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45-minute Full-body Climax While Meditating

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Just over a year ago, I was meditating down by the river on my property and had one of the most intense experiences I've ever had. It was while I was stoned but I have experienced it without weed too, though not as intense.

To start off with, this had nothing to do with sexual intercourse or even masturbation. There was no ejaculation nor an erection. There was no physical or even visual stimuli. Just a toe-curling, chill-inducing full-body climax. For 45 minutes.

Since then, I haven't had one quite as long but I can have them at will now. Let me explain.

I was sitting on a wooden bench at the base of a very large pine tree. This pine tree is the tallest one in a patch of pine trees with oak, maple and birch trees surrounding them. It's on a small ridge ten feet above the river but about fifteen feet away from the water. It is a very peaceful place and I've had many experiences here, including my own death (with the help of Leo's guided meditation, but that is another story).

So I was sitting alone, with my eyes open in a deep meditative state. I cannot recall what the catalyst was but back then I was meditating by staring at trees along the river. Looking back at my account of it the next day, there was a fishing boat with fishermen in it casting their lines about 40 yards away. Since I was fully-clothed, no one was wise to the fact that I was in a state of bliss. Although, that first time, who knows what I looked like when it was happening.

The entire episode began with a thump within my body. I jolted but remained seated. My whole body was tensed but I felt it most in my core, emanating from the inside. I say tensed instead of clenched because my buttocks were flexed but my sphincter was not. I was seated comfortably but in a mildly reclined position. Again, the position could be seen as if I was relaxed but still upright. I had no concern for appearances at that moment.

My quads were taut causing my feet to lift. My left foot was twitching while my right foot was still. After a while, I began to allow myself to relax so the feeling did not become dulled by the intensity of it. I did have a slight fear of losing it but did not. I then adjusted and again felt myself tensing again with my butt on the edge of the bench with my upper torso lifting up while my shoulders were still in contact with the bench back. It was almost like I was "planking" with my feet just off the ground.

During all this, there was no erection at all. Not even a slight one.

After it was done, I ran up to the house and told my wife about it. Not much interest though. Much like when she tells me about her lucid dreams. I haven't experienced it and assume that I can't so I don't get too excited about her dreams. She didn't get my level of fascination with it. Fairplay, I guess.

Not much of a reaction from her, at least until I mentioned half-jokingly that I didn't need her anymore. She has a great sense of humor but I still had to explain myself.

If most of us spend most our waking lives working to make money to afford nice things such as cars and stuff to impress others, especially in the dating scene, we spend an good deal amount of time preparing our appearance to influence others' opinion of us, namely our ability to own stuff. We want to impress others so we primp and shine ourselves up just so we can get either money, admiration or sex.

You know the old joke, if you could lick yourself like a dog does, you'd never leave the house? That was what I was referring to. The lack of anyone or anything else needed to experience such bliss. I realized that the bliss I experienced came from within. Within me. I didn't need sex, money, nor any other physical being to experience this level of joy. She understood my quick explanation and didn't take it personally. I successfully dodged that bullet.

After the euphoria wore off, I probably went about six weeks before I experienced another episode but not as long in duration. Although, I have experienced it sitting right next to my wife while she was watching TV or sitting on the porch swing with me. She's unfazed but usually she doesn't notice. It's that subtle now but when it gets going, the foot twitch is rather noticeable.

Now, I can do it at will, while I'm driving, sitting in a waiting room (briefly, but just to see if I could), although not to the degree of the first time. Sitting or standing, but sitting is better.

Since then, I've spent a bit of time meditating over what the catalyst was for the first few. I wanted to study the steps I took and if it was teachable. Apparently it is. I found what works for me.

I also discovered something called Kundalini but only noticed some similarities but the areas of intense feeling are at the base of the spine and very close to but not the "taint". It tain't external.

Has anyone else experienced this?

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