
Life Purpose Course Confusion

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I've been through the life purpose course once, and am going through it again more thoroughly. As I'm doing this and taking a closer look, my intuition tells me that different sections in the course that are supost to be separate and provide separate results all kind've blend together(which is not what is suppose to happen). For example the values section is suppost to give you an accurate list of your top 10 values, and the life purpose course is suppost to give you a clear life purpose. But this doesn't seem right, It feels like all the sections just point you towards various aspects of your higher self. The whole core concepts section such as the commitment, mastery, 10,000 hours, vision, etc...  really just point to a core value of growth. And the contribution aspect just points to a core value of contribution. The aspects of just "doing you" and achieving a life purpose no matter how strange it is point to a core value of authenticity. And the section of the course of rooting through fears/doubts /negative values points to a core value of peace of mind/ clarity in having a deep insightful understanding of yourself. 

To summarize, since the whole course is about self discovery, it feels a little inauthentic or forced to try and put the discoveries into categories and sections. Is this just my ego making a complication and a problem where there is none, or should I listen to my intuition and sort of tweek Leo's course (even though he strongly advises not to)

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There is a rule of no negative thinking during the course. I hope you are following that.

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I do think it's just your ego. I don't quite understand what you're saying.

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