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The Miracle of Life

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I see a lot of people getting demotivated by spiritual work. I went trought a similar phase but now I have my motivation back, and want to share some words with you.

I do not intend to present this as an absolute truth, but as a motivational perspective.

Spirituality has made me see life as the infinitely beautiful miracle that it really is.

You being here, in that body, in this universe, in this world, in this age, having the life you have, is fucking milacrous and precious.

Impermanence will devour it all before you know it, and that just makes it all more precious and deserving of your full apreciation and commitement. 

You may have endless lives, but this one won't ever come back. Each second is unique and precious, once it's gone it's gone forever. There's no time for bullshit. 

Appreciate each moment you spend with your family, your friends, your partner, your work. Even the "bad" things and moments you will learn to apreciate and see the Love within.

Pursue your dreams. Go out and start your business. Create Art. Learn pickup. Play sports. Study. Whatever your hearth tells you. But do it.

When you are angry, fearful or wasting time, look at it from a higher elevation and realise how pointless all of that is. There's just no time for that shit when you really apreciate the miracle of life moment to moment.

Everything that's not Love is a waste of time. 

Surrender to Love and you will have the strenght to drop all nonsense. 

Live with all your strenght, hold nothing back.

You have nothing to gain or to lose, so fear nothing and give your whole harth to life without any hesitation. 


Edited by Fran11

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