Leo Gura

Collecting Questions & Objections About The Limits Of Science

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Although i didn't read all the pages i scannned them for this expression and found zero occurence(s), hence this suggestion:


"Quantum Entanglement"...


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I'll caveat this by admitting that I haven't made my way through the entire series yet (a lot of ideas to consider and unpack, and not the sort of thing I can just put on in the background and listen to while writing code for my day job), but wouldn't a more accurate name for this series be Deconstructing the Myth of Materialist Reductionism?

Not sure if this was intentional or not, but your mention in part one of trying to study a frog by putting it through a blender and then looking at its cells under a microscope brings to mind a famous essay by the philosopher Thomas Nagel called What Is It Like to Be a Bat?, which raises many of the same points you do about the limitations of Materialist Reductionism.

In Part One, I do wonder if maybe you're conflating fields of knowledge which are Scientifically Informed  from the process of Scientific Discovery. Hell, even the Catholic Church has updated its worldview in response to scientific discoveries. I also wonder whether trying to come up with clear boundaries for what is or is not Science ultimately becomes a questions of semantics at some point, rather than being helpful for the purposes of clarity. 

Great series so far by the way. I think your videos are fantastic at bringing up questions of epistemology for things that go unquestioned in the broader culture, even if I end up disagreeing with some of the points you make.


Edited by DocWatts

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at : https://7provtruths.substack.com/

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@Husseinisdoingfine Look around you: science builds great stuff. It can build better stuff. It still has room for improvement. That is the main critique.

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The ego is the limitation for everything. 



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On 10/16/2020 at 6:01 PM, JosephKnecht said:

1) Is Science invented or discovered?

If it is invented, for what purpose does the Inventor, invent it? Is it just to create a framework in which multiple minds can agree on a common understanding or reality?

science is reality nither discovered nor invented. science is a human natural state of being. 

On 10/16/2020 at 6:01 PM, JosephKnecht said:

If it is discovered, then why did the Inventor hid it from us so that we have to discover it again? 

(I know that from the biggest perspective, the distinction between invented and discovered collapses, but try to elaborate from a dual perspective)

2) Can Metaphysics as a branch of Science ever disprove Science? 

If science one-day collapses, what would cause the collapse? To disprove science to scientists, we must offer them proof. Where do you foresee this proof coming from? Metaphysics or something else?

metaphysics never disprove science, it strength science. science simply expand. scientific discovery simply bold what was there. 

On 10/16/2020 at 6:01 PM, JosephKnecht said:

(Keep in mind that when metaphysics disproves science, it is actually disproving itself)

3) The end of science is also the end of Objectivism. If Objectivity is gone how does One create objectivity in a completely subjective world? 

Science has created standards in material reality that we all abide by. A meter in Europe is also one meter in Australia. If there is no objective definition of what a meter is, how would I order my 1-meter tall Kangaroo without getting a 4-meter one? :D  

science can't be end because science is reality. don't confuse science and Sprituality, they are two different ways of dealing with reality but they are one. like husband and wife. 

On 10/16/2020 at 6:01 PM, JosephKnecht said:

4) How can we use the limits of Science to show Scientists that to go beyond the limits of Science they must use something other than Science? 

When Science has progressed us into an advanced civilization, Scientists don't want to throw away the tool that allowed for the progress. Something else must promise bigger progress in order to be adopted on a mass scale. 

Science has no limits, science expand through generations. 

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On 10/16/2020 at 1:04 PM, LastThursday said:

Some ideas:

  • Can science say anything at all about unrepeatable phenomena?

to be science a thing must always be repeatable. if it isn't repeatable, it isn't science. 

  • Can we have a science that is non-material - instead of particles and fields, have consciousness as its base?

no. science can't be non-material. non-material deals with Sprituality and religion. 

  • Can the process of science be improved so that it doesn't suffer so much from paradigm lock?

science must maintain it's paradigm. science is very effective. if science wants to study Spritual phenomenon it will be branches of studies but never change science and its ways. 

  • Is there anything blatantly obvious that science is missing because of paradigm lock?


  • There are many areas considered fringe science that science could explore. How do we reduce the stigma of investigating them?

it is possible to do personal investigation. 

  • Can science be done without any maths at all?


  • Should science be divorced from engineering and corporate interests? If so, how does it get funded?

no. corporates help science to grow more and for better. 

  • What are the benefits of the scientific method - as compared to say introspection and self contemplation or taking psychedelics?

psychedelic, introspection, contemplations doesn't guarantee truth. science accepts psychedelic simply as other drug. 

  • How can we make science inclusive, so that anyone can do it and understand it?

everyone is basically doing it. everyone from baby, grade 1 up to professor is a scientist. 

  • How do we get the different branches of science to synergise and talk to each other?


Science deals this by creating another department of science. science does not leave the gap for religion or Sprituality. 

Edited by sethman
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On 10/21/2020 at 1:53 PM, Leo Gura said:

@Travelion Science itself tells you that it has studied less than 1% to the universe.

it does not change the way science is. science does not lose its nature, science simply expand to infinite. this we call it life. 

I can see the error of Leo, he is applying Sprituality to science. science and Sprituality are two different aspects of God. they never become one. they are like husband and wife, they simply play their role as they are. 

Edited by sethman
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12 hours ago, sethman said:

no. science can't be non-material. non-material deals with Sprituality and religion. 

How is that so? Is psychology unscientific? Does it exclude the study of the mind? Is the mind material in nature? Are all psychological models materialistic? The answer is no btw.

Edited by Carl-Richard

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11 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

How is that so? Is psychology unscientific? Does it exclude the study of the mind? Is the mind material in nature? Are all psychological models materialistic? The answer is no btw.

you are misunderstanding science. science uses and assume anything that exists in reality. science has its own method of understanding reality it does mean science deny Sprituality or any else. science not only deals with psychological but other quantum mechanics types of things. but it does mean science becomes Sprituality. see science as husband and Sprituality as wife, they don't interfere. 

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8 minutes ago, sethman said:

you are misunderstanding science.

I'm misunderstanding you. Is psychology a science or not?

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21 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

I'm misunderstanding you. Is psychology a science or not?

Everything that is done through logic and rationality is science. 

Edited by sethman
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31 minutes ago, sethman said:

Everything that is done through logic and rationality is science. 

On 1.7.2021 at 4:18 PM, sethman said:

science can't be non-material. 

Let's get something straight: 1. logic and rationality are not synonymous with materialism. There exists many theories in various fields that are either fully compatible or completely neutral to non-materialist metaphysics (I pointed to psychology as one example).

 2. Analytical philosophy is also done through logic and rationality, and it's not considered a science. What you're missing is empiricism, or more specifically the hypothetico-deductive method: the empirical testing of hypotheses and progressive refinement of theories.

However, analytical philosophy can be used to create standards of how theories should be interpreted or treated (e.g. "is it scientific enough and/or should it be discarded?"), for example using so-called "demarcation criteria" (e.g. falsificationism), but "the scientific method" in its purest form basically boils down to empiricism and theory-building.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Science divide in three 

formal science, natural sciences, and social sciences. when science grow it includes other Displine too. but to be science everthing must be Rational and logical otherwise it isn't science. logic and Science is the language of the universe. you can't do science with irrationality and illogic. 

When I say material, science present the Spritual essence of nature into material tangible things. examples quantum mechanics. quantum particles aren't material elements, but science convert them to material visible experience. everything in science isn't material. everthing is Spritual but science brings out the immaterial to material. computer, infrared light, Bluetooth, everthing. 

you can't mention one error in science. science is grows through generations. science is identical to the universe. also don't confuse science with consciousness and Spirituality. 

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On 10/16/2020 at 9:18 AM, Leo Gura said:

Obviously that would be ideal. But I have older videos where I critique science.

you can't critique science because science is God. Science is flawless and Perfect. People manipulate god essence through science and Spirituality. 

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2 hours ago, sethman said:

you can't mention one error in science.

science is grows through generations.

If science has no errors, how does it grow?


2 hours ago, sethman said:

science is identical to the universe. 

Science makes models that describe the universe in extremely limited ways. A description is not identical to the thing it describes. Talking about surfing is not the same as actually surfing.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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5 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

If science has no errors, how does it grow?

Science has no error because it is God essence, science add up new discovery every time, science doesn't grow by error, science simply expand. 


Science makes models that describe the universe in extremely limited ways. A description is not identical to the thing it describes. Talking about surfing is not the same as actually surfing.

Science creates models because humans mind is limited. science is for humans, not for other species. people do science, not other creatures. science is a human intellectual activity, not other beings. you have to understand which position you are at, an angel and a human have different layers and degrees of science, description is the lowest representation of the thing described. nothing beat science, because science is God. @Leo Gura critique of science isn't critique but mixing two unrelated phenomenon, but it is good idea to discuss and being open to subjects like this, it grow consciousness and will help to understand other people perspective. 

Edited by sethman

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On 10/21/2020 at 2:23 PM, Leo Gura said:

@Dazgwny Did you really think all the epistemic problems of religion would not resurface in science?

I don't see any epistemic problems in religion, ever religion has grasped some aspects of reality and God, all religion are absolutely true. 


On 10/22/2020 at 3:55 AM, Leo Gura said:

Why would you assume so?

Reality worked just fine before man invented physics.

no physics isn't invented, physics was a reality. it simply intellectualized by human mind, it become apparent what was there. 


On 10/22/2020 at 8:23 AM, Mada_ said:

"Science is objectively true" - Neil Degrasse Tyson

absolutely true, science is objectively true. science is truth. 

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On 10/20/2020 at 0:11 PM, Leo Gura said:

"A physicist is just an atom's way of looking at itself." — Neils Bohr

scientists degrees and understanding varies, he said this to show that some physicist don't grasp quantum mechanics. every one understands based on his grade. 

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