
What happens when an undeveloped person takes psychedelics

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Hi all I was actually wondering if anyone would be able to share some experiences of undeveloped people whom have taken psychedelics for the purpose of personal development or spiritual growth.  

I have had non-dualist experiences with psychedelics etc but I have been doing this work for a while and started "light" with mushrooms at the way up over the years to 5meodmt. Leo says in his videos for example that psychedelics do not work on spiral dynamics stage blue people. I'am almost certain that even mushrooms would be far to heavy for the average person that I know for personal growth. 

So I was just curious if anyone knows first hand or has experiences where it went well or not of someone who however you want to say it undeveloped, immature or on a lower stage in spiral dynamics or  who is too closed had with psychedelics. Thanks in advanced!

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They usually just get visuals and think it's funny. Some have bad reactions and get stuck in thought loops. Some have psychotic breaks where they think nothing is real and that everyone is out to get them. Some just have fun and play video games or watch porn. Some people have transcendental experiences but either can't understand it or try very hard to stop it. 

Source: Freshman year of college.

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I tripped with one person who is undeveloped and has a pretty unhealthy ego. I think I did it 4 times with him and he had some rough times but every trip changed him for the better.

For example he told me a few years ago that sometimes he would throw trash out of his car window ? Then we did 3 grams of mushrooms together and he had a hell of a bad trip lol it was hard to witness even. But after the trip he became very environment conscious like never dropping even a cigarette or so and it didn't change over the years.

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@RichnNL It depends on the person. In general, an immature person tripping will have a hard time integrating psychedelic-induced mystical experiences / insights on their own - or with other immature people. If they are working with mature, experienced people (such as an Ayahuasca retreat) or a trained psychologist in psychedelic therapy - their odds of evolving their consciousness goes much higher. 

There are a lot of variables at play and I see it more as probabilities. The odds of an immature, inexperienced person tripping without guidance / support and having stable, integrated realizations that advances consciousness - would be similar to getting struck by lightening. 

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It would be much harder for them to have a mystical experience. Might need higher doses, or it just has little effect on them. And the depth of the experience will be very shallow. As well as a lack of integration after. 

Edited by erik8lrl

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Well the purpose of taking them would be lost. Psychedelics do affect your brain chemistry, so in the best case scenario a person would struggle to make sense of what those brain changes mean, in the worst case scenario a suiside.

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4 hours ago, Forestluv said:

@RichnNL It depends on the person. In general, an immature person tripping will have a hard time integrating psychedelic-induced mystical experiences / insights on their own - or with other immature people. If they are working with mature, experienced people (such as an Ayahuasca retreat) or a trained psychologist in psychedelic therapy - their odds of evolving their consciousness goes much higher. 

There are a lot of variables at play and I see it more as probabilities. The odds of an immature, inexperienced person tripping without guidance / support and having stable, integrated realizations that advances consciousness - would be similar to getting struck by lightening. 

Tripping is very nuanced, and there are so many variables as mentioned here^ above. The OP refers to undeveloped people, the reply quoted mentions immature people but these are judgements which overlook the key fact that how the tripper holds themselves to be is just as relevant. What is their hedonic tone ie what has life been like for them in the days up to the trip, and its effect on their underlying state of ease/disquiet? What does "a spiritual experience" mean to them at their current level of understanding, and are they open to not allowing these notions to shape how they interpret what they experience whilst tripping? The setting, including "Ayahuasca retreats" with mature experienced people will also have an effect on the trip which again relates to the trippers pre-conceived notions and ability to relinquish or simply exchange them for the beliefs of those present and "providing the flavour" of the setting. Psychedelics work on what you bring to the table, and how tightly (or otherwise) this is held on to; they also produce a condition of such openness that manipulation (which can be intended or not) can readily be produced. This manipulation is less of an issue if one trips alone but the paradox/rub is that tripping alone is very risky for the inexperienced, and in order to get the experience required to navigate successfully one has to learn to trip with others present, and become cognizant of how the presence of others affects the trip.

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Ego backlash. Ego will hijack your psychedelic experience and make you panic.

Describe a thought.

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I did 5 meo dmt 3 times 3 years ago and I was not ready, it terrified me. I became very afraid of death for about a year, that is might be some 'hell space', an infinite feeling of being absolutely lost and falling in a dark hole for eternity and never finding solid ground. I swore off 5 meo dmt, too scared to lose myself in that void again. These last 3 years I've been working like a madwoman to get past demons and shadow, you know the drill. I feel ready to try again (soon) - but my 5 meo dmt stash (chemical) is  3 years old and was REALLY hard to get- does anyone know if it goes bad?

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@laurastarla It might react with air if not properly stored. Keeping it in a fridge or freezer can stop it. If you see a colour change (from almost white to brownish then it has reacted with air.

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Is there a different experience to expect if you use almost white 5 meo vs old brown stinky 5 meo ? Does it influence the trip? Or is it like lsd, people tell there is no difference between 1 year or 10 years old lsd



Edited by OBEler

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"I was so fucked up bro"

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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3 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

"I was so fucked up bro"

This 100x

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1. They’re narcissistic and they freak out

2. they’re narcissistic and they don’t give a fuck, have fun, no insight

3. they’re more on the “good“ spectrum and they freak out

4. they’re more on the good subjective spectrum and they either go on or off course, according to their dream.

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9 hours ago, OBEler said:

Is there a different experience to expect if you use almost white 5 meo vs old brown stinky 5 meo ? Does it influence the trip? Or is it like lsd, people tell there is no difference between 1 year or 10 years old lsd



would love to know the answer to OBler's question - if anyone has personal experience with this thanks!

Edited by laurastarla

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@laurastarla thanks for sharing, do you use other psychedelic as a stepping stone, did you start with with 5meo?

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a lot of lsd and mushrooms years before, and those were mostly wonderful. So I had a good mindset about psychedelics. Before the 5 meo, I had only a  year of serious meditation and work under my belt, and a clear intention (or so I thought), to know the truth by using it. But I was still undergoing a sort of painful time, maybe that was what colored the experience? I really want to try again and break through that fear, but I admit I am still scared!!! 

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@laurastarla  Well 5meo is on another level and is the most rewarding but take your time. I also have not done it in a while and feel a bit anxious about doing it again. 

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