Do you guys really understand infinity?

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3 minutes ago, SpYITB said:

@Sam, so your saying our consciousness will experience a finite number of lives an infinite number of times, as opposed to an infinite number of lives once? or what?

I think he meant the circle is conciousness. From the moment you add any thought (I'm alive, there are humans, ...), the circle seems to change, although it actually doens't.

Edited by Persipnei

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Ok, I kinda grasp what you are saying. But still, does consciousness feel loneliness eternally when it is aware of its nature?

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1 minute ago, SpYITB said:

Ok, I kinda grasp what you are saying. But still, does consciousness feel loneliness eternally when it is aware of its nature?

Disclaimer: I only had my first deep experience a few days ago. I'm still quite high on the changes in my mindset, but here are my 5c.

When I saw God, I didn't had a feeling I was God, I still completely felt "in my body", but there was such a strong connection with every atom in the universe that the concept loneliness doesn't make any sense at all anymore. Not sure if I'm ego tripping, but I have never felt so pure and clear since my puberty.

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35 minutes ago, Shin said:

A wise man once told me that to awaken is like becoming lucid in a dream, except the degree of shock and wonder is infinitely greater.

I  cry like a little bitch whenever a lucid dream is a bit too intense.


A wise man once asked me "why did you dream me up this way?"

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Well, you guys are saying consciousness is all there is, so the universe is just a figment of our consciousness right? And when consciousness is aware of this fact, does it feel lonely, is what I'm asking

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1 minute ago, SpYITB said:

Well, you guys are saying consciousness is all there is, so the universe is just a figment of our consciousness right? And when consciousness is aware of this fact, does it feel lonely, is what I'm asking

Nope, you are connected with everything, that's the opposite of lonely

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@SpYITB just a couple of points that might clear something up for ya.. 

You are trying to grasp a finite meaning of infinity.. How can that work? 

How can one "understand" infinity?  The understanding is always finite.. How can your finite understanding hold the infinite?  Your understanding itself is being held within the infinite. 

The problem is you are assuming this infinity is a hidden metaphysical object.  Infinity is your direct experience itself and not hidden from you. 

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16 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

A wise man once asked me "why did you dream me up this way?"

Leo being salty about being bald I presume ? xD

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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13 minutes ago, Shin said:

Leo being salty about being bald I presume ? xD

xD he called me a devil to be precise. 

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1 hour ago, SpYITB said:

does it feel lonely, is what I'm asking

Would you feel lonely if you hugged an object/person you love so much you and the object/person became one?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Infinity gave me the ability last night to fall out of my body, through the floor into an endless void, and then into a new world which I explored.  Also, a statue of a woman bit the hell out of my finger and I decided to surrender to the pain before waking myself up. That was fun. (here's a tip, don't watch a scary movie before astral projection, it's just not responsible!! ????) 

Also, I suppose you can say infinity is how there was an apparent me to experience any of that. 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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6 hours ago, SpYITB said:

I have tripped on half a dozen edibles in the span of an hour, nothing more than that. I have not experienced absolute infinity, and if that is what reality is, I will gladly live the lie for a few more decades. My question to you all however is, do you really understand what infinity is? 

Consider seeing blueprints of Disneyland, experiencing Disneyland, and appearing as Disneyland while enjoying Disneyland eternally. Imagine rides there in which you forget and remember that you are Disneyland.  

6 hours ago, SpYITB said:

However, mere mortals cannot really grasp the concept of infinity, Users of 5-Meo claim they have experienced absolute infinity, uncountable dimensions, blah blah blah. And I'm sure they believe themselves to be telling the truth, but let me link you guys to a very large number. 1- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graham's_number

2-  https://waitbutwhy.com/2014/11/1000000-grahams-number.html 

If you’re appearing as Disneyland and experiencing yourself as such, there isn’t anything left to conceptualize or understand. It’d just be, you. 

6 hours ago, SpYITB said:

Read these articles throughly, make sure you really understand the magnitude of this number, keeping in mind that absolute infinity is an infinite magnitude of orders larger than this number, and then come back and tell me, have you really experienced absolute infinity, or just sensations and states of consciousness that your puny little limited consciousness cannot handle.

If a concept of Disneyland is mistaken to be Disneyland, it’d be missed that all there is is Disneyland. It’d be like standing in Disneyland looking at a blueprint believing that’s it, without looking around. 



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@SpYITB Yes there are magnitutes of infinity... Then there is the Absolute....

Awareness is infinite... There is "something" beyond the watcher .... Awareness has infinite potential but there is also "something" bigger within which this awareness itself is shining your entire life. The absolute... I cannot talk much about the absolute, there are more qualified beings. 

But what we can do is be the infinite Awareness (be Enlightened about your true nature) and in "doing" so we open the possibility to get intuitive conscious connection in the form of insights and synchronicities from the Absolute - that which is beyond even the conscious witness of this experience now.

Why I am saying that awareness is not the Absolute is because it is clear that awareness cannot stop being aware, which means there is still a limitation there, cannot be the Absolute. 

Lol, what im saying even if awareness is absolute, its not THE absolute. It's crazy crazy! 

Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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@SpYITB In true absolute infinity, concepts such as loneliness, or feelings, or any concept for that sake, are all gone and merged into one.  

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@SpYITB Infinity is not really as mysterious as it sounds. It just means lack of limitations. Have you ever experienced a limitation?

Another approach; This reality we live in, is it limited? Why would anyone even assume it to be limited? What is a limitation, really? And aren't all limitations imposed upon reality by the mind?

Edited by Gesundheit

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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12 minutes ago, Gesundheit said:

@SpYITB Infinity is not really as mysterious as it sounds. It just means lack of limitations. Have you ever experienced a limitation?

Another approach; This reality we live in, is it limited? Why would anyone even assume it to be limited? What is a limitation, really? And aren't all limitations imposed upon reality by the mind?

There appear to be many limitations to the human in time. Even awareness itself is limited as it is always aware, it cannot be not-aware. 

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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1 hour ago, Dodo said:

There appear to be many limitations to the human in time.

Time is an illusion created by the mind.

1 hour ago, Dodo said:

Even awareness itself is limited as it is always aware, it cannot be not-aware. 

Awareness is not aware or unaware. Awareness does not even exist. That's how empty it is.

Edited by Gesundheit

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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14 hours ago, SpYITB said:

I have tripped on half a dozen edibles in the span of an hour, nothing more than that. I have not experienced absolute infinity, and if that is what reality is, I will gladly live the lie for a few more decades. My question to you all however is, do you really understand what infinity is? First of all, there are an infinite number of magnitudes of infinity in mathematics(the lowest is the integers, second lowest is all real numbers, etc etc.) Furthermore, the size of the infinity that measures HOW MANY MAGNITUDES OF INFINITY there are is itself THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE INFINITY. All of this which Leo has said more or less I guess... 


However, mere mortals cannot really grasp the concept of infinity, Users of 5-Meo claim they have experienced absolute infinity, uncountable dimensions, blah blah blah. And I'm sure they believe themselves to be telling the truth, but let me link you guys to a very large number. 1- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graham's_number

2-  https://waitbutwhy.com/2014/11/1000000-grahams-number.html 


Read these articles throughly, make sure you really understand the magnitude of this number, keeping in mind that absolute infinity is an infinite magnitude of orders larger than this number, and then come back and tell me, have you really experienced absolute infinity, or just sensations and states of consciousness that your puny little limited consciousness cannot handle.

Your overlooking how crazy it is that your alive as a human? What is a human? What is this reality? This is fairly bizarre and the only reason this is happening because it has too. Because all possibilities must exist. Nothing is absolutely nothing so that means there is nothing holding it back from being everything it must be everything think this through logically. The only thing that could be behind anything is nothing which has no time not space it’s boundless it’s 0 which is the same as infinite . If there was a god that was something that something would have to be created by something and this is how we can conclude it must be like that up and down so to say forever and the only thing that could be behind that is nothing. This is super simple just super hard to communicate efficiently. Just logically think the question of why something instead of nothing through. 

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3 hours ago, Gesundheit said:

Awareness is not aware or unaware. Awareness does not even exist. That's how empty it is.

Awareness is the space in which all things exist. Awareness does not itself exist, which literally means to "stand out" or to be manifested. However, awareness is still real. It is you, it is me, it is now, it is the essence of all things but it is no-thing.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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