want this to be practical, not theoretical.

I am pointing to the gold out of which the jewels of beings are made. Not the individual jewel. So you cant say I'm missing the sky, because that's what im pointing. Otherwise I would say that the I am has a subtle individual form.

Also I have not mentioned, but the small Iam which is individuated can give up all it knows, to this great Iam which is all. The JesUS which is ALLah. To give up all concepts and definitions, to not cling to a certain way. They don't get lost, there is just a resting,purifying and purging while this giving up is done. 

In this resting in the greater I we become ignorant, we become newborn like babies, just like every time we go to deep sleep, but fully consciously and aware. 

This is the communion, this is Love, this is Light and bliss. In this state of no-self we can begin to shine more light and see our connectedness with not only those who follow our pointer, but with all beings. Not just Christians or Buddhists, not just those who share our worldview, not just humans even. all beings. 

This is not enlightenment yet, enlightenment happens through grace, not brute force,  trickery or trying. It does not happen through intellectual understanding, but the intellectual can serve as a map.

"The maps is not the territory ", but without a map you are way way way more likely to get lost. That doesn't mean to cling to the map and to say no other map is valid.

And also that doesn't mean all maps are valid too. I trust my intuition and my heart on these matters. I can see when there is sincerity and authenticity, and when I am fed with some distraction.

It happens through surrender and its not up to me and you. It's all up to the great IAM, the sky if you will, the @Essence

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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8 hours ago, PurpleTree said:

Any specific recommendations?

Yes sir! The Heart of Centering prayer by Cynthia Bourgeault. And of course lots of stuff about the Essenes (Lars Muhl for example), christian gnosticism etc. 

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6 hours ago, Even Hessen said:

@Dodo The name jesus actually stems from greek, Iesous. it means hail zeus, who was the head god of greek mythology. 12 olympian gods, 12 chosen disciples of jesus. It was extremely common in the middle east from the ancient mesopotemia to arabia and islam to put a twist and a different name to already existing gods, religions and mythologies. It has most likely been mixed with both norse and hindu mythology aswell. Sumerian annunaki winged gods are the angels mentioned in christianity. Heaven is the god anu, meaning sky etc.

Everyone has a different story. Thats why I am not really interested in stories. I am interested in what the story is written on. 


-1/12 is Infinity 

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1 minute ago, Dodo said:

Everyone has a different story. Thats why I am not really interested in stories. I am interested in what the story is written on. 


Which eventually makes stories much cooler ? we need stories as human beings, as its interwoven in the fabric of existence. We just stop being slaves to stories. I think its about where the ink meets the paper.

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