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Light Being

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I'd like to share with you a few thoughts about the various 'states' of being. Qualities of Light - if you will. 

I like the word 'Light' because it represents the actuality of what is; to me. It's simply the most appropriate and most suitable word - ime.

You can feel free to replace it in your imagination with any other word. God, Infinity, Consciousness, Love or perhaps Nothingness. Point is; I am referring to what's here now. Omnipresent and omnipotent.

Many teachers speak of this concept by using models such as 'densities' or 'dimensions'. 'Octaves', even.

I'd like to simplify things a bit, and share with you what - in that sense - 'works' for me. How I view and understand Light.

So if I tune into what I'm sensing and/or perceiving right now; I'd describe it as 'various qualities/states of Light melting into each - other'. Depending on where my attention is placed; I can sense what we would commonly refer to as 'solid matter' - which feels compressed/condensed/pressured and perhaps even somewhat 'heavy'... Or I can focus on the more lighter, floaty aspects of actuality; stuff like air, sounds or even thoughts. So what I'm saying is, that that's all just Light. All God. No big surprise there - I imagine. 

But here's what might be interesting as well as helpful/practical;

Imagine a spectrum that in one direction goes to infinite contraction and in the other it goes to infinite expansion. Your focus/attention/awareness is what enables you to navigate through the sensations and/or thoughts and determine your position. Which could be referred to as your 'resonant frequency'. Your 'state of being'.

When you are contracting; your breath shortens. You start pulling away from the present moment. Getting further and further away. As if you were teriffied of fully being here and now - for whatever reason. Reality seems distant. Your focus is narrowing down, perceptions gets blurry. Everything seems to be choppy - instead of flowing smoothly. Your thoughts multiply each time you blink and become increasingly heavier. So much so you cannot see actuality over them. In a sense; thoughts bury you alive. In extreme cases of contraction; your breath is literally taken away and you are compressed down to a tiniest little dot. And not, even.

The good news is; Infinity!

No matter how contracted; 'eventually' you break through and come out the other side - if you will. You breathe in consciousness. You start expanding.

And expansion feels wonderful. Absolutely lovely. It's like being set free from a cage. You are no longer afraid to be here. You breathe deliberately and on purpose. With the intention to be. You are eager and excited. Invested. Paying attention. Thoughts are much fewer and much lighter. Not distracting - at all. Pleasant, positive and empowering, even. Colours are brighter. Definition is higher. The more you are here now the more your breath deepens. The more relaxed and effortlessly immersed you are. Fully present. Light and at peace. You breathe with such ease and it feels so good that eventually all that there is; is breathing. Absolutely lovely, carefree, effortless breathing. And what that is; is beautiful, divine, floating Light.

I remember being in states where my entire being felt like sand being blown around by the wind. There was absolutely nothing solid or physical about it. It felt like heaven. 

Light is truly awesome.








Edited by ivankiss

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