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Material reality only existed as an idea in your mind

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5 minutes ago, Adamq8 said:

@justfortoday But the last two times ive actually had mixed feelings/states about reality being infinite and that you will always exist cause you can't die which felt f..cked up to, so for me the memory wipe makes alot of sense, but it also feels weird to have to start over again and again

Of course it’s gonna create mixed feelings in you, that’s your ego thinking “oh my god to do this all over again”.

But think of it this way. Each life is a totally different adventure - and not one life is more important than the other.

When god/infinity designed this game it was out of pure necessity. God itself could not bear to live as itself forever. So it chose to created duality to not experience the eternal abyss.

Edited by justfortoday

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Yeah the eternal abyss, alone there. 

Not only boring, also timeless and alone.

I started this work because i wanted to solve my human problems, fix my suffering etc after making many mistakes. I wanted bliss joy and happiness in life.

Then suddenly realizing it's not a problem.

My whole life is a lie... Hell i did this to myself xDD

Maybe after many good lifetimes one gets bored, tries something eh different :D

I'm such a troll.

Furthermore solipsism is a pain in the arse.

Experiencing that doubt...

But it's even crazier, consciousness really can compartmentalize itself.

Lets imagine John over here and Dan. 

Then it takes those two meat suits and talks to itself.


People you think solipsism is scary, how about being the whole universe xDD 

And every single being simultaneously, being YOU

Having sex with yourself, killing yourself, loving yourself,

 A dance a play, a melody of being 

For all eternity.


Edited by Bulgarianspirit

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@justfortoday thanks for your input m8, it feels good to have like minded people to talk to even tho i imagine you ?? 

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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17 minutes ago, Bulgarianspirit said:

Yeah the eternal abyss, alone there. 

Not only boring, also timeless and alone.

I started this work because i wanted to solve my human problems, fix my suffering etc after making many mistakes. I wanted bliss joy and happiness in life.

Then suddenly realizing it's not a problem.

My whole life is a lie... Hell i did this to myself xDD

Maybe after many good lifetimes one gets bored, tries something eh different :D

I'm such a troll.

Furthermore solipsism is a pain in the arse.

Experiencing that doubt...

But it's even crazier, consciousness really can compartmentalize itself.

Lets imagine John over here and Dan. 

Then it takes those two meat suits and talks to itself.


People you think solipsism is scary, how about being the whole universe xDD 

And every single being simultaneously, being YOU

Having sex with yourself, killing yourself, loving yourself,

 A dance a play, a melody of being 

For all eternity.


Thank Goodness. That is when you realize the perfection of existence.

It is a complete miracle.

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@Bulgarianspirit hahah i feel ya! Wanted to find out some answers and got interested in spirituality haha little did i know what it would lead me to and what a journey,  sometimes i get thoughts about that i rather not find out about all this stuff but somehow it is also amazing and it is hard to stay away from it ??

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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7 hours ago, justfortoday said:

@Javfly33 This should do it.

Imagine that for one year you decided to record a daily movie of yourself playing a different character each time.

Now, after you’re done, imagine your memory gets erased DAILY and you start watching the movies one day at a time. Without knowing anything.

You ask yourself, is that person real?

It was YOU.

Your life and my life are the replays God is watching because this scene right now happened in Eternity.

Everything happened at once in Eternity - now you’re going through the infinite process of replaying each life one at a time.

That’s what relativity is.

I love how you were able to put this in simple words. Thank you!

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So once "death" happens, do the memories stick for a bit after god awakens? If the memories disappear instantly at death how can god realize anything? It would just be like waking up to a dream and not remembering. 


I'm probably working my question wrong. Basically what I'm asking is if the memories disappear, how does god remember that he is god after death?

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17 hours ago, justfortoday said:

Yep. Wait until you realize that it is yourself that is replying to you on this thread. 

We’re all you.


The most profound ...



God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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