
Solipsism is Truth: Everything is Imagination

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9 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

So, in a sense, God is able to lock itself out of its own mind. When God imagines it is a human, it's as if God doesn't exist. From the human's POV that's the case. And since the human's POV is just God limiting itself, that limited POV becomes reality. Until it changes to something more expansive.

Now that's an explaination. Thanks Leo :)

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@Leo Gura the seeing of things as a 'mental activity' of God's mind...or the seeing of things as being created... Maybe this is outside the realm of most of what I've experienced. With my peak states being more about no-self and isness rather than this process called imagination or creation.

Because to my logical mind, creation sounds like an imposition on is-ness. Where the word implies a cause and an effect, an if and a then. A becoming, rather than a being....... This chain of thought is going nowhere, scrapped. 

Edited by lmfao

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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8 minutes ago, lmfao said:

@Leo Gura the seeing of things as a 'mental activity' of God's mind...or the seeing of things as being created... Maybe this is outside the realm of most of what I've experienced.

Yes, these are very important facets you're still missing. Hard to reach them with standard meditative practice. Psychedelics will allow you to reach them easily.


With my peak states being more about no-self and isness rather than this process called imagination or creation.

That's all great, but there's more!

Becoming conscious of the imagination and creation process is crucial. You won't regret it. It's the real payoff of this work.


Because to my logical mind, creation sounds like an imposition on is-ness. Where the word implies a cause and an effect, an if and a then. A becoming, rather than a being....... This chain of thought is going nowhere, scrapped. 

No. Creation and imagination are central. These are not ancillary things. We are talking about how the entire universe comes into being. Very fucking important stuff ;)

Try some DPT ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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33 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Yes, these are very important facets you're still missing. Hard to reach them with standard meditative practice. Psychedelics will allow you to reach them easily.


True, meditative awakenings tend to be more about "The Void".

Besides Psychedelics, Magic and Energy Work are great for realising imagination! 

Edited by Fran11

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1 hour ago, Fran11 said:



True, meditative awakenings tend to be more about "The Void".

Besides Psychedelics, Magic and Energy Work are great for realising imagination! 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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8 hours ago, Fran11 said:
8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Nothing but consistency itself. Consistency is a just a slow rate of change as opposed to a rapid rate of change.

But that slow rate of change also applies to things that are outside of my direct experience.

For example, I'm not seeing my dog right now but if I check he'll probably be relatively the same xD

How do we reconcile this with "nothing being hidden"? 

Where is my dog "stored" when I'm not seeing him?

All that is happening is that you see appearance A and call it "dog". Then later you see appearance B and call it "dog". You then do a load of mental gymnastics and infer that appearance A is the same dog as appearance B.

See it this way: where is the number 2 stored? The number 2 is completely consistent. You can apply it to any appearance "out there". But it doesn't really exist "out there". Two ducks are not two horses.

Consistency is overlaid onto appearances. Consistency itself exists, but not "out there" in the world.

If you look up "Change Blindness" you can convince yourself that consistency is an illusion.

Edited by LastThursday

57% paranoid

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Contemplate this: why can't half a dog simply appear? And then disappear the next second?

Why must there be a full dog stored somewhere?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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3 hours ago, LastThursday said:

All that is happening is that you see appearance A and call it "dog". Then later you see appearance B and call it "dog". You then do a load of mental gymnastics and infer that appearance A is the same dog as appearance B.

What mental gymnastics? Appearences are fearly similar.

A baby can't think much and still can recognize appearences as his "mother" or his "toys" becouse they're fearly similar to previous ones.

3 hours ago, LastThursday said:

See it this way: where is the number 2 stored? The number 2 is completely consistent. You can apply it to any appearance "out there". But it doesn't really exist "out there". Two ducks are not two horses.

The number 2 in that context is not an appearence, but an abstraction. Very different.

Edited by Fran11

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Contemplate this: why can't half a dog simply appear? And then disappear the next second?

Well, it can, if I only see half of it from my POV, the other half is not being created at that moment.

Maybe "stored" isn't the right word becouse it sounds too physical.

But I mean, Conciousness must have the capacity of accessing/recalling/remembering previous experiences at any point, in order to sustain this consistency. 

I see how this could happen through pure magic without any means.

Edited by Fran11

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Contemplate this: why can't half a dog simply appear? And then disappear the next second?

Why must there be a full dog stored somewhere?

it could simply appear out of no where than disappear its called a miracle and its not big deal for god

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Idk it seems like you leo dismiss the value of thoughts by saying everything is imaginary but everything is imaginary is also a thought right ?? seems like you really subscribe to idealism as opposed to materialism but cant they both be true or at least just two different views that none of them actually explain reality ?? 

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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Look, reality is completely relativistic.

So if right now your state of consciousness is such that you think there are no other higher states of consciousness, then that is literally what is true. Until you imagine otherwise.

Or consider this:

For an atheist, there actually is no God. Until he imagines otherwise.

Wait so when I imagine and hold true that other POVs exist, they literally exist? And when I don't, they stop existing, or never existed in the first place.

So I am unlimited, able to make reality anything I could possibly want it to be.

So it's not solipsism, but being literally unlimited single entity.

It's not a cage where I'm stuck being alone, but an infinite unlimited imagination of everything I can possibly want, even the experience of being together.

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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2 hours ago, LastThursday said:

All that is happening is that you see appearance A and call it "dog". Then later you see appearance B and call it "dog". You then do a load of mental gymnastics and infer that appearance A is the same dog as appearance B.

See it this way: where is the number 2 stored? The number 2 is completely consistent. You can apply it to any appearance "out there". But it doesn't really exist "out there". Two ducks are not two horses.

Consistency is overlaid onto appearances. Consistency itself exists, but not "out there" in the world.

If you look up "Change Blindness" you can convince yourself that consistency is an illusion.

all that your doing is that your taking direct experience to the extreme and dismiss thought entairly and assume that time doesnt exsit where in fact all evidence suggests otherwise but you will say evidence is imaginary too right ?? seems to me like a tight cage you made for the mind

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Mind matrix gone ramped ?

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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2 hours ago, Fran11 said:

Well, it can, if I only see half of it from my POV, the other half is not being created at that moment.

You are still attached to the idea of there being the other half.

Try letting that go.

2 hours ago, roopepa said:

Wait so when I imagine and hold true that other POVs exist, they literally exist? And when I don't, they stop existing, or never existed in the first place.

So I am unlimited, able to make reality anything I could possibly want it to be.

So it's not solipsism, but being literally unlimited single entity.

It's not a cage where I'm stuck being alone, but an infinite unlimited imagination of everything I can possibly want, even the experience of being together.

That's what it means to say reality is imaginary. Whatever you imagine becomes real. But not the ego-you, the God-you. This why insane people live in a very real world of their insanity. To them, it's fully real.

To a Christian, Jesus is literally the one and only son of God.

To a QAnnoner, Hilary Clinton really is a pedophile and Trump is going to save the world.

To a Nazi, Jews and brown people are a disgusting plague of diseased locust.

To a radical Islamist, America is literally Satan.

Until they stop imagining that.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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10 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

You are still attached to the idea of there being the other half.

Try letting that go.

That's what it means to say reality is imaginary. Whatever you imagine become real. But not the ego-you, the God-you. This why insane people live in a very real world of insanity. To them, it's fully real.

To a Christian, Jesus is really the one and only son of God.

Until they stop imagining that.


What do you think separates the ego-you from the God - you? Is thata also just another imaginary distinction?

Do you think people who are insane literally dream up their reality to be rapidly iconsistent apart from their physiological/neurlogical system?

What role does body as a system play in hallucinating this hallucination?

Do you think the body which could be called another stable hallucination decides your level and quality of hallucination or the ability to hallucinate things into reality consistently?

Edited by fi1ghtclub

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2 hours ago, Fran11 said:
5 hours ago, LastThursday said:

All that is happening is that you see appearance A and call it "dog". Then later you see appearance B and call it "dog". You then do a load of mental gymnastics and infer that appearance A is the same dog as appearance B.

What mental gymnastics? Appearences are fearly similar.

A baby can't think much and still can recognize appearences as his "mother" or his "toys" becouse they're fearly similar to previous ones.

And that's how consistency works. Two appearances are consistent if they're "similar enough". Then we make an unconscious leap and say they are the same dog, person, thing etc.

Of course context is hugely important. You expect your dog to be in your home. If you saw exactly the same dog in someone else's home, it wouldn't be your dog. Hopefully, you can see how consistency is entirely constructed in your imagination.

3 hours ago, Fran11 said:
5 hours ago, LastThursday said:

See it this way: where is the number 2 stored? The number 2 is completely consistent. You can apply it to any appearance "out there". But it doesn't really exist "out there". Two ducks are not two horses.

The number 2 in that context is not an appearence, but an abstraction. Very different.

I disagree, but it's fine if your definition is different from mine. My definition is that everything is an appearance, including mental abstractions, thoughts and so on. I used the 2 example as a form of platonic ideal.

2 hours ago, kai0 said:

all that your doing is that your taking direct experience to the extreme and dismiss thought entairly and assume that time doesnt exsit where in fact all evidence suggests otherwise but you will say evidence is imaginary too right ?? seems to me like a tight cage you made for the mind

I'm just pointing out that direct experience is not what you think it is. There's nothing direct about it, because there's always layers of interpretation over the top of it.

I didn't mention anything about time or evidence or cages.

57% paranoid

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Wrong, Iamness/beingness is common in both reality and illusion. 

Beingness is Truth beyond reality and illusion. Solipsism is enlightenment seen through the bottleneck of a localized I am/ being. 

Remove the container.


-1/12 is Infinity 

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@LastThursday you dont have to mention them their assumptions made by the conceptual framework your using but perhaps you dont see them as assumptions but as truth 

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