
Epistemic Questions

27 posts in this topic

5 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

Because they want to. It's because God wants to.

Why does God want to.

5 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

 The idea that every question must have an answer is an anthropocentric notion. .

Not really, God has questions. Questions aren't a human thing, they are a God thing. 

There's a deep intelligence to everything in the universe. Not knowing the answer to such questions simply means you're not conscious of that deep intelligence. 

5 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

Why do people dance to music? You need a beat, a rhythm, a structure, a progression.

There is a deeply profound answer to that question, if you can become conscious of its intelligence. There's a deeply profound answer to everything, because everything is infinitely intelligent.

5 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

If it's infinite in all dimensions, it must be happening right now. Absolute Infinity contains EVERYTHING!

But again there's a deep intelligence to why this specific form is manifesting now.

5 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

Confusion, delusion, illusion is all true. Where else could it be if not inside infinity?

Sure, truth vs falsehood is a duality, and infact they are both true. But why is that only the case when you're aware of it. And if its the case when you're not aware of it, why did we follow the path.

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4 hours ago, electroBeam said:

Not really, God has questions. Questions aren't a human thing, they are a God thing. 

Show me a question that wasn't asked by a human.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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6 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

Show me a question that wasn't asked by a human.

prove to me you're a human. 

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23 hours ago, electroBeam said:

prove to me you're a human. 


Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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On 10/10/2020 at 7:58 PM, electroBeam said:

1) what's the point of suffering? Why suffer? 

2) why do we chase happiness instead of just accepting what we are?

3) the universe/present moment/You has no boundaries, yet right now the dream is in a very specific form. Why that specific form right now?

4) Does infinity include delusion? If so how does it if delusion isn't true/actually there. 

1 infinity is infinite possibilities which includes infinite levels and experiences of bliss and suffering , on one level suffering is in place so you maintain your survival so you can reach a point of awakening .  You would never ask this question if suffering didn’t exist . Also bliss exists relative to pain to suffering you can’t know bliss without the contrast. There are infinite answers to this question.

2. Accepting what we are? Chasing happiness is what you are if that’s what your doing . The greatest happiness comes wen u fully accept what you are reality is and humans are . The miracle of existence at all.

3. Infinity... it must be how it is because it’s all ways (being a human inn our society is not a normal thing )

4. Infinity includes all possibilities. Delusion is however a concept. 

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41 minutes ago, Mvrs said:

There are infinite answers to this question.

ahhhhhh thanks!

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Consciousness desires to explore all of itself.

Infinity includes every single finite possibility.

If it didn't include all the finite parts it wouldn't truly be infinite.

Edited by Byun Sean

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