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What it means to Unify your Will with the Will of God

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One of the fundamental aspects of higher consciousness understanding is that it happens from a position of recognizing the Will of God, instead of from a position of individualistic and partial desire. What exactly does this mean?

It means that when most people consider something to be truthful, it is not pointing to the Will of God, but merely to a fraction of the Will of God. A person comes to understand the world through it's own egoic desires, rather than study the world as it is. The world as it is, completely, is the Will of God.

Here is an example:

You might say rape is bad, which means you deny the truthfulness of rape. You do this because you do not like rape. This is a fractioned part of the Will of God.

Instead of looking at rape in it's relationship to yourself, look at rape in the relationship to all things that are. In this context rape is not merely bad, it infact is the pure Will of God. Without rape the world would not be. This is easy to recognize, but it still is a fractioned. To truly see the Will of God is to see rape for what it is, and the resistance towards rape for what it is. There is no need to say that rape is good or bad. All there is, is a recognition that rape exists and that there is resistance towards rape. Both these things are the Will of God. Rape is the Will of God, and so is the Resistance of Rape.

This means you  cannot escape the WIll of God whether you are the rapist or the one who hangs the rapist. You are doing the Will of God no matter what you do. To realize this means to recognize the direction of all Being as it is within the world.

You do not look at the world for how it should be, but rather you look at the world for what it is. And what it is, is how it should be.


How does this play out in practice? It is the difference between someone who wants socialism to happen, and someone who recognizes that Socialism is happening. It is the difference between someone who thinks it is good to kill all the jews, and someone who recognizes that all the jews are being killed. It is the difference between someone who thinks the jews should be saved, and someone who recognizes that the jews are being saved. Where reality is going comes from a place of what the world is, not what you want the world to be.

Yet, we cannot deny that where we want the world to be is part of where the world is.


The key insight here is the following. As we come to see the world for what it is, rather than focusing so much on how we want to it be, our want for the world will come into union with how the world is. In a strange way the Will of God has amplified itself. The fraction of the Will of God, which together with all other fractions makes up the whole of the Will of God, comes to recognize the whole of all of the Will of God and so amplifies the Whole.

This is how Infinity works, it is self-amplification, self-multiplication, self-growth, Creativity that gives rise to Creativity. It is the Snake that gives Birth to itself. And that is where the world is and always has been. This is the trajectory and the cause.

God doesn't just speak through the Fractions, he speaks through the Whole aswell. To him it doesn't matter where individual Fractions go, because by virtue of being part of the Whole, they inevitably contribute to the Whole. By virtue of being Love, they inevitably give rise to more. The point of End is part of the point of Beginning.

Nothing is inevitable, nothing is predetermined, yet everything creates one particular thing. Whether the dinosaurs went extinct or not, whatever would have happened would have been contributing the the Will of God. What this means is that Creation is Free, yet all of it does really only one particular thing, and it all comes to one particular outcome. That outcome has no definition nor any limitation, it is not confined, yet it is there.



Imagine you had the ability to create a World which will always create your desired outcome, but yet that world was completely free to express itself in any way it wants. That is the genius of this Creation. Each individual, by expressing it's own unique Free Will, contributes to the world in just the way it must.

Imagine every little world, every planentary ecosystem, eventually would pop like a bubble of Love. Imagine hundreds of millions of those planets, infact infinite of them. Popping and popping like a firework.

This is what every planet is going towards. Eventually it will just pop and be gone. But even more than the infinite planets that pop, there are infinite more that never pop, never even had life to begin with. And infinite more that had life but never popped and instead died before they could. If earth will not survive humanity, then it will become one of those planets. It will have never mattered though, because the very reasons for why this planet could not pop, are the reasons for why those infinite other planets do indeed pop like a firework.

And now to understand how small you are, imagine all of the infinite multiverse with infinite universes with infinite planets popping in and out of existence in bursts of love. All of the history of this universe as a whole would be just a split second pop of a one of the infinite firework-sparkles.

Now imagine all of those firework-sparkes having their own evolutionary pathway, evolving towards eventually creating a massive bubble of love that bursts. Now imagine that all of that is just another sparkle within an even bigger firework.

This goes on forever and ever. That is how insignificant all life on earth is. Yet, it is only so relatively speaking, in relationship to each other. To God, every cell in your body is as significant as the Whole. As much Love is reserved for every little creature, every little fraction of the Whole. Infact, there is really no such thing as a Whole nor a Fraction. That itself is just an illusion, the Fraction and the Whole are one and the same thing.


The very experience you are experience now is All there is. It is everything all of Existence holds and ever will hold. It doesn't matter whether you see it or not, because all the Enlightened Ones, all the Non-enlightened Ones, they are all here already. This is the snake eating itself while giving birth to itself.


When you see all of this you will not be able to help yourself but contribute so that this very Fraction will be a servant of the whole. If you see that this Fraction of Love is what causes the Multiverse Firework of Love, you will not be able to resist but to become part of that Firework, as you infact already are. The Fraction will realize it is the Whole, and if it is the Whole, what else could it now do but to cause the Whole?

The next time you listen to music, try to see that every little sound, every little experience is that Eternal Firework of Love. That Eternal Firework, all of that Evolution, just to cause itself, cause this very moment. The Eternal Firework bursting in just the right ways so that you would not see it for what it is. That is what this is. It is the Full and Complete Will of God.



It is not Linear, it is Circular. All of the Multiverses and Planets and Civilizations, all of them together are nothing but this very moment you are experiencing right now. Unconsciousness is a fully Conscious and deliberate Illusion.

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This should be moved to another subforum I accidentally posted it here.

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3 hours ago, Scholar said:

And now to understand how small you are, imagine all of the infinite multiverse with infinite universes with infinite planets popping in and out of existence in bursts of love. All of the history of this universe as a whole would be just a split second pop of a one of the infinite firework-sparkles.

Now imagine all of those firework-sparkes having their own evolutionary pathway, evolving towards eventually creating a massive bubble of love that bursts. Now imagine that all of that is just another sparkle within an even bigger firework.

Well written. Thanks for sharing.

Is the "even bigger firework" what some refer to as the singularity? If so, are there an infinite amount of singularities that have all already taken place in the "split second" that all of creation was created? 

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The Part seeks to have the Whole serve itself. In that way, the Part is serving the Whole.

To realize that the Part is serving the Whole, is to realize that serving the Part is serving the Whole, and serving the Whole is serving the Part.

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