
I became enlightened during my last trip. This is what I discovered

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I decided to open this topic to share some important insights I got after my last psychedelic trip with you.

In this trip I reached for the first time a state of enlightenment.

Indeed it was partial and it lasted only few hours (so it was only an experience of enlightenment), but this helped me to get a better understanding about enlightenment, common misconception around it and start pondering Love and other deep metaphyisical concepts.

I know I am still at the beginning with my understanding (e.g. in comparison with Leo's teachings) and I still have to chop much wood, but I figured it may help many of you and maybe spark interessant discussions :)

Please share with me your thoughts/correction and your own insights.

I hope you enjoy it!

4.1 - Self-Love and Love

4.1.1 - What is love? (baby don’t hertz me, no morse)

Everything is Love.

We created universes with Love. We created different life forms, planets, stars, physical laws, identities and much.

This extreme commitment and care invested in creating something unique and wonderful as the Creation is the most elevate form of Love.

True Love knows no moralism or judgment: there is no distinction between good and bad.

Think about when you do something spontaneous to help someone in difficulty.

You do that as an act of love, without judgment or moralism.

The same is valid for the Creation.

From a higher perspective even wars, rape, violence, mutilation are forms of Love.

In our form, we cannot see them as Love, because we have a moral compass and we judge things with good or bad.

This does not mean we have to accept violence, rape and murder.

This only means we have to accept these things too and find a way to live better with them.

E. g. think about pedophilia.

Having desire to have sex with a child is as natural as having sex with a woman with big breasts or with a man with sculpted abs.

There will always be pedophiles. On their perspectives they have this desire of having sex with children.

It’s not good that children are raped, but we cannot ignore the fact that there are pedophiles.

If we shift our perspective to one of love, we can find solution to recognize them and prevent them from committing crimes.

E. g. trough virtual reality porn with children, which are actually not armed, because they are fake.

4.1.2 - What is self-love?

There are two kinds of Self-Love:

1)    Identity-related: You love yourself for the one you are with all the bad things you committed (e. g. cheating, killing, raping, lying etc.).
2)    Universe-related: Your sense of self expands to encompass others (even bad things as wars, rape, murder etc.) and the entire universe. This is the biggest and purest form of self-love, because you love everyone and everything unconditionally

4.1.3 - Love is acceptance and surrender

Love means accepting reality and renouncing to your personal egoic needs to discover more about Love and to love more.

To deepen your self-love, you have to let all go, accept yourself and all the bad things you did (most difficult thing to do) and all the bad things in the world.

Are you ready to love that guy who stole your bike, the bullies who bullied you and your abusive mother?

4.1.4 - Love has different degrees

There are different degrees of Love:

1)    Love for someone: This is usually the one with a high degree of attachment and self-deception
2)    Love for something: If you love a thing which isn’t even alive, it’s probable that you’ll develop some kind of attachment to it
3)    Passions: Passions are among the purest forms of love. Having passion in what you do is really important in life
4)    Universal love: This is the highest and purest form of love. This is bondless, formless, infinite and unconditioned

4.1.5 - Love is limited by your form

Your identity (and so your body) are limits to reach universal Love.

You have to die to return to Source and thus to the universal Love.

You can still reach a high degree of Love when alive by spiritual developing yourself (especially with enlightenment).

4.2 - Religion, authority and direct experience

4.2.1 - Religions are based on authority and not on direct experience

Religions are based on a sense of authority paired with dogmatism and not on direct experience.

Let’s take Christianity.

If you ask a random person, if he had even seen God or had some kind of experience to prove his existence, he will most likely say no.

So, he is practically believing in the word of the Pope and in what it’s written in the Bible without having experienced God.

If you ask him to prove you the existence of God, he will mostly say, that he exists because it’s written in the Bible and the Bible is word of God.

If you ask him, how he can be sure that it was the word of God and if he can prove it to you, he’ll say to look in the bible, thus evading the reply.

Many other will resort citing miracles, particular experiences happened to someone or maybe even experiences he had themselves, but no one can actually prove that God exists through his direct experience.

Many people have even the false belief, that’s impossible to prove God existence.

You can indeed prove that God exist and you can prove what/who is God.

God is you and thus everything.

It’s not a separate entity who is sitting somewhere in the sky (where exactly? Can you point it to me?).

Method of discovering it are through psychedelics, deep meditative states and through self-inquiry.

4.2.2 - God will manifest himself in a way that’s understandable to you

There are Christians who had experiences of God, like saints and such.

These experiences don’t prove that the biblical God exists.

There are other examples of people who experienced Allah or other Deities.

The thing is that the Creator (You) manifests itself in a form that’s understandable to you, so if you speak Italian and are catholic, he may talk with you in Italian and will have a big beard and a white tunic.

4.2.3 - The importance of the direct experience

Direct experience is king.

This means that until you didn’t try something in your direct experience, you cannot express yourself fully on that matter.

E.g. if you believe that the world is round only by having read that in scientific books/articles or by reading scientist without actually proving it yourself by observation and such, then you cannot say that the earth is round.

This means to rely less on authority (other people, books, articles, videos etc.) and to discover, prove and disprove things by yourself.

Remember that even if you take for granted what someone who is an authority to you tells, he will tell you those things due to his perspective and agenda.

Don’t be lazy and look out the things for yourself and see if they are true in your experience too.

Cultivate some healthy skepticism and don’t take everything for true, but strike a good balance between consolidating wisdom and being open to test it out.

4.2.3 - The paradox of the indian culture

Indian culture has a richness of enlightened people and a religion which has many elements of nonduality and advanced spiritual depth.

The problem is that the Indian culture is built toward the adoration of deities/gurus and spiritual masters.

This means that if a new guru on the mountains pops up, people will swarm to him to learn more about him.

If a new master comes up, here are the people who will storm him too.

Those people don’t usually want to do the “real” spiritual work needed to reach the depth of these masters and decide to rely on them by seeking comfort, security and a sense of direction in these figures.

4.3 - Enlightenment

4.3.1 - Enlightened people have a high degree of acceptance of the present moment and of the reality

Being enlightened means that you realized the true nature of yourself.

You are God and not a random person with a name and an identity.

We can say that enlightenment happens, because at the end there is no one to enlighten and no one is enlightened.

Enlightened “people” have a high degree of acceptance of the present moment and of the reality.

They accepted reality for what it is: a dream/an hallucination.

For you there is no other reality except the one you see in your direct experience.

Do you see another one right now? I don’t. Where is it?

There is only one reality.

People who are highly enlightened are emotionally detached from their identity and thus from their emotions.

There are cases of Zen masters who reached a high degree of enlightenment that didn’t feel any pain even if they were physically mutilated.

This happens because they have reached a high degree of detachment.

At the end it’s only an arm that is being cut. Nothing to worry about, even because it isn’t real and he himself doesn’t exist.

4.3.2 - Common misconceptions about enlightenment

Being enlightened doesn’t mean you are not human anymore and you don’t have to do the laundry.

What changes is that you reach the realization of your true Self and become much more detached from your identity.

Before and after enlightenment the life goes on and you’ll still have a certain degree of attachment to your identity (there are different degrees of enlightenment).

So, it’s possible for an enlightened person to scream, being mad at someone and such, even if it’s less likely to happen.

You become much more self-reliant and imperturbable.

This means you’ll be a lot less reactive and you’ll notice triggers and monkey chatter as some kind of distant voices.

You’ll become much wiser, calm, silent and authentic.

One problem of the enlightenment is that people see it as a label and have certain believes about it.

This can cause enlightenment wars through masters and gurus: who is enlightened and who is enlightened most?

You tend to think you’ll have to do a checklist of things to reach enlightenment.

There is a high degree of idealization behind enlightenment.

The shift that must occur is seen as gigantic from a not enlightened person and as tiny for an enlightened person.

It’s true that an enlightened person is superior to a not enlightened person. This is because he “hacked the game” and has a degree of emotional mastery, wisdom and knowledge that a not enlightened person doesn’t have.

This doesn’t mean that an enlightened person is “better” than a not enlightened one.

Knowledge is useful a lot, but you don’t need deep metaphysical understanding to be enlightened, but you can navigate better trough the insights with metaphysical and spiritual understanding and reach deeper levels of knowledge.

Becoming enlightened is connected to mind your own life more, because you recognize how important and precious your existence is and you don’t want to waste it doing mindless stuff or with wrong people.

Some enlightened masters are seen therefore as assholes. You have to keep in mind that enlightened people are still humans AND that their “assholesness” is just a behavior that they had due to having really high standards in their lives and have nothing to do with you.

4.3.3 - Some practical tips to reach enlightenment

Detach yourself from your identity and thus abstain from moralism, judgments, speculations, interpretations, emotional triggers, mental chatter (monkey mind) and memories.

You must live in the present moment. This is the only thing there is.

The sense of time is just an appearance, a mind distortion to create coherence in reality and give you a sense of progression.

Avoid massive multitasking and focus on one thing at the time.

Practice both active meditation in blocks of time every day (e. g. 30 minutes a day) and mindfulness in your everyday life.

Be as much present as possible, trying to avoid distraction, future projections, daydreaming and monkey mind.

Focus yourself on experiencing life through direct experience rather than relying on third hand information.

Accept reality for what it is and not for what it could be/could have been if.

This means practically that you have to accept responsibility for your actions and your word and don’t waste any time saying: “I should have done this or this”. Once it’s done, it’s done. You can only control the present moment. Live in the present.

At the end nothing matters. It’s all a game, a simulation, a dream.

Don’t take life too seriously.

4.3.4 - The focus-on-the-touch technique to relieve stress and quickly improve presence in the present moment

If you feel yourself stressful, you can use the focus-on-the-touch technique to relieve stress and quickly improve presence in the present moment.

This technique is really simple:

1)    Touch something (e. g. a table surface)
2)    Shift your focus to your hands and particularly to the sensation of the surface on your fingertips and on your palm
3)    Focus solely on the touch feeling and keep your mind clear

You can expand this exercise by using other senses, e.g. hearing or seeing.

You can then focus on particular sounds (e. g. you can tap with the pen on your desk) or on watching a light or simply watching your hand.

4.4 - Perspectives and reality (one vs infinite perspectives)

4.4.1 - The mind is NOT in the brain

The mind is not in the brain.

This is a common materialist misconception that’s derived from the assumption that consciousness = brain cognition ability = can be measured through IQ.

In reality mind is a tool that’s used by infinite consciousness to divide itself in finite forms and is not in the brain.

The brain IS part of entire consciousness and a subproduct of the mind.

Consciousness is infinite and it’s all there is.

4.4.2 - Reality is fluid, there is no one single reality

Reality is not a giant immutable block, but a fluid energy field in which forms appear and disappear.

It cannot be a single block because of the existence of perspectives.

What I mean is that 1 perspective = 1 reality and that each one’s reality is different from the others.

To prove this fact let’s take two people: one who is colorblind and one who is not.

Let’s bring both people in front of a green pine and ask both which color the pine’s leaves are.

The colorblind person will say the color is red and the other one will say it’s green.

Who is right? Which perspective/reality is the right one?

They are both right!

Reality mutate under observation through the colorblind person to perceive the same shared reality in another way.

This means that reality is fluid.

We can shift this example to other people with different believes.

They all perceive their reality in their own unique ways.

4.4.3 - One perspective vs multiple perspective

There is an existential dilemma whether there is one single perspective and all other perspectives are imaginary and therefore don’t exist or if they are infinite perspectives.

In the first case it means that you are the only living being who is existing and that others are just fruit of imagination.

After you died, life will not go on, because you’re the only thing that exist (you = your perspective) and there is no shared reality.

In the second case it means that each human/living/not living being has its own perspective and that there is a shared reality.

This means there are infinite parallel reality which are deeply interconnected one with each other.

After you die, life in the shared reality will go on.

You will eventually reincarnate in another thing (reincarnations are a belief, but I feel it’s highly probable that they occur).

4.4.4 - Breathing is not necessary to live

During the trip I had much less need to breath. My lunges were full of air, even if I breathed very few for a long time.

The idea you have to breath to live is just a belief.

The most ethereal and light your ego become, the less attachment to your identity and to your survival needs there is.

This has a profound meaning, because many believes we held about our survival are just not true.

Edited by Vittorio

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Thank you ☺

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Interesting testimonial! 

Also, Love is Absolute Freedom. 

And speaking of Hindu deities, legend says that those deities were originally designed to express the different faces of  divinity. Now, these deities have turned into worshipping idols and the meaning behind them is lost. 

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49 minutes ago, VincentArogya said:

Interesting testimonial! 

Also, Love is Absolute Freedom. 

And speaking of Hindu deities, legend says that those deities were originally designed to express the different faces of  divinity. Now, these deities have turned into worshipping idols and the meaning behind them is lost. 

Thank you for your reply! What do you mean with "Absolute Freedom"?

Freedom to do what?

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Hit the mother load man, so happy for ya! Appreciated that you mentioned the breathing & survival actualities. People found this so crazy I don’t mention it anymore. Enjoyed the sharing, thank you for taking the time!



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7 minutes ago, Nahm said:


Hit the mother load man, so happy for ya! Appreciated that you mentioned the breathing & survival actualities. People found this so crazy I don’t mention it anymore. Enjoyed the sharing, thank you for taking the time!

So you don't breath?You really are aquaman then. 

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For how long you will take pride on being smart and educated. I am jelous. 

Wish I am like that. ?

9 minutes ago, Nahm said:


(A rare Absolutist-Aqua mic drop)


Have no idea about what are you talking about. 


tenor (23).gif

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I am joking all the time what seriousness? 

But I do project out. Reason, don't need life anymore,at all. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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3 hours ago, Vittorio said:

I decided to open this topic to share some important insights I got after my last psychedelic trip with you.

In this trip I reached for the first time a state of enlightenment.

Remember that Enlightenment is NOT a state.  An LSD trip is NOT enlightenment.  If you cannot see Truth in every moment of your life, Right NOW, then it is NOT enlightenment, but rather just a MYSTICAL EXPERIENCE.  

Enlightenment is not an experience or a state of consciousness or being, it is Truth-realization.

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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56 minutes ago, Nahm said:


Hit the mother load man, so happy for ya! Appreciated that you mentioned the breathing & survival actualities. People found this so crazy I don’t mention it anymore. Enjoyed the sharing, thank you for taking the time!

Thank you, Nahm, for your appreciation!

I still enjoy mindfucks, but hey, if I am God, this is my reality in the end. Thus I can do everything I want, even don't breath anymore ;)

Edited by Vittorio

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36 minutes ago, r0ckyreed said:


Remember that Enlightenment is NOT a state.  An LSD trip is NOT enlightenment.  If you cannot see Truth in every moment of your life, Right NOW, then it is NOT enlightenment, but rather just a MYSTICAL EXPERIENCE.  

Enlightenment is not an experience or a state of consciousness or being, it is Truth-realization.

Thank you for your clarification, but I know really well that enlightenment is not a state intended as a temporary mood or something like that (your comment can be useful for newcomers to read).

This is why I described it as a "state of enlightenment", aka a brief experience of being enlightened :)

Edited by Vittorio

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20 minutes ago, Nahm said:


Ok well let’s read this wonderful thread again instead of derailing it. 

Yeah Love. But just allow me atleast some denial to have Gd reason to continue dreaming. ;)


Edited by zeroISinfinity

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21 minutes ago, r0ckyreed said:


Remember that Enlightenment is NOT a state.  An LSD trip is NOT enlightenment.  If you cannot see Truth in every moment of your life, Right NOW, then it is NOT enlightenment, but rather just a MYSTICAL EXPERIENCE.  

Enlightenment is not an experience or a state of consciousness or being, it is Truth-realization.

Cute. Keep playing the advaita trap.

The reality is that Enlightement = Truth.

And if you are in a state of EGO, you are in a state of delusion.

Therefore, you are not in "Enlightement". 

Enlightement is a state.

You can not just "remember Enlightement".


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10 minutes ago, Tim R said:

tenor (2).gif

28 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Cute. Keep playing the advaita trap.

The reality is that Enlightement = Truth.

And if you are in a state of EGO, you are in a state of delusion.

Therefore, you are not in "Enlightement". 

Enlightement is a state.

You can not just "remember Enlightement".


This is better


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That's what the DMT entities say when Leo suddenly pops up in the middle of their living room and demands to understand what reality is??

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