
How to control cravings???

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@mandyjw omg! are you me? lol :D

Does the country you live in have cold winters?

Stay cool & dry.

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@Shunyata  From a nondual perspective, yes of course I'm you. xD

Yes, I live where there are cold long winters. I usually gain a few pounds in the winter and lose it in the summer again. I have hated this trend for years, but the inconvenient truth is that it really is easier to stay warm when you're a bit fluffier.

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@mandyjw lol same! I don't like it,too

4 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

Yes, I live where there are cold long winters. I usually gain a few pounds in the winter and lose it in the summer again. I have hated this trend for years, but the inconvenient truth is that it really is easier to stay warm when you're a bit fluffier.


Stay cool & dry.

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On 13/10/2020 at 9:05 AM, mandyjw said:

it really is easier to stay warm when you're a bit fluffier.

"fluffier" that's is adorable 

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Your body works in habit. Purification is "clearing something" in its essence. the way you purify emotions is by letting them alchemize, and you do that by letting them flow through your body with no resistance or attachment, and if there is resistance feel into that with no resistance. Alchemizing is changing the essence of something, like youre doing real alchemy and your putting new things in the scientific bowls used for mixing, thats essentially what youre doing here. 

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Btw. Craving is rooted in the need for something else outside of you to feel pleasure. Which means you dont feel energized within yourself. 

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On 10/12/2020 at 9:12 AM, Shunyata said:

Do you agree with the statement: 'the only way you deal with a fat gluttonous pig is by beating it by a stick'?

What is the best way to control your food cravings? What is your story? Please please tell us

Go meta, realize the craving is hitting - and find the will to put your attention on something else!!  Once attention is diverted it will pass.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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I recovered from emotional eating and have started my own chat group for eating disorders. From the observation of myself and other people, I discover that the problem is divided into two parts: food structure and emotion.

The first thing that I encourage my friends to do is to change the goal from "controlling myself" to "improving my food structure". Regular three meals. Protein, vegetables and carbs (very important, if you don't eat enough carbs, your brain will never fill full even if your stomach is exploding). If you are missing nutrients, the food craving is always going to be there no matter how much you eat. It's physical.

The next part is emotional management. Any kind of addiction or compulsive behavior originates from "I'm not enough". For this part, I encourage my friends to keep notes of small improvements to get into the mindset of self-praising. They need to stop seeing themselves, their body, and food as enemy to make peace.

Also, community is really important. Loneliness is the breeding ground for addiction. I recommend one facebook group and one forum to you. You'll find a lot of inspiration on them:

Wish you all the best!

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yes that's one insight that I got today :D

9 hours ago, DreamScape said:

Btw. Craving is rooted in the need for something else outside of you to feel pleasure. Which means you dont feel energized within yourself. 

@Inliytened1 true!! Tysm

@DreamScape that's wise. Thank you.

@susanyzm wow. Thank you so much!

Stay cool & dry.

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7 hours ago, susanyzm said:


The first thing that I encourage my friends to do is to change the goal from "controlling myself" to "improving my food structure". Regular three meals. Protein, vegetables and carbs (very important, if you don't eat enough carbs, your brain will never fill full even if your stomach is exploding). If you are missing nutrients, the food craving is always going to be there no matter how much you eat. It's physical.


Yes! If you're getting food cravings often, your diet isn't balanced enough. It's not a discipline problem in the moment, it's that you haven't stepped back and looked at the whole of your diet. Guilt just makes the vicious cycle more vicious. Less guilt, more curiosity.

It also helps to accept that a lot of women get food cravings and even food aversions cyclically. If this happens to you, noticing it rather than jumping to the conclusion that you have no self control when you get cravings is helpful. If you find there are times when you are so hungry, you eat 3 times the food you do normally, and you don't judge yourself for it, going with it and accepting that sometimes our bodies need bigger bursts of calories can mean more weight loss than shaming yourself for it and repressing the craving until later. Your metabolism is a living dynamic thing.

Another trick is realizing that cravings are sometimes a form of procrastination. So making lists of the things you want to work on, or want to do, including fun things just for yourself that you want to do but are too lazy and unfocused to begin can be really helpful.  It can give you the sense of direction that the food cravings might be showing you that you need. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Yeah @mandyjw makes a good point that you should think about what you should eat rather than thinking about what you shouldn't eat. Pursuing healthy food.

Whether you should beat the pig or hug the pig or both, I don't know. I'm still figuring myself out. 

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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This technique seems good, stay very aware when you get cravings, observe the cravings, still indulge in eating what you crave but stay very aware while doing it.



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As someone who never had a problem with weight, the best way to go about it is to first not have a problem with it. May sound counterintuitive but what you focus on will expand. So if you constantly think about how to loose weight and control your hunger - this whole food thing will take up more and more space in your life. Just do something else instead. Don't fret over gaining or loosing weight.

Then if you experience cravings either wait until its meal time (endure the cravings) or if you don't want to endure them have healthy snacks nearby. Maybe rice waffles to make you feel full.

Also what you could do is to just skip breakfast. In the morning we usually are not too hungry. Check if that works for you.

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You simply don't ;) because there is no one in control. Ego likes taking ownership over everything, but truth is life happens by itself.

I understand your struggle from experience. Sometimes I still try to do something about it, oftentimes just observe life, cravings, thoughts, emotions, happen. Observe and nothing more. There is no one to let go of them. Just be them, as you already are.

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I've struggled with everything from simple cravings to hard addictions.  The best things I've found that work are listing out all your cravings and addictions and abstaining from them one by one completely until the mental gravity decreases enough for you to move to the next one.  There's no easy way to beat it.   

If you're serious about beating them you can't fuck around.  None of this shit where you're like "I'll just do a little one, or a little bit today."  You'll end up right back where you started.  Giving into addictions lead to more cravings.  It's a black hole, you have to build self-discipline.  

Another couple strategies is to replace the addiction with something more positive.  Exercise decreases feelings of cravings significantly.  Also, I freeze gallons of water until ice cold and dump it on myself and that seems to do it, although it can suck profusely.   

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@Heart of Space

32 minutes ago, Heart of Space said:

If you're serious about beating them you can't fuck around.  None of this shit where you're like "I'll just do a little one, or a little bit today."  You'll end up right back where you started.  Giving into addictions lead to more cravings.  It's a black hole, you have to build self-discipline.  

Yes, I've found this to be absolutely true, too.

I guess the only way to beat your cravings is by really DECIDING to do it. 

Thanks, I'll try the ice thing :)

Edited by Shunyata

Stay cool & dry.

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Just now, Shunyata said:

@Heart of Space

Yes, I've found this to be absolutely true, too.

I guess the only way to beat your cravings is by really DECIDING to do it. 

Thanks, I'll try ice thing :)

You should try the ice thing, it royally sucks, but it's pretty effective.  Just get gallons of water, put them in the freezer until the outside crackles with a sheet of ice.  Then dump on yourself in the shower.  The more it sucks the better.  I find that the most painful place to dump ice water is directly on the forehead, it gives a brain freeze sensation.  All of this is perfectly safe from a health stand point.  Pain is good, it builds discipline.  If you're worried maybe do cold showers for a few days to build up.  Good luck, you can do it.  

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