
How to navigate the "nutrition" challenge.

8 posts in this topic

Yo guys.

Got few things on mind. It would be great to hear your opinions on it.

I've educated myself quite a bit on nutrition in the last 5 years or so, read quite a few books, read quite a few studies. So overall, I know what is going on and what nutrients are needed, what is damaging, in what way and in which amounts. I am surely no expert, but I have a moderate grasp on it.

The thing that has tortured me recently is that the realization that... all these studies, books, videos, podcast.... pro vegan, pro carnivore, pro wheat.... you name it, are actually backed and heavily biased by the given industries. Its a war and not a pursuit of truth. Some of the facts are probably twisted and some framed in contexts that approve of whatever their thing is.

Right now I feel like I am back to basics. Like all I learned was almost for nothing.
And what I intend to do right now is to just eat the most nutritious local and seasonal food in its recognizable form, fresh, or somewhat cooked. See how it feels, see how my energy, focus, consciousness levels are.

How do you guys navigate this ?
Do you have any solid resources, or hints that can help with it.

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Every species has a natural diet, and the question you should be asking is 'what is the natural human diet?'. I recommend you read "We Want to Live" by Aajonus Vonderplanitz and "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" by Weston E. Price.

In short: the diet of our ancestors, as well as of indigenous groups who still live today, consists mainly of raw animal products. Raw meat, raw blood, raw dairy, raw fish. Cooking preferences vary from tribe to tribe - some do cook much of their meat, some do not at all. Also seasonal fruit, but keep in mind that most modern fruit is man-made, wild fruits were, for the most part, tiny, rare and sour. I'll write a post about my experience with this diet so far.

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17 hours ago, Yog said:

And what I intend to do right now is to just eat the most nutritious local and seasonal food in its recognizable form, fresh, or somewhat cooked. See how it feels, see how my energy, focus, consciousness levels are.

Seems to be a way to go about nutrition :)

I'd say 75% of the results come from eating whole foods. The rest comes from choosing the right diet and micromanaging stuff.

You will agree that there is no one optimal diet that will work best for every person. The best way to find the healthiest one for you is to monitor your body, stuff like CRP and cholesterol. That way you will know for sure how you react to food.

But it's also very helpful to know your genetics. You can get them tested with AncestryDNA or 23andme. My genes for example make me terrible at metabolizing fat so a low carb diet is one of the worst ones I can be on and I'll do much better on high carb.

I shoot vids about health (https://bit.ly/395NEhj)

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10 minutes ago, datamonster said:

@Yog For me diet is quite simple. I just look at what the people who live longest and healthiest today eat, and try to eat like them.

These people live in the so-called blue zones and they have been studied quite well. They have a predominantly whole foods plant-based diet, 


+ some meat like 5 times a month, eggs, goat cheese etc. is what blue zones eat according to google

Edited by PurpleTree

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Grab a generic academic nutrition book. Something academic, boring, non-flashy that explains basic nutrition, biochemistry etc. Something that objectively reviews evidence. Most commercial books on nutrition are biased as f..

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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There are some high quality sources, just need some intuition to believe the right people. Mainly avoid wheat and gluten products, dairy, soy, corn, sugar and all sorts of chemicals. Fasting is great, hope that works for you. 

If your body lets you eat less carbs, eat less, those will just make you more hungry and miserable. That was a game changer for me.

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@Yog my advice is pretty good.


<banned for jokes in the joke section>

Thought Art I am disappointed in your behavior ?

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Hey guys, thanks for replying and all your thoughts y'all.

On 10/14/2020 at 6:59 PM, Alexop said:

There are some high quality sources, just need some intuition to believe the right people. Mainly avoid wheat and gluten products, dairy, soy, corn, sugar and all sorts of chemicals. Fasting is great, hope that works for you. 

If your body lets you eat less carbs, eat less, those will just make you more hungry and miserable. That was a game changer for me.

Thanks man, I've already experienced the bad and draining effect of wheat products, so I am not eating that stuff anymore...

I've also noticed that fasting is great, it keeps my body light and my consciousness clean, I am doing intermittent fasting atm and eating mostly plain fermented yogurt + fruit smoothies. I am slowly adding stuff to see how it feels. Regarding carbs, eating fruit feels right for now, no bad effects, but wheat, seeds and starchy vegetables do not seem to work good so I'd be avoiding those.

On 10/14/2020 at 11:18 PM, UDT said:

@Yog my advice is pretty good.


Did you mean to refer to your you-tube channel, is that yours, the one in the description ? I do not hang out much around here.

On 10/13/2020 at 2:46 PM, Michael569 said:

Grab a generic academic nutrition book. Something academic, boring, non-flashy that explains basic nutrition, biochemistry etc. Something that objectively reviews evidence. Most commercial books on nutrition are biased as f..

Yea I did some of those, I've read all of Lyle McDonalds books for eg. They were very scientific, but still, when I see for that all the protein tests were done by just drinking 30g of powder on empty stomach and waiting to see what happens, it just seems very isolationist for me, we do not seem to eat that way :D Still it is probably the closest one  can get to objective data. Do you have any such books on mind, or a link you can refer to.

On 10/10/2020 at 11:30 AM, Village said:

Every species has a natural diet, and the question you should be asking is 'what is the natural human diet?'. I recommend you read "We Want to Live" by Aajonus Vonderplanitz and "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" by Weston E. Price.

In short: the diet of our ancestors, as well as of indigenous groups who still live today, consists mainly of raw animal products. Raw meat, raw blood, raw dairy, raw fish. Cooking preferences vary from tribe to tribe - some do cook much of their meat, some do not at all. Also seasonal fruit, but keep in mind that most modern fruit is man-made, wild fruits were, for the most part, tiny, rare and sour. I'll write a post about my experience with this diet so far.

Cool, thanks for the books man. I actually have those. Just need to put some time aside and study them. Post of how it all goes when you got smt :)

I've seen that raw, non-pasteurized milk is way easier on the stomach and it feels almost like water, fermented milk like yogurt, or kefir too, so I am keeping those, Just not sure about the whole cheese part, nor raw meat. I'll be looking more into organ meat too. I am in the "test everything" mood right now.

On 10/10/2020 at 9:38 PM, Villager Albert said:

Seems to be a way to go about nutrition :)

I'd say 75% of the results come from eating whole foods. The rest comes from choosing the right diet and micromanaging stuff.

You will agree that there is no one optimal diet that will work best for every person. The best way to find the healthiest one for you is to monitor your body, stuff like CRP and cholesterol. That way you will know for sure how you react to food.

But it's also very helpful to know your genetics. You can get them tested with AncestryDNA or 23andme. My genes for example make me terrible at metabolizing fat so a low carb diet is one of the worst ones I can be on and I'll do much better on high carb.

Oh I didn't know these tests could be done commercially and used for nutrition. Did you send them saliva in a bottle or smt ?

Right now the only measure I am doing is plain body feel. Eat smt, see if I feel light, good and energized, if the body likes it and proceed accordingly. Might be a good idea to add the kinds of measures you suggested in the future, or just go to the doctor and run some tests from time to time just to make sure I don't break something while testing. Healthcare is cheap here, at least that's good :D

@datamonster @PurpleTree

I haven't even heard of the concept before. I'll take a good look at it. 

Btw, when saying 95% plant based. What do you guys eat to meet your caloric intake. I felt that starchy nightshades work bad on my stomach, wheat too, well fruit might be good,  no bad effect with most of it.

All the other plant based foods I can think of are mostly fiber. So I wonder how does that work for you guys ? ?

Edited by Yog

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