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What are ways respect manifests itself in your personal life, towards yourself and others? And how does it relate to love?

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@Natasha Great question,

I'd say the sense of appreciation or a sence of acceptance for somebody's qualities or potential or for persona also along with that when you wanna applaud that "somebody" not necessarily physically but just applaud because you think he/she/they/that/it have/has some special quality or perform special action/purpose in your life that is only done by that particular somebody. example: Parents, I respect my parents for wht they are to me.

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@ajai Yes, respect would go hand in hand with admiration for and looking up to someone. Was also thinking about how it would manifest through boundaries. Where love can often assume merging, respect would still majorly hinge on boundaries whether it's with yourself or others.

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@Natasha Umm, yea I'm getting you but a bit,

isn't it so that the concept of Love is already there to begin with, it might be a matter to deepen it in a sense to manifest it more n more n more, it's like it's there yet not tangible enough to really feel it.

8 minutes ago, Natasha said:


Could you please make it more clear with boundaries, I don't get that in this context, 

Still thinking abt this tho, as I said juicy question...

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2 hours ago, Natasha said:

What are ways respect manifests itself in your personal life, towards yourself 

- Being less tolerant of toxic habits, thoughts and people.

- Being more concious about how I spend time.

2 hours ago, Natasha said:


- Giving love and compassion if possible, and if not at least not giving out negative energy.

- Appreciating them for their uniqueness, both "positive" and "negative". But still seeing them neither worse nor better than me in absolute terms.

- Trying to really understand their perspective and avoid projections.

2 hours ago, Natasha said:

And how does it relate to love?

Respect can either be becouse of fear or because of love. The former is a survival thing. When it comes out of love it's a higher form of respect which is much more enjoyable and makes you grow. 

Edited by Fran11

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@ajai Like say you wouldn't act in a way you know your parents wouldnt appreciate out of respect for them, knowing where they draw boundaries as far as certain manners/behavior go. And, as @Fran11 noticed above, you either do it (or don't do it) out of fear of disaproval or punishment, or out of love. Same goes for self-respect/srlf-love - one wouldn't eat junk food, for example, if they have boundaries with themselves and respect their body enough to say no to unhealthy eating habits. 

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3 hours ago, Natasha said:


Connecting with their being which entails fully accepting, being present with and creating a being space for them (What I just love is to stay present with them even when they seem to be lost in their head/narrative... just that I stay there.)

Looking them into their eyes without needing to give or to want anything from them.


personal life, towards yourself

Being with me in emotional ups & downs through knowing the experience and letting go the narrative - really feeling it fully.

Being understandable for appearing judgements and accepting this moment.


On a side note, how is "personal life" separate from "yourself"?

Edited by Loving Radiance

Life Purpose journey

Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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3 hours ago, Natasha said:

Like say you wouldn't act in a way you know your parents wouldnt appreciate out of respect for them, knowing where they draw boundaries as far as certain manners/behavior go


yeah it'll hinge on the boundaries and here it would mean to accept and understand my parents' perspective in a particular instance, respecting them would mean to understand that given the level of development of their psyche they may not get a particular situation in a way let's say I would because my developmental level could be different ( maybe higher or lower doesn't matter), and offcourse this respect would come out of love (I'd rather say caring) , to be fair I still do not understand the term Love clearly, you tell what do you mean by Love ? it will certainly help in improving my understanding of the term.

So yes, respect will only hinge on the boundaries in few cases but then thats's the whole point of doing it in practice this is what the meaning attached to the term "Respect" tells us. What do you say ?


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Modesty and respect are the two most important values for me.

In my personal life, I try to respect people’s opinions and actions even if I disagree with them. I try to respect everyone even if they are wrong or ignorant. To me, respect means having reverence for everything. Respect is a feeling one holds in themselves, it’s not an action in the outside world. You can fight your enemy with respect.

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I'm reconceptualising reality so I haven't really discerned all the right patterns to re-derive love yet in the sense that its separated properly from all the various forms of love but in the context of respect I can say a little something, not the complete picture but something.

@Natasha Most of our responses are conditioned automatic reflexes which is why I'm discounting most of them in my surmise of the idea of respect here and simply so encapsulating it as allowing a being to simply be.

Most of the patterns in our mental picture of reality have been inherited from prior passive interactions so for me this is why its now my work to re-derive everything for myself from the ground up, simply because there's too many errors in my environment for me to conclude that I don't (meaning I likely have loads) have automatic reasoning errors in my own processing (inclusive of emotional processing) of the environment (inclusive of the felt, sensed, imaginary (inclusive of thought - which is just the reconstruction of patterns)).

We try to encapsulate timelessness (aka reality) through our snapshots of time by converting the otherwise always fluid environment to increasingly more solid forms that we refer to as "objects" of both physical perception and thought (meaning the actual seeing of a car then becomes not that different from the thought "car" because now we're dealing with something we've converted into a solid) which we order and re-produce in our mind.

This has served as the intellectual foundation for the invention of language because language is nothing other than a solid thought object which is used to describe an object (previously just a perception) in timelessness with relative fluidity.

Reality is like water that we scoop up with a cup that we then categorise, put to the side and recall (the category) when we need it rarely reconsidering the object to the point that it dissolves again into a perception that we discover more nuances to in order to evolve it into a more refined object or new category altogether. Autobiographical memory then is simply the analogous process of converting the timeless into slots of time. Timeless is to reality, which is to infer that time itself is merely a category of perception.

Tying this back in with respect, the most pure form so far for me is simply allowing the timeless aspect of another person to simply be. This act of respect can be a conscious process, where you proactively attempt to avoid categorising the ever changing fluid nature of the being itself. In the context of respect categorisation then, when considered merely as an intelligent process where the act of intelligence serves to categorise fluidity into representations that reflect usable patterns of actual change, is a social process designed to elicit behaviours that comply with how another infers what respect is, as that is the only way respect can be shown unless the other person has the intelligence to discern that this is your personal way of showing respect.

Now back into my hiatus.

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@Natasha if people were to offer you food while you're on diet would you choose self respect or people's respect? (you respecting others). 

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28 minutes ago, Ibgdrgnxxv said:

@Natasha if people were to offer you food while you're on diet would you choose self respect or people's respect? (you respecting others). 

I would respectfully decline and ofc also thank them for the offer : )

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I'd feel bad to deny a genuine serving. But when it comes to halal food, I'd be very picky. 



Edited by Ibgdrgnxxv

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