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Losing Track Of Thought

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Often when I attempt to articulate myself to someone, the train of thought I had will tend to slip my mind almost automatically. The pauses between my phrases have increased as of late, which causes a worry to emerge along the lines of "the other person will grow impatient, time to speak." It's as if subconsciously I get drawn to the stillness of the moment and let go of the thought automatically, entirely by accident.

I fear that I could have gone astray somewhere in trying to raise consciousness and that this losing track of though is perhaps below thought. Also, I fear that the message of my words will be lost.

In an ironic twist, having lost track of many thoughts in this regard has caused me to be troubled with more analysis about what this could mean.

I'm looking for any guidance that anyone might have to help.



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I wouldn't worry about it. Meditate more, think less. Things will automatically take care of themselves. You are just creating self-interference.

When you have something important to say, practice saying it directly, clearly, concisely.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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You mean you have guru mouth? xD

Basically ever damn spiritual master does this. Don't worry about this unless it's actually something like brain fog.


Anyways, don't fret about annoying someone. Just stay with the silence for a bit and then say your bit. If you do it this manner and own it, you create a very strong frame and your words will land with more impact on the person(provided you don't forget!). That's guru mouth 101. Embrace it. I can't really say anymore about this otherwise ascended beings and feral chakras will astrally project into my kundalini and take away my spiritual certificate. Enjoy your speaking disorder! B|

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I've been loosing my train of though my whole life and spent hours during school and lectures just staring out the window. I wonder if this is why I'm making such rapid progress!!! hehe

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3 hours ago, Neo said:

I've been loosing my train of though my whole life and spent hours during school and lectures just staring out the window. I wonder if this is why I'm making such rapid progress!!! hehe

This seems to be counter-intuitive to what I've heard, namely that effort has to be made in order to detach 'yourself' from the observed phenomena. Out of interest, how are you measuring your progress?

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This seems to be counter-intuitive to what I've heard, namely that effort has to be made in order to detach 'yourself' from the observed phenomena. Out of interest, how are you measuring your progress?

It was only a half-joking response indicated by the "hehe" at the end, with the joke being that I now have an excuse for all the years I've spent day dreaming but also at the same time, some wishful thinking going on that maybe it could be true. My progress is that I've recently done a massive move of house and business and rarely have time to meditate (I'm also self employed) and yet when I listen to Leo's guided videos, I've had one *religious* experience and another where I went straight to the source and had a fight with myself. Everyone - shoot me down for not doing the work - but I *know* this is the right path and I'm ever so grateful to Leo.

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