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Taunted Jester

A moment of presence before a dream?

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First post. 

So I had this experience and a dream afterwards and I guess I have had questions about it since. 

So a little background on it before i begin explaining it. I was certainly drunk at the time. However I was in bed at that time and trying to drift off into sleep. Eyes closed. Trying to cease thoughts but failing at that so I was thinking deeper thoughts than I normally do and thinking about nothingness and how everything even my form is nothing and generally My thoughts were centred around nothingness and something being nothing. 

So with my eyes closed and seeing darkness and thinking of nothingness I started visualising like what I can describe as viewing a blank screen of a computer monitor. Nothing viewed on the screen but then a windows started maximizing from a small point on the screen to get bigger and my thought are like “not that one”, then it minimized and a different window started to appear and im like “not that either” and it minimized. It happened one more time before I finally accepted the fourth window in which The window maximised to fill my entire vision and I was cast as a character into an entirely different and futuristic world. The hair styles were great and i loved the styles portrayed around me. I also was able on occasion to change from one person to a different person like possession. 

trying and wanting to get a hair style like that. 

Obviously what I would normally consider a dream. It lasted the whole night until I woke up.  Quite unusual for the same dream to last the whole night which was 10 hours of sleep...

What i dreamt made me wonder about one of Leo’s videos about how what we call something is actually nothing. 

Is the something I am seeing my whole life actually like that dream world. Nothing. 

From my studies of physics experiments in this world that I have called something aka what I have called reality... some of them point to there being no space. Some of them point to future events that are actually able to change past events. Like the Matrix... like that dream... Have I actually been living in a dream world this whole entire time? If so... How can I trust anything that I have learnt in this dream reality? Because I certainly don’t trust anything in my fantastic hair styles dreams... 


Is everything that I have learnt and experienced as reality... what people in this reality would call materialistic really... just a mere illusion? A fantasy? My body? My friends? The meal in front of me? 

In my dreams I consider other people to be real. In my “real world” i consider everyone to be real. Are all of them just like my body... “Nothing”?

please help if you know the answer to these questions. 


It also makes me wonder.... if before we experience this “dream” or “reality”... that we choose it just as simply as what I did before the dream that I feel I chose expanded to fill my whole vision and dream the whole night through...


It also make me wonder about another thing. 

if it is like you Dream and the people you dream of... are just as inconsequential as people in your dreams.l when you wake up and you are like “oh it’s just a dream”  and they disappear and have no real relevance in your life apart from being a dream person... Are the people and world you are currently living in and experiencing just like a dream... the same... inconsequential...  Their dream feelings don’t matter. Illusions? 


If what I experience as reality... and call “something” is actually “nothing” just like a dream... an illusion... 



i mean it reminds me of this saying I read... You are God just constantly dreaming. 

how do you act towards your dream characters? 

inconsequential? Respectful?


if the only thing in existence is You... God... 


I don’t know how to explain my question to be honest.



Edited by Taunted Jester
Edited from the sentence: please help if you know the answer to these questions.

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