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Today is world mental health day

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Today is world mental health day everyone, so make sure that you if you have depression, ocd, anxiety, bipolar, pzicsophrenia that you take care of yourself today. Theres a lot of bullshit going on in the world, so maybe today is the today to just take a break and focus on what you need to heal. Happy trails. 

Love life and your Health, INFJ Visionary


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Mental health is so freaking important - yet so undervalued. 

What is the point of living if one's neurotransmitters are not working properly? 

My grandma treated for cancer for like 8 years. This whole thing ended up triggering depression in her. Her cancer was stabilized, but she was like zombie. 

Fortunately, the fact that I went to a psychiatrist who actually helped me get healthy mentally once again inspired my mom to seek help in that area for my grandma. And it worked for her as well. 

I feel grateful that I indirectly helped her to live her last months as her "natural self". She was making jokes, she met and played with her grand granddaughter, etc. 

So yeah... 

happy world mental health day! :)


one day this will all be memories

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