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Intuition is your greatest asset. Harness it and it will not fail you, no matter how many times you fail along the way

Longtime follower of Leo and His work has helped me a great deal in developing myself and working toward life purpose. PSA to any newcomers or skeptics here, this work takes TIME, effort and an exhaustive willpower 


TIME in all caps because this isn’t a quick fix. You don’t progress to a new stage in life or enhance your way of thinking by not taking action. It’s going to take various missteps, fuck ups, and misguided ideologies along the way for you to discover what you are meant to do.. and it is going to take years.. like 5-10-20+ years.. this isn’t an overnight solution. Even when you have it figured out, there will be more growth to attain. This is real work that requires looking inward to identify our own inner devilry so that we can accept, develop and enhance ourselves. My devilry is on full display, shamelessly, and I’m ok with that 


I don’t have it figured out, I still have issues and I’m not enlightened, but what I’ve learned over time is that real life progress takes real life effort. You will not achieve what you only dream of. If you have something that inspires you or makes you happy, reach for it. If you think something inspires you because it “should” inspire you, drop it.. if you feel you need to “be” a certain thing to impress others, drop that too

I can’t stress enough that what Leo teaches takes time and effort. Most importantly it takes REAL LIFE APPLICATION. Watching his videos alone will not change your situation. They will aid you, but don’t rely on those alone. The goal of his videos is for you to open your mind and apply this thinking and observation into your own real life practice 


My experience is not the same as Leo’s experience, and your experience won’t be the same as ours.. Leo’s teachings are his own observations from his own life experience that he shares in hopes of  guiding us and others in navigating our own life purpose. It’s not enough to watch his videos, you need to apply some of these concepts in your own life to see how they work for you, observe, then work from there


I encourage you to check out my artwork @distinctive.dwellings on Instagram. Leo and have been so influential in motivating me and my creative process to think outside myself and work toward self discovery. I want to share this with you and hope you enjoy my craft. If you have any questions, please, contact me DM on IG


Hi Leo :]






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1 hour ago, DistinctiveDwellings said:

If you have something that inspires you or makes you happy, reach for it. If you think something inspires you because it “should” inspire you, drop it.. if you feel you need to “be” a certain thing to impress others, drop that too

Some wise wordsxD

I like your artwork btw, I'm curious did you discover that passion / become so good through using Leo's life purpose course, or simply his ordinary videos as well as other resources?

Edited by March

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Thanks March, glad you enjoy the work! I discovered and honed my passion through failed projects, hard work both at the crafting table and behind the scenes internally in my personal life, as well as time (years) spent working toward that


I haven’t taken Leo’s Life Purpose Course but I’m sure there is a whole lot of value in it. His videos have been so influential though, because they helped me discover how my inner chaos, defense mechanisms, ego and poor outlook on life was holding my inner creativity back. Once I addressed a lot of the core issues I was having in my relationships with others and myself, it really helped me harness my intuition so that I pursue what I’m truly fascinated by


His videos alone or Life Purpose Course will not solve your problems for you though. They will help provide the insight and outlook so that you can take these practices and apply them in your life real time. Once you start doing this, you will see change over time. The most important thing is discovering what these experiences will be for you because everyone’s experience is different and unique to them. Despite this though, the solution is the same for all.. working toward developing yourself, your awareness and consciousness is the only way to transcend your pitfalls and inner devilry. Even then, there’s always more to learn which is the beauty of this type of inner work

Practice and real life application is the most effective way to discover passion and growth. Leo’s videos are a guide from his own direct experience to help us along our own paths so that we can derive knowledge from our own life experience


Ever watch Hocus Pocus? My next project will be a recreation of the Sanderson Sister’s House!



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