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We are affecting one another on an energetic level, this changes our DNA codes. We are activating new strands of DNA. As this transformation takes place everyone has to undergo different energy imbalances within their system, this is manifesting in the world today as the deadly virus. To allow more light into the system helps with our ability to release the shadows stored in memory of past trauma. That’s why there is so much fear spreading in the world today, it’s like wild fire. It doesn’t really matter what your position or perspective is, it has a shadow. What do you do? Do you remain flexible and listening to the body to your gut, to the intuition that guides us through this uncertainty. You can be your own guiding light through the correspondence with others, so trust the resonance raising your frequency 

i’ve recently been drawn to light language, the light workers are here to add light to the collective aspects holding the masses down and keeping them stuck in cyclical thinking, beliefs and patterns of division. There is a hierarchy in energy, start tuning into those energies pulling you up, I repeat. You must let go of what is no longer serving. Trust yourself, stop giving away your power.

Edited by DrewNows

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Every time we reach a wall or as I would like to call it, a mile stone, there will be resistance that comes from within, don’t mistake this resistance for dis-ease or ill intention (mistaken guides)

Guides may be labeled as self doubt, quacks, conspiracy theorists, new agers, tier 1 level thinkers, undeveloped logical minds. Take every bit of information and energy back in to reflect. You may not be able to trust your gut say if it’s storing a lot of pain or toxic, tightly held (emotional) beliefs. When one is to lighten the diet, to cleanse the system, new links can be made to information accessed from different points or angles, among multiple verticals

Transformation cannot be forced, it must be allowed. Stop seeking externally for all the answers, they will come with ease, in ease.

If you backtrack don’t forget to loop back around. It is the process of cycling one’s own urine that creates or allows for this to occur inwardly. It is our best medicine other than meditation 

Backtracking is not only useful but necessary, to integrate some shadows that cannot be accepted in our judgments of still-stored toxins seen in the world in our reflections 

Edited by DrewNows

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In actuality, nature is only violent to us when we are or have been violent with her. We have the capability of storing the violence within us in our cells. This manifests into much needed violence against one another, the fight for survival, and an unharmonious way of life leading to death and destruction. As we ascend upward, power and balance is restored to the systems of nature and society. We are shepherds of the physical world, bound only by the cords of attachment in our very own division. 

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At present, humanity on Earth carries a double-stranded DNA chain in the cells of the body. Light (information) manifests through what we call consciousness, and this consciousness is encoded in DNA.

The Role of DNA

The plus and minus polarities of Light are comparable to DNA and RNA, which can be characterized as the polarities of human consciousness. It is also the reason that human consciousness goes from Light to Dark. Due to the activation of 12-strand DNA, 10 additional strands are activated in the cells of the body. Additional DNA strands are magnetic, multidimensional in nature and cannot be detected by modern scientific equipment.

We assume, on the basis of the tests carried out and the responses, that the changes initially take place in the etheric body. These additional strands of DNA trigger the myriad cellular activities required to transform our dense physical carbon body into a physically etheric crystalline body and to reshape our energy fields.

It is said that 97% of DNA does not function. For many people with awakened consciousness, this dormant material appears to be a living data warehouse containing instruction sets for our greater human potential. What is encoded in our secret vault is a potential so enormous that it is incomprehensible to the mind to think that something so deep could be so accessible. Leading scientists argue that genes and DNA do not control our biology, on the contrary, DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell. This includes energetic messages coming from our positive and negative thoughts.

The bottom line is that our thoughts and feelings directly affect our DNA. Positive shifts in perception and new states of feelings trigger DNA activation. Moreover, when we consciously interact with the living DNA intelligence, it receives the main stimulation and begins to give out more potential, which is contained in the hidden code. We are constantly changing and transforming. We are constantly redefining ourselves.

DNA Renewal Effects Opening crystal seals and turning on dormant DNA. Overriding the bounding memory fields allocated in the body. Raising your vibrations to a new plane of happiness (bliss). Reprogramming, rebalancing and resuming cell function. Increased energy, clarity, and body alignment. Crystallization of vibrational patterns of higher evolution. Building a stronger neural circuit capable of holding more Light. Improving the manifestation of your preferred reality. Opening more channels for the embodiment of the Higher Self. Manifestation of unrealized talents and abilities.


The meaning of activating the 3rd DNA strand is to let go of the programming of death.

4th DNA strand meaning and function.

The activation of the 4th DNA strand is the dissolution of the Light filter of the fifth dimension in the Third Eye. This allows us to begin receiving the language of Light of the fifth dimension through our Third Eye. The third eye is similar to the receptor prism of the Language of Light, which transmits instructions to the cells of the body to transform the physical body into a physical-etheric light body. Additional information enters our consciousness of the mind, allowing you to experience life in a multidimensional way.

5th strand of DNA

The meaning and function of activation of the fifth strand of DNA is the dissolution of the filter of the fifth dimension at the heart chakra. This means that the information we access through our Third Eye is expressed in action with love and with all our heart. We have the ability to heal ourselves and others, spontaneously and instantly, as Divine Love and Truth radiates from our every cell. The 4th and 5th strands go hand in hand.

6th strand of DNA

The meaning and function of activation of the sixth strand of DNA is to continue to transmit information to the cells of the body in the language of Light from the sixth dimension about transformation into a physical-etheric being. Sixth dimensional information begins to flow through our conscious mind as we delve deeper into the multidimensional experience of life. We remember HOW to control the rotation of our electr ons. This activates our superhuman abilities ... such as telekinesis, teleportation, astral travel, lucid dreaming, levitation, shape shifting and bi-location.

7th strand of DNA

The meaning and function of activation of the 7th DNA strand is the dissolution of the filter of Light of the sixth dimension on the heart chakra. Again, it follows that the information that we access through the Third Eye is expressed in action with love and through the heart. We are emitters of the transformation of Love ... we are constantly transferring our improved patterns throughout life, as we are ALL LIKE particles of energy. The 6th and 7th strands go hand in hand.

8th strand of DNA

The meaning and function of activation of the eighth DNA strand is the dissolution of the filter of Light of the seventh dimension on the chakra of the Third Eye. The 7th Dimensional Light Language provides more information to the cells of the body regarding transformation into a physical-etheric being. When information from the seventh dimension begins to flow into our conscious minds, we receive instructions directly from the quantum kingdom of the Universe

9th strand of DNA

The meaning and function of activation of the ninth strand of DNA is the dissolution of the filter of Light of the seventh dimension on the heart chakra. This ensures that the information we access through our Third Eye is expressed through the actions of Unconditional Love. Through rhythm and constancy, we become the masters of our emotional body. We maintain a strong and stable shape. Our emotional frequencies are joy, peace, tranquility, and unconditional love that can transform other energy fields. The 8th and 9th strands go hand in hand.

10th strand of DNA

The meaning and activation function of the 10th DNA strand is your Ascension vehicle is activated. In the activation of the seventh dimension, the North and South Poles opened up to the flow of quantum energy, surrounding the body in a cloud 30 meters in diameter. When the 10th thread is activated, what is known as the Metatron Matrix forms a container around the cloud containing it like a transport, so it does not dissipate. Your individual Ascension Machine is now fully formed. You naturally attract whatever is necessary and required to fulfill the Divine Plan.

11th strand of DNA

The meaning and function of activation of the eleventh strand of DNA is the formation of the planetary Ascension Machine around Mother Earth as well. Now that the 11th thread is activated, the lines of Light connect your individual Ascension Transport to Mother Earth's Ascension Vehicle - from your N Pole to the N Pole of the Earth and from your S Pole to the S Pole of the Earth. Your every thought, action, word and feeling is governed by your powerful I AM Presence. We just know that we are in perfect alignment at every moment.

12th strand of DNA

The meaning and function of activation of the 12th strand of DNA. When the 12th thread is activated, your Individual Ascension Machine is charged with a continuous stream of electromagnetic energy through the poles from the Planetary Ascension Machine. When Mother Earth shifts, all who are connected to her through their Individual Ascension Vehicles will move with her. We live, breathe, think and feel as ONE, entering into a relationship of perfect love and complete trust with every form of life, as we shine with our radiant example of the infinite possibilities of God embodied on Earth.

With Love!



Source: shortened text from Peter Johanson, translation ND & Gatekeeper

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Where and on which of the 23 chromosomes are these 'extra 12 strands' located?

Or are they separate chromosomes?

Because in that case, one extra strand of DNA causes Down syndrome.

Can't imagine what 12 would do...

Edited by flowboy

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