
The routine of people who run a successful bussiness from home

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Hi. I'm working to actualize my life purpose at the moment, currently working for home.
I like the idea of going directly from my morning routine to working, but it's hard for me to fully commit to the transition.
I'm wondering - what are your morning routines, and what are your rituals to transition to work mode, what are your hours, and do you take weekends?

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I'm very interested in the Answers we might get here! Pick up Habit at the Time and, if you can, have a separate room just for work.

I do this Routine in the Morning: Yoga and/or Training, a healthy Breakfast & Hot & Cold Shower. I do a lot more, but that are the Things i worked consciously into my Morning.

I think the most practical Morning Routines are short, because you do them even if there is not time or your are not a home. Because that is where Routines tend to break. I would say that more than 5 Things in a Morning Routine are totally unmanageable over time when you don't life like a monk. That's why they do it.. I believe a good morning Routine can work for Decades, because it makes you stronger. A bad one might feel better in the short run, but you stop it eventually.

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I find the earlier I wake up, the more work I get done. It's that simple.

If I wake up at 5 or 6 am, I can get a full workday in before noon.

If I wake up at 9 or 10 am, I'm still equally tired and unmotivated by the time noon rolls around. It's literally like you just lose the extra time and productivity to sleep.

Plus even if you have a family, nobody is awake to interrupt you at 5 am.

If you're a night person maybe you're the opposite. In that case you wanna sleep in till early afternoon and do most of your work from after dinner until 2 or 3 am. But most people that I talk to get the majority of their productive work done in the morning.

So for me -- anything that I try to do before work -- even healthy stuff like meditation or going for a run, ultimately detracts that amount of time from how much work I get done that day.

There's no transition. Just wake up, turn the computer on, and do the most important task of the day for you. If you're a writer, that's writing. If you're a programmer, it's writing code. Don't check email or anything else until it's done.

In terms of how much to work... avoid "make busy" activities that make you feel like you're being a productive entrepreneur, but really you're wasting time on things that don't generate much in the way of results. Checking and updating social media is a huge drain in this area. Even stuff like trying to get your website just right. Don't buy into the Gary V hustle/grind mantra. Work smart, not hard.

Some months when I'm really cramming and have more work coming at me than I can handle, I might work 6 - 8 hours a day. That's for months where I'm bringing in $10k. Once you've got a routine down, you can make $30k per year pretty easily by working 2-3 hours per day or less.

One thing I realized after quitting my office job to start my own business from home, is how wasteful and unproductive with time people are at their jobs. How often are you switching back and forth... checking the weather or sports scores, or someone calls and interrupts you, or talking with coworkers. If you can really enter a flow state with no interruptions, most 8 hour work days can be condensed into 2 or 3 hours.

You absolutely need to take weekends or you're not going to last a year before burning out.

Edited by Yarco

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I have a more spiritual approach.


I wake up and lately I have been doing shamanic tapping in the morning, clearing my negativity.  I also do a 15 minute Sedona method release meditation beforehand.  I then look at my vision board, visualize, write my affirmations, then do yoga, run, post run yoga, take a shower and meditate for an hour.  

After that I get to work.  I am currently working on an album and I sing, play the acoustic and electric guitar, drums, bass and keyboards.  I work on this, eat lunch and then either send some emails/ work on marketing or work on my novel.  I then do some yoga and meditate again.


After this I practice on the keyboard and work on my bi weekly web novel then eat dinner.  Then I do some bedtime yoga and go to bed.

 My day usually starts at 7:30am and I start making dinner around 11-11:45pm.


Definteky take weekends off.

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@Yarco  interesting take, quite the mindbender for me actually, seeing as I tend to lean more towards@Thestarguitarist14 's style..
thanks for the responses!

For the sake of conversation, my current routine is - waking up, make green tea (do some cleaning while the water is heating up), meditate until i finish my tea - takes about 25 minutes, warm up my voice and guitar, then work for about 2-3 hours on my music, work out, shower, healthy breakfast after a long fast. After that I tend to trail off a bit, but I try to at least get some music practice in.
I find that if I'm lacking sleep, I'll need to use drugs (coffee, nicotine and alcohol) to get any work done. I try to avoid lack of sleep as much as possible.


Edited by RestWithinTheHeart

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