Revolutionary Think

Freedom is a mirage under hyper stage orange

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Nice points.

Libertarians tend to convenientely define disruptions to personal freedom only when it's caused by a direct action (a thief taking your money at gunpoint) and not indirect systemic consecuences (difficulty to start your bussiness, negotiate in a work interview, etc). 

They have this bias because their ideology has a great deal of moralization. "If someone abused you directly, they are evil and must be stopped. If the consecuences of the non-evil actions of the society created a dynamic that damaged you, no action should be taken because they weren't directly being evil."

Of course, this is not a very smart distinction to make from the practical point of view because the end result is the same, having less freedom, so taking action should be considered in both cases.

Anyway, that's not to say every version of capitalism is less free that any version of socialism, there are many degrees of each, and many asspects to consider. 

Edited by Fran11

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