
Solipsism is Truth: Everything is Imagination

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On 12/4/2020 at 5:49 PM, Inliytened1 said:

It is absolutely true.  It is relatively true and not true.

No, it's not.

It's utter gibberish just like all your other posts you ever made on this forum.


ALL of them. Are gibberish, one by one. False.

Edited by RealTruth

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On 10/15/2020 at 2:47 PM, justfortoday said:

@r0ckyreed I’ll put it out plainly and simply.

Realia VR experience that infinite im created to experience connection and to share it’s own love. 

Solipsism is true in the absolute because all the people you meet are you, past and future incarnations of yourself. 

Solipsism is bullshit 


And its philosophy HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO with this gibberish nonsense that is non duality.


So stop connecting both and connecting with some mystical fucking schizophrenic god or some weird fucking notion of infinity you have and your crappy math. Fool.

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On 10/15/2020 at 9:17 PM, Leo Gura said:

How can anything exist at all?


Since God is bullshit, it needs no cause, process, or how. It's bullshit. It can just pull whatever it wants out of its own ass. That's the whole point of bullshit. It makes the impossible possible.

Of course your bullshit schizophrenic god has to make magic so things can have consistency when you look away from the car on the street..right gura? Otherwise you wouldn't be able to dismiss reality.. you have to invent a fucking god that does it like magic..or some quantum fucking weirdness ...of course your cat gives a shit about this so busy god that has to watch over him so the cat literally not disappear into the into rage void of this "consciousness-schizophrenic-guras-god" ???


Ohhh you also say tyis god is abducting us right? We inside is pure void and consciousness.... oure schizophrenia. God is giving your soul void but he has to watch over a fucking cat so the cat doesn't simply desintegrate.... of course... it all makes sense.. all for the hilarious nonsense of dismissing permanence and how your awareness has nothig to do with other states and events of life and reality...... how obvious of Gura.... ??? 

Edited by RealTruth

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4 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@RealTruth so no one is going to ban this creature? 

That "creature" is another you. He is your consciousness rolling like that. Don't you guys understand that everything you see is you? Where is the frickin infinite love? 

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On 12/3/2020 at 1:43 PM, abrakamowse said:

I think the confusion comes from the fact that we confuse (sorry for being redundant) the regular mind or ego mind with the Buddha mind. Buddha mind would be the whole consciousness that is YOU.

That is the "YOU" that is experiencing everything and where all the characters are not real, are just imaginary. When Leo says "everything is imaginary" it refers to the consciousness where everything arises from it. Everything that is dependent on consciousness is not real, ergo imaginary.

But sometimes we confuse that "YOU" with the small you or ego. That ego thinks imaginary is something that he is thinking, so that it can be reality.

Reality is imaginary from the POV of the I AM (or YOU, your true self) and it seems very real and "solid" and "consistent" to the ego mind. Or the small "you" or small "I"



This is what I've been thinking but couldn't properly articulate, so thank you for that. I still don't get Leo's take on these "perceptual bubbles" that every ego lives in, or whatever the ego imagines to be true is true, and anything outside of that doesn't exist....except because it is infinite it does exist??? His comments seem to contradict each other to a (literally) insane degree. 
I heard Martin Ball describe in a podcast a certain phenomena that occurs on 5 meo where when the ego is dying it says "omg I'm dying....and I'm taking everyone with me" which he later explained would be a mistake/trap when in fact that's just you and your perspective. This seems to directly contradict Leo's comments such as (paraphrasing here)  "once you die, your family will no longer exist" essentially saying the ego creates this reality, not God. If were to guess where these traps came from it would seem like a lack of "no-self" understanding is the cause, but what do I know.  

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@Ry4n the quote your quoting from Leo refers not to the ego ( the idea) dying, but rather you as God/Consciousness becoming totally formless for ever


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21 hours ago, Vibroverse said:

That "creature" is another you. He is your consciousness rolling like that. Don't you guys understand that everything you see is you? Where is the frickin infinite love? 

This is so false that I can't even..no he is not "another him" or his consciousness "rolling" anything. This is literally false and even cringe to say.

 and everything you see is just things you see..retina reflect off light......no mystery to wavelenghts....

it's not another "forms of self" of the same self people have.  As if reality was a accumulation of reflection of self of people. No, objects exist by themsekves in their own dimension of existence...and consciousness..people..and animals.. live on their own. Learning and sharing more content to add or waste or erase info to quantum realms.. consciousness of different people is primary but it changes..just like each wavelenght is different according to where you are.. dna also shapes their self...

This "another you" thing is pure delusion.

Stop distorting what 'you' means and where it points to.

I'd rather believe you were being ironic with "someone here", and ended up with "where is the infinite love" being ironic with all members who talk about some kind of idealistic endless love but dont live by it...it seems like their love has a limit..so it's more like finite love.... where is the finite love?

Just like intelligence..when it comes to some people, they say they dont understand or need a re-avaliation of thwir subconscious ..so intelligence is finite according to them...

Edited by HonestlyAsking

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6 hours ago, Ry4n said:

"once you die, your family will no longer exist" essentially saying the ego creates this reality, not God.

No, that's not what he says. It's God who creates reality. But the ego thinks he is the one, the ego thinks that he is just one bubble and there's a lot of other bubbles that are conscious too... and everything continues after he dies. That's what becomes reality for the ego. But it is God who is doing everything, and you are GOD.

So when you die (In fact you never do) everything disappears, you are not conscious of anything and because you are GOD the world disappears too.

The problem is that sometimes it may seem that the I we are talking about is the ego, Leo was talking about the higher self "I", God... Leo always said "The Ego doesn't exist". 

And is not something that just Leo says, this is in all the ancient text and all the sages keep saying the same thing.

4 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

@Ry4n the quote your quoting from Leo refers not to the ego ( the idea) dying, but rather you as God/Consciousness becoming totally formless for ever




Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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3 minutes ago, abrakamowse said:

No, that's not what he says. It's God who creates reality. But the ego thinks he is the one, the ego thinks that he is just one bubble and there's a lot of other bubbles that are conscious too... and everything continues after he dies. That's what becomes reality for the ego. But it is God who is doing everything, and you are GOD.

So when you die (In fact you never do) everything disappears, you are not conscious of anything and because you are GOD the world disappears too.

The problem is that sometimes it may seem that the I we are talking about is the ego, Leo was talking about the higher self "I", God... Leo always said "The Ego doesn't exist". 

And is not something that just Leo says, this is in all the ancient text and all the sages keep saying the same thing.



The trick in this, I guess, is we never die, therefore nothing ever disappears. 

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1 minute ago, Vibroverse said:

The trick in this, I guess, is we never die, therefore nothing ever disappears. 

Exactly, that's the problem with words and concepts hehehe... the "paradoxes".


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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I swear if I see another thread on this topic bumped xD

some of you really need to start interacting with other human beings... I know lockdown has been a challenge. oh wait it's a waste of your time cause it's imaginary, nvm go fap and meditate instead.

Edited by Lyubov

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10 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

some of you really need to start interacting with other human beings...

There’s no others ... and it was you who bumped the thread.

Stop pretending you didn’t do it!


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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2 minutes ago, abrakamowse said:

There’s no others ... and it was you who bumped the thread.

Stop pretending you didn’t do it!


dammit, forgot to disable myself from doing that! where is that found under user settings? xD

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@Lyubov Read the manual! Lol ? 

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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