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Where can i finaly become proficient in ENG

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Hey guys,

Ive been sturgling with ENG learning for realativly long period of time, i understand almost everything and can read. The problem comes with my writing and speaking(especialy with speaking). 

Ive tried many differnt things from textbooks, talking to myself, watching movies and reapiting after the actor, shadowing tecniques. This things definetly help but i really want to take my speaking to a next level and being able to comunicate clearly and without almost any hesitation.  My work right now doesnt involve lots of english so that could be an obstacle, i try to surround myself with eng languege everyday though.

So what would be your advice for to me to get my english to the next level?

Edited by evgn

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Practice, practice, practice! Start thinking in English. Record videos with yourself talking (great for feedback). Read a lot to keep your vocabulary rich. Write a lot as well. Become proficient in a few topics you feel really passionate about. Are there any English language courses next to you that you could take?

I'm not a native English speaker myself. What helped me was reading A LOT aloud. Actually I started doing that already back at school when I was a kid. Just took my English textbook and read stories from it. My problem for a really long time was being too shy to speak. I was so afraid of making mistakes that I could barely open my mouth. My breakthrough moments were going to study abroad (didn't have much chance), starting to regularly write a blog, and, recently, making YouTube videos. 

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