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"The New Human Rights Movement" book by him was great, so I am waiting for the movie.

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@Vinnie Oh, really, it's already out? I haven't noticed at first. I guess this week I am watching this movie instead of Leo's new video, haha. $4 for renting it is not much.

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Hmm, I have just watched the movie, it's a tasty treatise on the human condition. In contrast to other movies that entertain the future possibilities for mankind and focus solely on the presented issues, this one also touche on the present and the past, which is expected since it comes from a famed structuralist author. 3 hours well spent. It's not a typical documentary, it has a storyline and many story narration tricks that make it engaging to watch.

Here's an official description of the movie:


InterReflections explores deep social issues. In three timelines our main story takes us into the future when ecological crisis and inequality has destabilized society. John Taylor, a defected government intelligence agent turned revolutionary leader, is captured by his former colleague and nemesis, Simon Devoe. Simon leads a government spy agency, encouraging John to join him to avoid punishment. Simon humors John as they debate ideas about humanity, seeing no possibility of John's escape. But John has a secret. Our second timeline follows a woman in modern day, experiencing life as a horror show, reflecting issues such as racism and environmental destruction. Fired from her job, she sets about finding another. Her journey transforms her. Timeline three takes place 100 years forward as four academics of this future talk about the way things used to be in the early 21st century. They speak of “The Great Transition”, a dramatic global revolution that changed everything for the better.


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@Girzo The New Human Rights Movement is an amazing book eh. Got vimeo just to watch InterReflections but don't have the time to watch it till this weekend. Thanks for the headsup dude, it's no doubt an inspiration. Will post a review soon!

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I cannot believe how no-one is commenting on this thread and watching this movie. Guys and gals, this should be a hot topic! :P

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