
The best case for Trump I ever read and it’s from Osama Bin Laden’s niece

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so after you read the whole letter, please tell me your thoughts. Critique all her claims if you got any. I’m just amazed that I’m questioning my political beliefs. Help me snap out of it. I seen this shared in an integral politics group on Facebook.

Edited by Lindsay

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The "Deep State" she talks about is actually just the corporate and military interests that run the country openly. The ones who bribe both the Republicans and Democrats, but are closer tied to the Republicans. The ones whom Trump has been benefiting.

As a general rule of thumb, any argument that can be made in "favour" of Trump is actually the complete opposite, that's how collective devilry works. Trump will expand healthcare? He'll actually reduce it. Trump will fight the "deep state?" He'll give them tax cuts and positions of power. You get the drift.

Basically, she's lying through her teeth. She might not even be aware of it (or maybe she is), but she's lying nonetheless. Liars generally are bad for any country.



Edited by Apparition of Jack

“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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"...prove just how much he values the lives and wellbeing of ALL Americans. "

  • hahaha man... I dunno about that.

Yaaaaa... I dunno about that.  

Firstly, what are her motives, agendas, biases, values, etc.

Secondly, all the things she listed that Trump supposedly did, I have no knowledge of, so I can't speak to that.

Thirdly, consider that cherry-picking successes can be done, and even within those successes, did Trump do those from the bottom of his heart?  Or for some personal profit?  My guess is the second.

Speaking from my own biases and snap judgments,....

  • "...a world order of international institutions ultimately puppeteered by a caste of technocrats, oligarchs and international bankers... By pushing their marxist-socialist progressive agenda for years, they set out to destroy your fundamental values and divide you
    • I don't think that Orange SD types of people would have marxists-socialist progressive agendas
    • Personally, if there was a secret plot to instill a progressive new world order, I'd be up for that hahaha.  

Through the Spiral lens

  • I hear a stage Blue person (hence the demonization of "technocrats, oligarchs and international bankers" (i.e., stage Orange) and "marxist-socialist progressive" (i.e., stage Green) trying to keep Trump in office for some personal reasons.


  • I don't know why she wrote it specifically, but that I felt a bit triggered by it.  Like "she's my enemy" sort of feeling.  Probably since I just don't like Trump or the less progressive agendas.  
  • I may have also felt a bit of fear when reading the parts where she described Trump's "successes" since I knew I had no confirmation on those, and that "hey, for all I know, she could be right and I might have been manipulated this whole time."  But I still look at Trump like "Yaaaaa... he's not doing anything for anyone but himself.  Let alone having strategic competence."


I kinda liked reading it as well though, sort of challenged some things in me and thus helped me see some of my own biases n such.


.... but please, God, don't let Trump win haha.... I'm not even American.


Obviously, I have no way to prove or falsify anything she said.  I just don't know.  Even if Trump did do some things that turned out to help some people, A) cherry-picking B) what were his true motives for that? C) ... I mean, cmon, it's Trump.  


"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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The author of of the book, “MEMEnomics: The Next-generation Economic system” by Said Elias Dawlabani has a spiral dynamics group on Facebook and he has it in for Leo Gura and Ken Wilber. He posted the link above. And it’s from Don Beck himself. There is a 30 minute interview clip and if you listen Don Beck thought Trump was the true author of “The art of the Deal” like the guy who helped put together Spiral Dynamics thought Trump was an integral thinker. ? like Leo transcended  the founders and the founders got nerve throwing shade on Leo and Ken Wilber. 



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@Matt23 I really liked your style of presenting your argument. It was like reading someone’s notes or outline. Nice. 

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