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a question for you leo

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i have been a spiritual seeker for a while now and I've tried reading books that would be very inspirational but then i read a post or and article (critic) about the book that i just got inspired by and get all messed up inside,  i don't know who to follow or what to follow making a choice on who to follow is a great challenge for me right now, i need pointers on how to walk the path of self realization without a guru, because I've been searching for a physical guru who would guide me and initiate me into kriyas, but for some reason it just seem soo hard for me to find a guru. so i would love if you could give me pointers on how to find  the right  guru (if possible ) or give me pointers on how to walk the path of self realization without a guru 

thank you 

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You can learn Kriya without a guru. I've done this, and so have others on this forum.


Edited by herghly

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